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Re: Not letting gays adopt because the kid could get teased... that's the most terrible reasoning ever. That's like not letting a black couple adopt because people might be racist, or someone with a deformity adopt because the kid might get teased about thier weird-looking parent. Or something. My point is, it's silly. :/

And gay couples shouldn't be given any more "are you fit to be a parent?" tests than straight ones. I don't want kids to be given over to abusive homes, but there's nothing suggesting that straight couples are better parents than gay ones.
The test should consist of questions, (of which I can't be bothered thinking up), aimed at verifying whether or not the applying couple would make genuine, caring parents. The reason for it being there is because homophobic-christian-types wouldn't otherwise shut up. (Though i'm sure they'll find other means by which to complain.)

Why should homosexuals have to verify that they're not shit parents to satisfy bigots exactly?

Seriously, I know you give a few more reasons but what the hell kind of reasoning is this? Why should someone's rights be infringed just because someone else is a bigoted ass hole?

Oh, I most likely referred to 'two men' in my example because they both have penises, *cough* like me.

What!? Penises!? Gees, fucking gay men and their penises, we heterosexual men get along perfectly fine without those things!

And when I think of the term "adopt" I think more of: "a kid between the age of 6-11."

So? Heterosexuals are dealing with a child, unless they adopt, from the moment they're born.

..The poor kid would get the piss taken out of him at school.

This is effectively your first argument. I still don't see why you think it's right to breach someone's rights to satisfy a bigot's discriminatory views.
..The poor kid would get the piss taken out of him at school.

This is stupid. I got teased at various schools for any of the following things:

- Being half-black and half-white
- Not wanting to talk to anybody
- Using big words
- Almost always reading some random book

Kids will tease other kids for dumbass reasons. It will never change. It will always be like that. Some kids are just assholes. Everybody is different, and some random kid will feel the need to point out that difference and make fun of it. What really needs to be fixed are the way teachers take action, because they hardly fucking ever dealing with teasing.
If you want to satisfy the bigots that say homosexuals are inferior as parents, then you must satisfy my bigotry that they are complete assholes that need to be silenced.

i win
What about a couple where one of the men/women have a child from a previous het relationship? Should they still take the test?
Yes... and any sensible person who has a kid would bring them along, for the sake of adopting someone they'd get along with, and for the kid to say that they're good parents.

The kid should voluntarily get to fill out a very simplified test about their parent(s)
Re: Not letting gays adopt because the kid could get teased... that's the most terrible reasoning ever.
I don't want kids to be given over to abusive homes, but there's nothing suggesting that straight couples are better parents than gay ones.

And if the kid is constantly getting their face punched in at school because their adoptive parents are gay, and the adoptive parents are just like "deal with it."

That's why I think a test is good, and it's not solely aimed at homosexual couples, but they'd face different situations with their children as opposed to straight couples. Tell me i'm wrong, but there's bound to be differences, and that's what I believe.

Alternately, a kid with straight parents could get their face punched in every day at a school full of kids with homosexual parents, and the straight parents couldn't care less
Why should homosexuals have to verify that they're not shit parents to satisfy bigots exactly?

Seriously, I know you give a few more reasons but what the hell kind of reasoning is this? Why should someone's rights be infringed just because someone else is a bigoted ass hole?

Honestly, anyone adopting should have to take a test to verify that they're not shit parents, and I do imagine some of the questions would vary between people. So you're telling me you believe that both gay and straight couples reserve the right to adopt a child regardless on how good or crap parents they'd make? I doubt they'd put a test like that in place just in spite of religious nutjobs. But it would be one of the many reasons.

What!? Penises!? Gees, fucking gay men and their penises, we heterosexual men get along perfectly fine without those things!

I fail to see how a penisless heterosexual man would get along "perfectly fine.."

Penises aside, you know the only reason I was referring to gay male couples is because i'm male myself, and i'm a lot closer to being a gay male than I am to being a gay female. I envisage myself in these situations, (as a gay male), and think about problems/solutions, what should/shouldn't happen, ect.

