I am sort of split on the issue.
I did competitive shooting for quite a few years, and just actually bought a gun [
this is type of gun I purchased, Glock 17]. I don't have my conceal and carry, and I'm not sure if I will get it or not. I'm on the fence.
One thing that bothers me is gun owners that don't know how to properly safe their weapon when it's not being carried.
This is something that happened just last month here in MN.
^This would have been completely avoidable had the gun owner locked their weapon up properly.
I know there are some here that say that there never would have been a chance of it happening if there wasn't a weapon there in the first place. And I agree, that's true. But guns are here, and they aren't just going away.
I am all for tighter regulations on how to purchase guns, and on who can own what type. Maybe elimitating sources to obtain weapons might be something, I don't know.
There is no reason to get a fucking M4 or AR-15 as a civie, no point at all, especially to keep one at home.
As it was, I bought mine through a equipment that sells to police officers and other uniformed personel (which I am). I don't even keep my weapon in my home. It's safe in a locker at the gun range (the local police allowed me to rent a locker with my post), in a locked box, cleared, and with a trigger lock, just to be damned safe. I use it for target shooting, which I help teach my old police post. (Teaching 14 year old cadets to use a weapon safely and train for competition. We have two dozen guns that are owned by the post that are kept at the range, but I use my own because, well, I like it better than the post owned ones and I shoot better with it. )
And I have Aspergers.
I am perfectly capable of being safe with a weapon. I'm sort of interested in how you folks would take that. I was taught by police officers how to use my weapon safely. I've shot in competitions. I went through every proper channel, registry, and everything. Should I be denied ownership of my gun? Or is it still my right?
EDIT: Uh, I just wanted to add that, I won't take offense no matter the response, I'm legit curious.