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How's the weather

It's windy and kinda dark and I think we're about to get rain left over from Ike.

What a fast hurricane.
It's still dark and I haven't looked outside so I'm not sure.

I think it's clear. Or partly cloudy?

As for the temperature, it was kind of chilly yesterday. In the 40's (Fahrenheit), methinks.
Today, the weather was.. dry, not windy, but freezing. ~.~;
Yesterday, the weather was extremely windy, wet.. most of the places in my county in Indiana had NO power.. except the place that I worked at! We were on backup generators.. and of course, the cash registers worked so they kept the store open. I was so mad.
Cloudy. I look out of the window and see nothing but a massive expanse of white. It's actually quite freaky o.O
Well, it was lashing rain a couple of minutes ago but it seems to be picking up, which is to be expected as the weather forecast claimed that it would be bright and sunny for the rest of the week.

Then again, the weather forecast is never right.
Southern California=(Almost) Always hot in afternoon, cool in mornings and night. Yup. Nothing special.
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