This is effectively your first argument. I still don't see why you think it's right to breach someone's rights to satisfy a bigot's discriminatory views.

Trust me, I get in to a LOT of arguments.. i'm like a fuckin' argument magnet. =\
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And if the kid is constantly getting their face punched in at school because their adoptive parents are gay, and the adoptive parents are just like "deal with it."

And if the kid is constantly getting their face punched in at school because their adoptive parents are interracial, and the adoptive parents are just like "deal with it."

What makes homosexuality any different from a dozen other ways parents can differ from the norm? Any "test" would be discrimination, pure and simple, of the worst possible kind.
And if the kid is constantly getting their face punched in at school because their adoptive parents are gay, and the adoptive parents are just like "deal with it."

What about kids who are tormented because their parents are poor?
What about kids who are tormented because their parents are a racial minority?
Hell, what about anything. I still don't see the reasoning behind "A group should have their rights revoked because other people are ass holes to them." That's not catering to the victims pleas for help that's catering to the bigots pleas for segregation and discrimination.

That's why I think a test is good, and it's not solely aimed at homosexual couples, but they'd face different situations with their children as opposed to straight couples. Tell me i'm wrong, but there's bound to be differences, and that's what I believe.

If it's not solely aimed at homosexual couples why're you arguing that it should only be for homosexuals wanting to adopt?

Also it's up to you to supply reasons for your arguments; relying on other people to say whether or not there are difference in homosexual couples as opposed to straight couples isn't good debating and you should've listed some points, especially since the only differences I can think of are lack of one type of genitalia in the family and homophobia, the latter of which can be compared with just about every other type of discrimination that we widely regard as "not good" nowadays.

Alternately, a kid with straight parents could get their face punched in every day at a school full of kids with homosexual parents, and the straight parents couldn't care less

I don't see how the sexuality of the parents has anything to do with this example, considering the similar one you gave above basically negates this one.

Honestly, anyone adopting should have to take a test to verify that they're not shit parents, and I do imagine some of the questions would vary between people. So you're telling me you believe that both gay and straight couples reserve the right to adopt a child regardless on how good or crap parents they'd make? I doubt they'd put a test like that in place just in spite of religious nutjobs. But it would be one of the many reasons.

Likelihood is there's already something in place to try and make sure children don't go to abusive homes, but I don't know enough about adoption so don't take my word for it. Either way this should be for all couples, not just for homosexual ones as you've been saying.

I fail to see how a penisless heterosexual man would get along "perfectly fine.."

You haven't spent enough time on the Internet.

Penises aside, you know the only reason I was referring to gay male couples is because i'm male myself, and i'm a lot closer to being a gay male than I am to being a gay female. I envisage myself in these situations, (as a gay male), and think about problems/solutions, what should/shouldn't happen, ect.

Um, surely the only thing that'd change would be that you like men more than women? Or is there something I'm missing?

Trust me, I get in to a LOT of arguments.. i'm like a fuckin' argument magnet. =\

I meant 'argument' as being synonymous with 'point'.
are kids actually bullied because their parents are gay? there's a girl in our grade whose parents are lesbian, and I think most people know that, and it really doesn't come up, ever. it's probably just that our school is a rich, private school in a big city.
(Sorry to be really picky, but it's one of my pet hates; lesbian is a noun, and is only as an adjective whe talking about something something related to a gay female (or the island Lesbos), never the female herself. A woman can be a lesbian (and more than one "lesbians"), but never simply "lesbian".
...Unless you're House addressing Thirteen.)

I'd love to know how kids at my old school would've reacted to a kid with gay parents. That was the thing with that school; there was very little homophobia, religious intolerance or racism because there were no (out) gay people, nobody really cared much about religion and 99% of the population were white caucasian. :/
If it's not solely aimed at homosexual couples why're you arguing that it should only be for homosexuals wanting to adopt?
Honestly, anyone adopting should have to take a test to verify that they're not shit parents,

