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How do you Prefer to Refer to Multiple Pokémon?


Says "also" and "or something" a lot
How do you Prefer to Refer to Multiple Pokémon?

When you talk about more then one Pokémon, do you put an 's' on the end, or do you just leave it as it is?

Would you say:
"Those Murkrows over there are running out of food!"


"Those Murkrow over there are running out of food!"

I'm trying not to use the s.

EDIT: Hahaha didn't notice that two of the words in my title were rhyming!
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Re: How do you Prefer to Refer to Multiple Pokémon?

It really depends. Sometimes I'll say, "Skitty are swarming in my game!" and sometimes I'll say "Skitties are swarming in my game!"

I'm weird like that.
Re: How do you Prefer to Refer to Multiple Pokémon?

"There are many Pokemon." I don't like to add an "s". Pokemon is like the word "deer", you don't say: "There are many deers."

To me, adding an "s" sounds wrong. Pokemon is both the singular and plural form. As are any Pokemon names. "There sure are a lot of Poochyena!"
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Re: How do you Prefer to Refer to Multiple Pokémon?

I'll use the singular unless I feel like being silly (as in "mudkips").
Re: How do you Prefer to Refer to Multiple Pokémon?

I never add an 's' to the end of 'Pokemon'. I don't think I usually add one to the names of individual species, either, but it might depend on which name it is and which one sounds better. I probably switch a lot. To be honest, I haven't really thought about it. :p

"Look at all those Vileplume! Spaekle sure is stupid for having so many."
"Damn it, I have a box full of Charmanders and still no shiny!"
Re: How do you Prefer to Refer to Multiple Pokémon?

I call them Pokeymen.

No, I don't. I don't add the "s" to the end. I'm pretty sure that's how they refer to them in the show, anyway.
Re: How do you Prefer to Refer to Multiple Pokémon?

I like to refer to it like "Those Pokemons are cool" and "Those Typhlosion are cool."
It's funny.
Re: How do you Prefer to Refer to Multiple Pokémon?

For me, it is the same in singular and plural (one Pokemon, many Pokemon) unless referring to specific species. (one Pikachu, many Pikachus)
Re: How do you Prefer to Refer to Multiple Pokémon?

Singular and plural as the same word - this is grammatically correct according to every reliable source ever, so it's how I go.
Re: How do you Prefer to Refer to Multiple Pokémon?

I try not to use 's', but I keep forgetting that a lot. Without the 's' seems right to me.
Re: How do you Prefer to Refer to Multiple Pokémon?

I expected more people to use an s than this.
Re: How do you Prefer to Refer to Multiple Pokémon?

Plural is the same as singular.
Re: How do you Prefer to Refer to Multiple Pokémon?

Pokemon were not meant to have S' at the end of their names. So, no, I never add an S.
Re: How do you Prefer to Refer to Multiple Pokémon?

I don't use "s" at the end of "Pokemon", and I try not to use it at the end of plural Pokemon names either.
Re: How do you Prefer to Refer to Multiple Pokémon?

Nope. For me, it's 'Spheal are so awesome', 'Smeargle have paintbrush tails' and so on.
Re: How do you Prefer to Refer to Multiple Pokémon?

Usually it depends on the Pokémon... basically, I take it a case-by-case basis.
i.e. the following plurals
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