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How many Shiny Pokemon do you have?

How many Shinies do you have?

  • 0-10

    Votes: 204 87.6%
  • 11-20

    Votes: 13 5.6%
  • 21-30

    Votes: 3 1.3%
  • 31 or over

    Votes: 13 5.6%

  • Total voters
Here's my legit shiny Pokémon, first caught to latest caught (Not counting Gyarados:

Vulpix: Sapphire
Paras: Leafgreen (Joined my main team, not all that good, but he had his moments)
Stantler: Pokémon Crystal
Hypno: Leafgreen (became a main member)
Regice: Emerald (one of two shiny legendaries)
Farfetch'd: Pokémon Gold (rom)
Giratina: Platinum
Rapidash: SoulSilver
Oooh, let's think:

- shiny Wartortle (Ringleader)
- shiny Gyarados (Scarlett)
- shiny Darkrai (Krai)
- shiny Manaphy (Lalla)
- shiny Kyogre (Margaret)

I've also seen a shiny Mr. Mime. In the Safari Zone. RAEG.
All I have is my shiny Raticate from Gold. I was looking for Entei and I suddenly bumped into a shiny Rattata. I thought: "Hey, a weak Pokémon that knows Quick Attack, and it's a shiny! I could use it to weaken Entei!" So I caught it.
Ditto:LG (Cerulean Cave)
Fearow:SS (Outside of Safari Zone)
Eevee: Recieved in trade (Diamond)
Delibird (see above)
I have four, excluding Red Gyarados and the ones I traded for, all currently in my HeartGold game:

Hoothoot(Caught at one of the early routes)
Ninetales(Masuda methoded in Platinum)
Magikarp(Caught at Blackthorn City)
Psyduck(Caught at Ilex Forest)
Excluding the Shiny Dogs from the event, The Shiny Pichu from that other event and Red Gyarados, I Have.....

Right now? None at all excluding my dear pal Red who will endlessly sit in my HG PC Box. I did have a Shiny Bidoof on Diamond, as well as a Shiny Geodude on a different save file, but they were both deleted. Ironically enough, they were both almost the same colour (gold).

And then there was a Shiny Wurmple I saw the first ever time I EVER played through Ruby, but I fainted it D:
I have a shiny staraptor that is now on black, but I caught on pearl and was the only thing that stopped me from finishing my solo run with my starter. But I love it anyways. I also have a shiny gyrados. That I caught before HGSS even came out. I was horsea-hunting with a stantler, to find a dragon scale to evolve my seadra, and I found a shiny magikarp. Than HGSS came out and it became worthless. Meh.
Shiny larvesta?


I hate you.


Shiny larvesta... :yawn: I want a shiny larvesta... I would trade you my shiny staraptor, but I doubt your going to accept that... Aww well. Shiny larvesta... <3
My brother hatched a shiny larvesta, zorua and 2 other shinies THIS MONTH ALONE.
He is so much more lucky then me. ;-; As for me, i have 50-60 in my 4th gen games :D
A friend of mine caught a shiny Patrat when she got the game! Another friend caught a shiny Elgyem about four days ago too. So far, my Black playthrough has been shiny-less. :(
not counting haxed things:
Butterfree (from FireRed), Zubat (from Emerald), East Shellos (from my friend's Diamond), Kricketot (from Platinum), Palpitoad (from the GTS, BEST TRADE EVER)
all of them currently live on my White cart

yeah so I have no legit shinies in BW yet, that I caught myself anyway
I just found and caught a Raticate on white. So I've now seen and caught 2.

I also got two sets of the legendary beasts, but they don't really count.
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