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Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread


Hello everyone! I know I've been suspiciously lurking till now. Time to share my thoughts.

- Have to agree that Zori/Seshas's choice to reveal themselves as a vig so early is strange.
- Ultracool as a watcher (? can't quite remember) and VM as a redirector seems legit based on the way the talked about it.
- Hydreigon25 strikes me as a new player who doesn't know what they're doing, also can't tell if the grudge between him and RNP is a joke or real :P RNP's role also seems legit to me.
- I feel like the reasons to doubt Tofu's claim are a bit flimsy. None of my (Burgh)'s abilities use names of canon moves or abilities, though they're based on things to do with my character.
- Neutral on everyone else.

I want to wait a bit longer to vote, though I'm leaning towards Zori at the moment.
looks pretty good. if i had to make a suggestion it would be townreading “bruh moment”. keep it up sport.
Vote Zori

I'll take my vote off if you tell us what your passive ability is. Why would you claim vig (which the mafia would want to target you for) but not want to tell us your non-badge ability, which is surely less powerful?

Speaking of claims, my non-badge ability lets my target write a message on the modpost if they die, so I'll be targeting Zori tonight.
six hours to EoD!

thank you for this! I was in the middle of assembling a vote count but that's no longer necessary haha

breaking it down by person to make it easier for me to read (and adding in myuma's vote too):

Zori (8): rari, Herbe, VM, Ysabel, Ultracool, Tofu, Mawile, myuma
VM (1): RNP
Ultracool (1): Jack
bluwii (1): Zori
abstain (1): Hydrei

vote not placed (6): bluwii, ZM, Stryke, Negrek, koko, bruh
as I've said before I fundamentally do not trust it when a wagon zooms out of control with no rival wagon, so I'm inclined to read this as a situation where either zori is town or where scum!zori's teammates are bandwagoning her

I don't know who else to push on, though
Speaking of claims, my non-badge ability lets my target write a message on the modpost if they die, so I'll be targeting Zori tonight.
Wait a moment - meowhaps you should target me if we are going with my meowtlandish plan to get me killed to find a member of the Meowfia?
But why on earth would the mafia target you at all if they know you're just going to watch yourself? If you just keep watching yourself every night your role has been reduced to nothing
after iso'ing RSP ( prepare for a long post of game relevant posts )

where the fuck is stryke
Meow about we lynch an inactive player for lack of a better option? 😺
no. perish. only i'm allowed to start a stryke wagon. and only when he's active.
it also seems a bit early to lynch rnp

vipera magnifica

Trying to Yeet VM

well i should clarify. my badge power is weird.
first of all it takes a whopping 8 badges, so dump them into me i guess

second of all, it's both a night *and* day ability. it takes up two phases.

during one day, i post I'm going on a journey. Come with me. and then the following night, any mafia who doesn't visit me has their role and alignment revealed to me. so basically the mafia has to kill me or be totally revealed

^ RNP asking for badges

i am never going to get 8 badges, so it's almost completely useless
presumably because i'm going on a journey to beat 8 gyms and seeing how the other gym leaders act in day-to-day life? i dunno

on death i provide 3 badges, split however i feel like it. i told mf that unless i specifically say otherwise they all go to stryke

^ oh really, why does stryke receive all 3 ?

this is literally the only ability i have other than Intimidate.
Ahahaha, I just realized... If RNP is telling the truth about his role, and I use my Attract power on RNP, none of the mafia would be able to target RNP and he would find out who all the mafia are.
i've gotten used to these things working in the most frustrating possible way so mf would probably say "well, technically your ability is you targetting yourself, so now it's you letting vm use it, yadda yadda eat shit"
You guys will never know my powers because not even I know my powers
They meowst be pretty powerful, then 🙀
pretty sure he's just saying he didn't read his role pm
i say this because that's a jojo reference and stryke is an asshole
not you

the other vote on you ruined my appetite for stryke blood

i have to be the first vote. it's not special otherwise
rari you're amazing i appreciate you and you're an amazing member of this community but you damn near gave me a heart attack with the 14 notifications
just turn off reaction notifications tbh
don't you tell me what to do ghost boy
Connects a
lie detector to

question 1. do you have an ability that will hurt town more than help ?
question 2. are you a mafia aligned or outgroup ?
1. yes
2. both
hydreigon i get you're mad at me for bringing attention to things you do wrong that people keep telling you how to do right, but i'm the vengeful one here so don't touch my racket
That's a bluff, right? Right?? 😲
it's better for my poker game if i tell you i never bluff
I'm not feeling super compelled by a lynch on either Zori or Mr. Ultracool at the moment, but I'm not feeling super compelled to lynch at all--with no deaths the first night, we essentially have another "free night" for inforoles with a decreased information disparity between Town and Mafia. In this scenario I think the downside of mislynching is higher than usual, since the worst case with no lynch is simply "another N0 but Town gets a second swing at all inforoles," compared to the worst case with a mislynch being "another N0 but Town gets a second swing at all inforoles, excluding the one we jettisoned." If absolutely forced to choose, I feel worse about Zori than Mr. Ultracool at the moment.

Anyway, I'll claim because I don't have a problem with people knowing, and it sounds like I wouldn't be a prime target atm:

I think mine like a one-shot ability duplicator: with my photography skills, I can choose a person to copy their action. Then, the next night or day phase (it said night or day? Are there day actions?), I will use that action. It could be useful if I know for sure who I am copying, but could also just fail if people fake roleclaim, so I'm a bit hesitant about it (especially now early game). Like I said, it's only a one-shot as well.

