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Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [Town Win]

Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D1]

I happen to know that LS99 is innocent. So, uh, nope.
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D1]

HighMøøn is the ønly øne whø hasn't pøsted - if they døn't pøst by the end øf tømørrøw/Day 3, we can always lynch them if we have nø leads.

EDIT: I like høw I'm ninja'd and vøted før lynching because I was twø quick twø abstain, and in my pøst I'm suggesting a lynch.

Sorry. !t was a theory. The Blue group !s the other !`m susp!c!ous of, but no one has cla!med to be from there, and may not now. Or ! could be bark!ng up the wrong tree, or someone !s ly!ng.
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D1]

oh great, now ii have two thiink of an appropriiate quiirk. ii'l ju2t u2e 2ollux'2 iin the meantiime.

ii have no vote for now.
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D1]

Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D1]

I will abstain as well, I suppose.
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Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D1]

Hey guys, what did yøu think abøut my suggestiøn øf lynching HighMøøn if they still haven't pøsted in a Day phase ør twø?
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D1]

Hey guys, what did yøu think abøut my suggestiøn øf lynching HighMøøn if they still haven't pøsted in a Day phase ør twø?


Moons did post,, you blind or somethin'' bro??

Either way it''s mighty suspicious..

I''ve got my eye on you..

ETA:: and then i was ninja''d
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D1]

Can we not have stupid typing quirks? It's irritating enough reading them in-comic, imo.

Regardless I'm going to abstain and refrain from guessing based on the Chinese Zodiac. I somehow doubt that will help much.
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D1]

Finding no considerable clues on the scene proper, the players proceeded to speculate about their signs.

And not a single killer was found that day.

No one was lynched.

48 hours for night actions.
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [N1]

When morning rose again -- that is, after a certain span of hours, given that time did not truly pass in-game -- the far more disturbing scene was found much quicker.

Negrek and Karkat Vantas, both early to the main room, found that it had been so thoroughly littered with dead surskitty bodies that you could make a pile of them and discuss feelings while lying on it. If you didn't mind the blood, guts and so on forth.

A bloodstained note was found lying around at the scene. It read:

"Brace yourself for a dash of danger.
~Future you"

Hero of time that she was, surskitty must have been trying to get her past selves to avoid this fate. Nonetheless, it seemed that the killer was much too strong, having disposed of every alternate timeline self that she could summon.

Anyone with a proper knowledge of timelines knew by now that the main room wasn't the only thing that became an utter mess the night previous -- time itself now faced bad changes of unwinding badly.

surskitty, the Witch of Time, is dead. She was innocent.

48 hours for discussion.
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D2]

Oh goodness. Thaaaat's not good. At least, the flavor text says so, at least.

So now what? Anyone got anything?
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D2]




But anyway,, let''s get things started,, and quick.. No time to waste..

Based on the previous day,, and my own private knowledge,, LS99,, you''ve got to go..
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D2]


Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D1]

And if we had done that yesterday? Sorry, little bitter here. I take it that Negrek is next, then, as
I happen to know that LS99 is innocent. So, uh, nope.

So, LS99 away! (Speaking of which, I'd loooooove to know how they survived last night.)
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