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How many Shiny Pokemon do you have?

How many Shinies do you have?

  • 0-10

    Votes: 204 87.6%
  • 11-20

    Votes: 13 5.6%
  • 21-30

    Votes: 3 1.3%
  • 31 or over

    Votes: 13 5.6%

  • Total voters
but since everything except attack had to be even, the hp gene, which was determined by the parity of the others, was either 8 (odd attack) or 0 (even).
Ah, I didn't know that.

I must be getting shinies very quickly or something, because my vote on this poll says "0-10," But I now have "31 or over" shinies. I just found a shiny Corsola in Platinum, at a Poké Radar chain of only two. I've been wanting one for a while; I love its light blue color.~ I've also been wanting a shiny in R/S/E/FR/LG for a while, but since I was in a cave in Ruby and that's what I'm working on right now, I probably would have found a Zubat or something else I don't want. My shiny female Corsola needs a nickname. Usually I come up with them on the spot but for some reason this one's a little tough...
Red Gyarados (everyone should at least have this)

I think most people do have it, but they don't list it, because it's always going to be there, whenever you play a Gen. II game. There isn't going to be a random normal Gyarados when you talk to it in the Lake of Rage.
One in possession, my Shiny Dialga, which took approx. 221 SRs.
I encountered both a Shiny Wailmer and Wingull on my old Ruby save file, but that was back when the DS games didn't exist, I didn't have a gameboy or link cable, and I wanted to play through the game again. :| Oh well.
Currently a shiny Roselia in Platinum.

However, I did have quite a few shinies in Gold (from what I remember, Drowzee, Slugma, the red Gyarados, and some others I don't remember), but my cart died along with the save file.
My boyfriend got me a shiny Larvesta for my birthday <3 Unfortunately that still leaves my shiny count below 10.

Oh well shiny Volcarona here I come
Hmm..Let's see, I have a shiny Pidgeot, a shiny Staraptor, a shiny Suicune, a shiny Gyrados (Duh) and a shiny Luxray.

So 4-5, depending on if you count Gyrados. :P
I have one shiny- a Golduck in Platinum.
Sadly, it's one of those that are just a slightly different shade than regular Pokemon. It was all cool-looking as a Psyduck, and then it went and evolved. D:
I got a shiny Cranidos in Diamond a shiny Gurdurr in that mountain in White.

I also found a shiny Graveler in Victory Road in HeartGold, but I was out of PokeBalls. Though even if I had Pokeballs, it would've exploded any way.
Way back when, my first shiny encounter was a Graveler in Crystal. It used selfdestruct. D:

I only have three 'legit' shinies now: a drifloon, a charizard, and a shinx. Took...quite a bit of soft-resetting to obtain, haha.
I have 11+

What's funny is that about three of them I was using an AR to get them(Dusknoir, for example, so I don't have to trade) and they appeared shiny, even though I didn't have the Shiny code on.
Did this happen to anyone else?
You all are so freaking lucky. All I have is the Red Gyarados from SS. I mean, even my friend who doesn't play as much as I do saw a shiny Shinx once. She wasn't able to catch it, because it was her brother's game, but still.

I should really start shiny hunting.
.I should really start shiny hunting.

That's what I do. The only reason I have so much is because I've played all the games with well over 200+ hours each. I've found my shinies; they are:

Gyrados - G/S
Raticate - G/S
Wingull - R/S/E
Geodude - Fr/Lg
Dusknoir - D/P/Pt
Froslass - D/P/Pt
Glaceon - D/P/Pt
Bibarel - D/P/Pt (Best HM slave ever!)
Eevee - Hg/Ss (I'm still debating on what to evolve it into:unsure:)
Serperior - B/W (SHINY STARTER, BABY!)
Flygon - B/W (well, technically R/S/E)
Volcarona - B/W (Got it in a trade. It's even legit)
I encountered two* shiny Hypnos in a row once on a borrowed game and the batteries died before I could catch them. Otherwise, my only shinies are the Shiny Gyrados and one of the shiny Legendary Gerbils from that one event a while back.

*They were the same level and gender though so I like to think it was the same one twice in a row.
None. I've never had a legit shiny, and I've only seen a wild shiny once.
I have a few shiny pokemon (Roughly a dozen). I doubt more than a couple of them are legitimate as I obtained them all: (A)from assorted trades on different places; Mostly chats and (B)from Pokemon Black and White's random trade area off wifi.
Seen three, had two. Because the red Gyarados in G/S/C is shiny :3

But anyways, I've also caught a shiny Zubat in Emerald and seen a shiny Odish. Also in Emerald.
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