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Actually I don't like the idea of having a Gay Day in kindergarten. I mean... I don't know. It just feels weird, trying to teach such young kids about sex.

Uuh, the article says nothing about sex. This isn't some kind of sex education; the kids'll just be told that gay people exist and aren't ravenous paedophiles or whatever that group says gays are.

There's a difference between a gay person, a gay relationship and gay sex - kids are bombarded with hererosexual media all the time (how many Disney movies end with the prince and pincess getting married?), but nobody says "but oh, that's teaching them about sexuality!".
This kind of homophobic double-standard that exists in our society makes me sick.
I see nothing wrong with telling children that gay people exist. I didn't know that homosexual people existed until like 5th grade, and everyone was kind of homophobic about it. Besides, little kids know that boys and girls go out - they see it in movies, on the streets, in stories, everywhere.

There's an amendment being made where I live. People could vote for or against it on early voting. Should Marriage be redefined to being only between a man and a woman? Actually, the question was something like "Shouldn't marriage not be redefined to not be ever between only a man and a woman?" My dad voted a few days ago and said the questions were phrased as negatives and it was bothersome. Nonetheless, he voted that marriage should not be only between a man and a woman. :]

There was a woman speaking on the radio this morning. She was talking about how sickening this gay day was and how marriage should be only between a man and a woman and she moved out of Massachusetts and bla bla bla. What she said, and particularly the way she said it, made me quite angry.
Yeah, I don't see why you guys think teaching kids how to be open and accepting towards homosexuality has to have an element of sex in it. They're just talking about what it is, not discussing the intricacies of anal sex or scissoring.
Like I said, it's just a gut feeling. I don't like the thought of introducing the concept of homosexuality to kindergarteners, that's all.
You introduce the concept of heterosexuality as soon as the thing's born; why can't we introduce gays at age four? (or whatever)
In my experience, kindergarteners think that the other gender is gross.
Nah. It's more of "the other gender is gross unless I am currently playing with them" up until around age nine, when the other gender is more gross than usual.
If you have noticed, the website is called "Rapture Ready". You're not going to convince religious people on a religious forum that something that goes against their religion is acceptable unless you are a genius debater.
If you have noticed, the website is called "Rapture Ready". You're not going to convince religious people on a religious forum that something that goes against their religion is acceptable unless you are a genius debater.
Actually, not even then.

You introduce the concept of heterosexuality as soon as the thing's born;
How do you mean? I'm dimwitted and I don't get things.
How do you mean? I'm dimwitted and I don't get things.
All their bed-time stories have the prince marrying the princess, a mummy and a daddy, things like that. They're surrounded by heterosexuality all the time.
Since homosexuality is just as natural (just more uncommon) than heterosexuality, I (and others) think that introducing a child to homosexuality at a young age is normal. If I ever have children, I''ll be reading them Snow White, The Little Mermaid and Sleeping Beauty right along with King & King, Daddy's Roommate and Heather Has Two Mommies. Hell, I'll probably write and illustrate a GBLT-friendly children's book myself, even though I wouldn't be able to sell it.
Right... I see what you mean. Hmm.
And what about homosexual adoption? Good luck keeping the kid away from homosexuality then :v

Alexi said:
I'd buy it. :3
Aw, thank you, dear.

Alright, bitching time:
You know, this 'gay rights' proposal, the one that was recently approved marriage in Norway and civil unions in Hungary (both starting 1/1/2009). The one Portugal lost. It got me thinking a bit (for once :v).
First, I'd like to re-iterate how ashamed I am of my own country's backwardness. Of how my country's Socialist party voted against this law.
Yes, the Socialists. The same goddamn party who said something should be done to give equal rights to homosexuals. The same party who condemned Manuela Ferreira Leite, our continental wacko right-wing leader, for saying homophobic things. That same fucking party unanimously votes against a law that could have done everything they've been preaching for the past couple of years- oh, wait, unanimously? No, one member voted yea. Manuel Alegre. It was really upsetting to see this nice, respectable old man stand up and vote, alone. He and the Communists were the only notable people who weren't assholes.
The kicker? Had the Socialists actually done their fucking job, it would've passed. But because they're a bunch of bloody hypocrites, nothing happened.

But hey, there's still civil unions!
Oh, yeah, those.

Civil unions upset me. I really don't like them. They're better than nothing, I suppose, but it's still laughably discriminatory. Why would you create something that gives a couple nearly every right you get in a marriage and then give it a different name? Oh, silly me. Don't wanna get grouped with those faggots.
At least do it properly and give every minority their own marriage. For heterosexual white couples, it's called marriage. For homosexuals it's something else, for black couples it's yet another name, for mixed-race couples a third one, and so on till you've gone through the list.
Looks like a viable option to me.

tl;dr I'm still bitter about Portugal being a shitty country. Stop it
All the more upsetting when I remember we really fell from a great height. ugggh
and I hate civil unions
I've never liked Portugal at all. It just fucking hangs off Spain there with no real purpose other than piss people like me off. I think Harlequin sees it the same way.

Damn you, Portugal. And everything you stand for.

seriously, I hate it. I hate it more than I hate anything else and I don't know why but lately it's been giving me some pretty good reasons. Fuck you, Portugal. You and Madeleine McCann. >:(

(oh, wait, someone already did her :()
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