I fail to see how a penisless heterosexual man would get along "perfectly fine.."
You haven't spent enough time on the Internet.
And you've obviously spent too much..
adoption forms aren't a novel idea, hth
And if it's a test for children, then I fail to see how it would work for really small kids who can't write or read yet. Anyway, adoption's been around for ages and it works decently, even though orphanages are often pretty shitty because of lack of funding, so I don't think a child test should be implemented.
That's what social workers are for. You don't just lump the kid in a home and never see them again. They get accompanied by a social worker till they're about eighteen, I think.
And if the kid is constantly getting their face punched in at school because their adoptive parents are gay, and the adoptive parents are just like "deal with it."
I got tormented for having parents who kept a lot of animals
I even got tormented for living with my dad and not my mum

Kids will get picked on /no matter what/ so there is no reason to not let homo couples adopt, or have that daft test or whatever

Don't adoption agencies review the potential parents very carefully anyway?
Not sure, i've never actually been to an orphanage before, and it probably varies between countries.
No, no, no, they review candidates very well. All adoption agencies have set standards, even the ones desperately trying to get rid of children, like China. I suppose countries that don't fund their agencies have worse standards, but they do have them.

Read up on things if you're going to make allegations.
I know this will sound weird but I don't really see people as their sexual identity. Granted, sometimes you can just tell when a guy is gay or when a girl likes other girls. I often find that people don't always fit strictly into being gay, bisexual or straight. Sometimes they just love someone and you get the impression that they'd love that person regardless of what gender they were born.

I know why every person must be tested and I agree with that. But if the parent(s) are loving and can support the child, then I see no reason why they can't care for the child as their own. It's better to be cared for by people who love you then a system. I can't speak from personal experience but my grandad was in an orphanage himself, from a young age until he grew up, so I could ask my nan if he ever spoke about it and what he said. But I doubt he'll prefer it to the homelife he had before.

Anyway, I've never seen what's wrong with people loving the same gender as themselves. It happens in the animal kingdom, so it's not un-natural. An all-loving God would surely have no problem with it, since it's spreading more love between all mankind. I'd rather have openly gay couples being able to share their love with a child or any children they bring into their home - then see the child alone in an orphanage and the parents hiding their sexuality for fear of being judged or told they can't adopt.

Basically - I support gay rights, being gay does occur in nature and sod people who suggest otherwise.
I know this will sound weird but I don't really see people as their sexual identity. Granted, sometimes you can just tell when a guy is gay or when a girl likes other girls. I often find that people don't always fit strictly into being gay, bisexual or straight. Sometimes they just love someone and you get the impression that they'd love that person regardless of what gender they were born.

I know why every person must be tested and I agree with that. But if the parent(s) are loving and can support the child, then I see no reason why they can't care for the child as their own. It's better to be cared for by people who love you then a system. I can't speak from personal experience but my grandad was in an orphanage himself, from a young age until he grew up, so I could ask my nan if he ever spoke about it and what he said. But I doubt he'll prefer it to the homelife he had before.

Anyway, I've never seen what's wrong with people loving the same gender as themselves. It happens in the animal kingdom, so it's not un-natural. An all-loving God would surely have no problem with it, since it's spreading more love between all mankind. I'd rather have openly gay couples being able to share their love with a child or any children they bring into their home - then see the child alone in an orphanage and the parents hiding their sexuality for fear of being judged or told they can't adopt.

Basically - I support gay rights, being gay does occur in nature and sod people who suggest otherwise.

Well said.
So me and my other classmates just had a fight over California's Prop 8 (Click!) I said no for it, which means that I support gay marriage (I dunno why.... I just do :/ I think it's because I'm too sympathetic for harshly treated peoples and races and such.) and all my Christian friends and such are like "ZOMG Y U WEIRDO" and make all these points about how God made us this way, and went on a rant sort of. And then some people who basically know nothing at all say "O HEY U SUPPORT GAY MARRIAGE NOW UR A GAY FAG HURR." And then we continued on, and I said how people should be treated equally, then they just randomly threw around some facts about how not reproducing is wrong and that you'll burn in hell for it. o_O
The conversation ended with us all agreeing that a) Obama>McCain, and b) Beyonce trying to be named Sasha Fierce is weird. I don't know how we got to that....
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