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Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [Town Win]

Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D1]

>Newbies whø løøked at øld games

Pretty sure all øf us are at least sømewhat experienced.
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D1]

I will diverge that I did not use my night action tonight, because it would not be beneficial for me to be making stabs in the dark.

What's with the zeroes, LS?
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D1]

I'm pretty sure just abøut everybødy has had a game with Mai at øne pøint ør anøther.


Oh yeah I guess that's true.. She does play a lot hmm?? Do we have any other leads, though??

Also Kar I believe that's a typing quirk.. Seems a few of us are getting...... in character??
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D1]

Øf cøurse that's my typing quirk.

I decided that I'd just be myself this game.
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D1]

*noth!ng to see here*

! didn`t use my n!ght act!on, because !t`s my job to place my large hulking mass !n front of others, and, well, n!ght zero !s hard. (You may be able to guess my s!gn and role from that, but !t's kept vague !n case the k!llers have to know exactly.) Anyway, !f there`s no leads, !`m all for a lynch!ng of randomness.
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Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D1]

Hey guys

Høw abøut instead øf sitting arøund and døing nøthing, we try tø figure øut the server/client chain?

At the very least, it wøuld be useful tø try tø get peøple møre active, and easier tø spøt inactives.
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D1]


I''ve got a theory that the server//client relations are based on sign -- typically each zodiac sign has two that they get along with best.. I''m doing some more research into this..
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D1]


I''ve got a theory that the server//client relations are based on sign -- typically each zodiac sign has two that they get along with best.. I''m doing some more research into this..

I think that the chain is randømised.

I ønly recieved my Server and Client after I gøt my røle.
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D1]


well that's problematic then.. Grrrr.. that was my only idea for a lead,, too..
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D1]

One way or the other, I did place in a rule about not revealing one's server/client, so as to prevent ample teamups.

I've let it slide with Mai just now, but, it'd be appreciable for the uninformed majority to remain comparatively uninformed.

Also, I might have already mentioned this much, so, as a restatement, the server/client chain is based on the roles and built mostly for balance.
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D1]

Wøw I was just ninja'd by GM and had twø delete my pøst abøut my server and client.

I think I'll take a better løøk at the rules nøw.

EDIT: Rules = Read
I didn't even see that, it was hidden in the text /:

Well, my idea før figuring øut the chain just gøt bløwn up, søøøøøøøø........
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D1]


My idea is totally destroyed too so may as well abstain myself.. Grrrrr..
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D1]

*sweatdrop* Woops. Gonna pretend ! d!dn`t do that before...

! don`t want to absta!n, so ! won`t. !nstead, ! w!ll say that ! th!nk that s!nce the cl!ent/server cha!n !s so set, the order must have to do w!th the c!rcle of the zod!ac, one way or another. ! would also pos!t that whoever the k!llers are, they are probably compatable s!gns (three form!ng a tr!angle). So !f we can f!gure out one, we can get the rest based on placement.
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D1]

!nstead, ! w!ll say that ! th!nk that s!nce the cl!ent/server cha!n !s so set, the order must have to do w!th the c!rcle of the zod!ac, one way or another. ! would also pos!t that whoever the k!llers are, they are probably compatable s!gns (three form!ng a tr!angle). So !f we can f!gure out one, we can get the rest based on placement.
Wait a sec. My sign and my client's are right next to one another. You might be right!
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D1]

Also, I might have already mentioned this much, so, as a restatement, the server/client chain is based on the roles and built mostly for balance.
Sorry, but I think you guys are barking up the wrong tree looking at the zodiac. MF just stated that the chain was mostly built for balance, so it's unlikely that the zodiac plays into it much (unless he first tried to balance the roles against the zodiac order), and just putting people into place based on their signs seems a bit obvious if he was hoping we wouldn't figure it out.

I don't much like abstaining either. We really don't have much to go on now, though, and unless something else comes up soon, that's what I'll do.
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D1]

Okay, after a l!ttle research (W!k!ped!a), the s!gns !n order w!th assoc!ated elements, season, and compatible types color-coord!nated:

P!g, Y!n Water, W!nter
Rat, Yang Water, W!nter
Ox, Y!n Earth, W!nter
T!ger, Yang Wood, Spr!ng
Rabb!t, Y!n Wood, Spr!ng
Dragon, Yang Earth, Spr!ng
Snake, Y!n Fire, Summer
Horse, Yang Fire, Summer
Sheep, Y!n Earth, Summer
Monkey, Yang Metal, Fall
Rooster, Y!n Metal, Fall
Dog, Yang Earth, Fall

Assum!ng some k!nd of relat!onsh!p w!th the k!llers, there are several ways to spl!t them, based on element, compatab!l!ty, season, or none of the above. Th!ng !s, !n my cha!n, !`m not compat!ble w!th my group, nor are they !n order, wh!ch throws that b!t out. However, based on what !`m guessing, ! w!ll vote for Legendaryseeker99. ! have reason to suspect the red group (w!th LS cla!m!ng as T!ger) are the k!llers. Add!t!onally, he seems rather qu!ck to g!ve up and absta!n, and, !f he fl!ps !nnocent, we can keep the other known red as a safe non-k!ller. (Th!s rel!es on them tell!ng the truth and that be!ng the way of tell!ng who !s the k!llers, but we`ve no other leads.)
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D1]

HighMøøn is the ønly øne whø hasn't pøsted - if they døn't pøst by the end øf tømørrøw/Day 3, we can always lynch them if we have nø leads.

EDIT: I like høw I'm ninja'd and vøted før lynching because I was twø quick twø abstain, and in my pøst I'm suggesting a lynch.
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D1]

I'm here, I just don't have anything to say in the matter. Sorry if I've been busy with working and not getting enough sleep.

...also, really LS99.
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