• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Hallo, hallo!


Fire is life, not just destruction.
Hi there, I'm Jude, or Charlie. Whatever floats your boats. Pathos showed me this forum a while back and I was too shy to join then, but now I've had a change of heart and want to give this place a whirl. It seems pretty rad, especially with the ASB section. I hope I can give it a try at some point!

What else is there to say but hello, I hope I can stay here. :D?
Hello, friend of Pathos! Nice to meet you. The ASB system is actually pretty neat, yes. :o
Yeah, ASB is awesome.

Welcome to TCoD. Enjoy your stay here! Everyone is nice here! :D
Hi! (sorry, I had to. I'm a lot more mature than that. *ahem*...)

Welcome! I'm Blade. ASB is awesome, yes. Plus pathos is controlling a Darkrai that is trying to destroy all of us. That's always fun.

So, enjoy your stay and have a great time! (By the way, is the avatar your own? It looks really cool.)
Thank you for the warm welcome! And no, sadly. I did not make it. If you hover over it, it credits Acidicsubstance from Furaffinity. I found the image on Tumblr with no source credited, so I went hunting for the original artist. It's nifty, isn't it?
Thank you for the warm welcome! And no, sadly. I did not make it. If you hover over it, it credits Acidicsubstance from Furaffinity. I found the image on Tumblr with no source credited, so I went hunting for the original artist. It's nifty, isn't it?

Yes, it's quite realistic as well. Sort of what a feraligatr would look life if it were real. (assuming that's a feraligatr, it could also be a croconaw.)
Hi there, don't be shy here! Have some tea and cod.

I have to say, you started in grand style here, that's a great avatar you have!
Thank you! Tea actually sounds lovely right now, it's freezing cold where I'm at. Haha. My avatar is indeed a Feraligatr, the poor bugger was my first ever Pokemon in a game(or rather, Totodile, but yeah), so I have a fondness for it.

I like this picture very much myself, I should see if the artist has any more Pokemon pictures in this particular style! Glad to see that others like it, too. I have a soft spot for semi-realistic Pokemon drawings, really.

EDIT: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3424223/

That's the source of the image. Took me ages to find it, sadly. I found the picture in a Tumblr post, but the artist was not credited. I went on a little dig to find the original, and voila!
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Hi. Please try not to be killed by Pathos. Join ASB.

(Or, in other words:)

Welcome to...


where Asber is currently being destroyed
Holy cow, I have not greeted you yet?

Well, hello. I'm Richie, the resident Raichu. I like to give Pokemon eggs as gifts. I also like soup and DBZ. You seem neat.
Have fun here.
OH HEY STRANGER. (I joined, please don't kill me right off the bat, ahh!)

And hello, hello, hello! Fun fact: DBZ was most of my childhood. :B

And please do not eat me, I may be made of meat, but I don't like to be eaten. D:

Anyway, I'm Frostagin, the local Hetalia addict. I'm random too. Have some Earl Grey. It's good.
Welcome. I'm fairly new as well. I'm the resident talking pencil, apparently. (Use me to write with and I'll erase your left pinky fingernail.) :)
Hello Jude or Charlie! My boat floats no matter what, it seems. Well I may be sort of late, but I'd like to say hello as well! That's...about all I got. Hope you enjoy your time here!
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