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fka Grimdour, for the curious
Good news, everyone!

Okay, I'll stop with the meme references, but I'm not going to die early! It's just tuberculosis, and once they had some more x-ray tests, they ruled out cystic fibrosis! Bad news is that I may be a carrier, but the devil you know is better.

Also, the moving spree is here. Which means my beloved wingman Phill is moving on the 14 to Trefforest, and Catrin is moving to Swansea. Everyone else is staying put, but here's the kicker: I'm going to Aberystwyth.

Kind of a sad thing because I won't be with the boys that much anymore, but there's always trains and the Internet. Plus they're gonna be making their own new friends, so why not me?
It seems as if everything is looking up! And you'll make friends, don't worry! It's a pity Aber ends up being so far away from everywhere, really. Silly Aberystwyth.
That is so very delightful, Grimdour. I might not chat with you often but I firmly believe that you're a cool guy, so I was kinda lost for words when you posted the previous thread. It's good to hear you are not deadly sick after all!
Pretty much half my mates are going to Aber (the rest are going to Caerleon), and they said it's not too far.
I'm still really sick from tuberculosis, and they might check me if my future children may get cystic fibrosis, but for now things are looking up!

Also, I've got literally two weeks left before moving!
Never lose hope. Lessoned learned. Also, I look forward to eating you.. I mean, uh, Great news! *Sigh*
So as not to spam the whole cupboard, I've got TWO WEEKS LEFT YEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHH.

Two weeks of hell, but two weeks.
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