Just for reference in case people missed my other post: when I die, I can give two badges to someone of my choosing.
Hmm, so if I understand this right, you'd first use your ability in the night, targeting a person, and then MF would send you a PM saying what the ability you obtained was? Or are you not informed of what ability you get and just automatically use it at the next opportunity? Do you get to pick the target for your copied ability, or is it random, or perhaps aimed at the same player as the ability was originally aimed at?

If you're told the ability you got, even before you use it, this still seems quite powerful for its ability to confirm a claim... and obviously if you copied something useful, it could be quite powerful to get a second instance of it for a night.

rnp if you're telling the truth it was massively unwise to reveal your role like that tbh
yeah let me just grab 8 badges out of my fuckin cookie jar and pull out this power that notifies the mafia of when i'm using it
I'm confused, do you mean the mafia would literally receive a system message telling them that they would all need to target you or have their alignments revealed to you, or just that they would know you'd used it because they would see the trigger phrase?

Also, what's the flavor for your abilities?
intimidate, cuzza my Stoutland, and Journey, cuz i actually, yknow, rivalled the main character of bw1 and went on a journey before i became a leader in bw2
i would have personally gone for, like, Odor Sleuth or Take Down or, fuckin, i dunno, Retaliate, but far be it from me to criticize the illustrious gm
they get told "you should visit redneckphoenix tonight".
or some flavor-y message
but, uh, let's, let's see how it transpires.
not for any particular reason i just don't like people telling me what to do
i'm also gonna call bullshit on tofu
their roleclaim is utter horseshit like von's in ooctvtmqm

everyone else needs badges but now tofu's like "i'm special, fuck you it's a one-shot"
tofu is almost definitely hiding either a badge cost or a different Actual Role but i'm gonna go be sick so i'll be back in like 10 minutes
i have an ability that costs nothing by virtue of it being an intrinsic and i have my badge ability

tofu also said their vivillon's move was to give 2 badges but in my role pm my badge-handy-outy effect was specifically neither a pokemon effect nor a trainer effect, just a Thing

OMG!!! ^ ( if that is what i think it is then more likely to be Anti-Town )

i think tofu is an outgroup or possibly a tp that has a really weird role pm and she's trying to make it seem like she has a normal role pm
my pm says the same thing but for my 3 basic badges. it's not an ability, it's something that everyone just. has
mafia, if you hit tofu last night and she didn't die, try hitting her again. chances are if that happened she's an alien

^ open-wolf reveal ?

Idk it just said "colorful scatter" was the move and I give away my badges through it. It made sense to me when I read it because it was like, I dead but my Pokemon isn't, so it helped me out? Maybe it's just to balance the power of my other role by making my Pokemon's role not really do anything, idk M&F's mind.
everyone speak up if your pokemon's action isn't actually the name of a move or an ability
mafia, if you hit tofu last night and she didn't die, try hitting her again. chances are if that happened she's an alien
Alien? Why do you think that
it's reminding me heavily of your "i wanna get lynched" play and you two are rather similar
twould explain both the night 0 nokill and also the poopoo claim
again, it sounds like tofu is either asking to be lynched or just really fucking up a fakeclaim
i mean the part of your play where you claimed to not have a one-shot multiple times and didn't back down

this is choice mafia

you chose a gen 6 gym leader
burgh! bugsy!
basically they're claiming a role pm that's way different in structure to any claimed
i don’t really see an inherent issue with that?
mf said in the sign-up post that generally every role would have a badge power. i can only imagine that a non-badge role would be someone who's trying to get lynched or can blow up alone
I'd much rather prefer to Abstain than to Mis-Yeet someone that could be town
why are you italicizing and underlining random words

^ This is RNP not knowing what hints/bread crumbs are

hey don't give them a plausible claim! let them come up with it on their own

if i know mf and i'm like 70% sure i do, consistent bastardry is what they specialize in.
or tofu saw your play in ooctvtmqm and immediately knew with how fast and vehemently i jumped on it that i would do so again because i like to do that
still rubs me the wrong way i say we put a watcher on tofu

why would town/RSP suggest that ^

I'd much rather prefer to Abstain than to Mis-Yeet someone that could be town
why are you italicizing and underlining random words

Sorry I don't answer any questions from someone that could be possible scum
hydreigon i swear to fucking god you're just trying to set me off now

fucking EVERYONE is possible scum it's DAY ONE
hydreigon you need to get over your grudge you literally try to make me look sus in every game we both are in even when i'm basically confirmed town
either tofu doesn't get to use their action for fear of being implicated or tofu uses their action and ultracool sees it

or in the absolute rare case that tofu is actually innocent, nothing
or they investigated zori and are saying they're town
i don't think hydrei has the finesse for that though
inforoles are told i'm mafia too.
i think, at least. the wording is kind of weird. let me go ask the gm to clarify
basically super-miller
ok i cleared it up with the gm

an alignment check would tell the person that i'm town and then also tell them i'm mafia

^ WTF ?

Connects a lie detector to RedneckPhoenix

question 1. do you have an ability that will hurt town more than help ?
question 2. are you a mafia aligned or outgroup ?
1. yes
2. both

you admitted to being Mafia/outgroup

hydreigon you need to get over your grudge you literally try to make me look sus in every game we both are in even when i'm basically confirmed town
so basically RNP your actions since then haven't been town-like
Pretty sure I'm gonna be Zzzing past eod time unfortunately, so Zori for lack of any better ideas :( Amphy nooooo!!
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