Well, back from the depths of posting elsewhere, I'm going to further my idea that I posted back a while ago. I said that gay people were running out lives, and this is, for the most part true. They just keep it a secret. Which it something I'll touch upon after the funny comic >_>
Aaaaannd anyway. With the whole keeping it secret thing, many homophobic are
GAY, and only go along with the phobia* because they have it in their head that it's taboo. They're just denying what they are, and making their lives in miserableness (some even marry the opposite sex so people don't think they're gay >_>). And this includes the religions people. Hell, not saying it's true, but for former homophobic, not gay people obviously support my idea.
is a phobia, and to quote Wikipedia "A phobia (from Greek: φόβος, phobos, "fear"), is an irrational, intense, persistent fear of certain situations, activities, things, or persons." Homophobic is IRRATIONAL!)
And, for the stuff from the bible that's taken up many pages in this thread, I have one thing to say:
You can't follow the bible exactly. You're human, and sure as hell ain't no Jesus. There is a reason Jesus died. Not saying you should sin because of it, but you might as well make you're self happy, as long as you're not hurting anyone else. I'm sure God wants his people to be happy >_>
If not, I'd rather go to hell.