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How do you pronounce 2010?

Re: How do you/will you pronounce 2010?

I've never heard this 'noughties' thing; how is that pronounced? Because I keep reading it like 'naughties' and it's amusing me.

What I wanna know is how they'll make those glasses they sell in New York (like so) when it gets to be like 2015. They can't work with the 9's and 0's any more.
Re: How do you/will you pronounce 2010?

I've never heard this 'noughties' thing; how is that pronounced? Because I keep reading it like 'naughties' and it's amusing me.

That's how it's said. Wait: people have been calling it that for ten years now and you've only just heard of it? xD

I'll be calling it twenty-ten. I called 2009 and such 'oh-nine' anyway. Who can be bothered saying two-thou-sand-and-ten? Twenty-ten is half the syllables; '09 is a third of the syllables of two-thou-sand-and-nine.

eehee lazy talking ftw
Re: How do you/will you pronounce 2010?

I've never heard of the "noughties" thing either. Maybe it's a region specific-thing.

I always say two thousand ten. I'll also say two thousand eleven and two thousand twelve. But probably somewhere in the mid-teens I'll end up just saying it the short way, mostly because it's a mouthful to say, "two thousand and seventeen."

I'll definitely say twenty twenty, though, and on in the same way until 2100, assuming I live that long.
Re: How do you/will you pronounce 2010?

I haven't really heard anyone call the decade that ended like an hour ago "the noughties" in any context other than "hey, here's a way to refer to this decade: the noughties!" but I have heard the 'aughts a couple times. The latter term is slightly less retarded than the former. Seriously, "noughties" is HEINOUSLY retarded.

Similar to Furret, I will probably call this year "two thousand and ten", slurring the two "and"s together so it comes out like "two thousanenten".
Re: How do you/will you pronounce 2010?

Twenty-ten or two-thousand-ten.
Re: How do you/will you pronounce 2010?

"Twenty-ten", and I'm going back and calling the last decade "twenty hundred" through "twenty-oh-nine" if I can get in the habit.

EDIT: On second thought, I might stick with "two thousand" over "twenty hundred", but everything past that is changing if I can manage it.
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Re: How do you/will you pronounce 2010?

Comes out naturally as 'twenty-ten' for me. So the decade will probably be the 'twenty-tens'.

The 2000s I call the aughties.

The 1900s I call the 'nineteen-hundreds' because referring to the separate decades of the 20th century is common compared to how often I refer to specefic decades of other centuries.
Re: How do you/will you pronounce 2010?


Ooooh, ambiguous!

Re: How do you/will you pronounce 2010?

The "twenty" and "ten" are separate! Compare "nineteen ninety-nine", which has exactly one hyphen.

EDIT: I think I tend to hyphenate everything only if there wouldn't be any hyphens otherwise...? I wrote "twenty-ten" up in that last post but I don't like "nineteen-ninety-nine".
Well, in my language, I say "tjugohundratio", which translates to twenty-ten, so I guess that's it :)
Re: How do you/will you pronounce 2010?

The "twenty" and "ten" are separate! Compare "nineteen ninety-nine", which has exactly one hyphen.

EDIT: I think I tend to hyphenate everything only if there wouldn't be any hyphens otherwise...? I wrote "twenty-ten" up in that last post but I don't like "nineteen-ninety-nine".

But those are the only two numbers!! IT LOOKS WRONG AND DIRTY
Re: How do you/will you pronounce 2010?

Two thousand and ten, but I pronounce it more like "Twothousanenten." Maybe it's a Midwestern accent thing.

It might be. I say it the exact same way. But I imagine I'll start using twenty-ten eventually.
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