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Idea Center

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I would start one, but I too don't have any ideas...


...O_o Ignore what I just said. ^^;

WAIT! I haz a plot on Gaia, let me get that. It's completely ordinary, though. And no usage of canons.

Ah, here it is:

"Luso Clemens...one of the leaders of Clan Gully. After his journal wrote the final sentence of his journey, he was transported back to his home. Afterwards, Clan Gully was placed under the ownership of the Clan's strongest warriors.

In addition, for an unknown reason, the auction system is now only used for getting weapons and armor. The actual way of "winning" areas is by the Clan Wars. New Clans are rising up and taking advantage of Luso's departure by attempting to take the areas that once belonged to Clan Gully. Will a new Clan take all? Or will Clan Gully still prevail?"

O_o It looked smaller on Gaia.

We would need at least two Clans, three max.

Anybody like that (pitiful) idea?
Countless years ago, the god of dreams, Kekoru, created a new world separate from our own. And when this world was finished, he split it in two, making an opposite duplicate that overlapped the original; one world shining with light, and another of total darkness. These lands were filled with a bounty of life, but instead of imposing his own control over the inhabitants, Kekoru instead created two lesser deities to govern each, Lumina the eagle and Hayn the serpent. Thus the worlds and the people prospered with the blessing and benevolent rule of its gods. Its creator, having accomplished his objective, fell into a deep slumber.

In time, however, a seed of jealousy weaseled its way into paradise; Hayn had become displeased with the state of life in the land of darkness, where the dark atmosphere had corrupted its own inhabitants to the point of destroying each other, leaving plains of ruins and twisted vegetation populated solely by monstrous abominations that knew no happiness. On the other side of the veil, the creatures of light lived in their glimmering cities completely unaware that there could be any sort of suffering anywhere in either world. So Hayn proposed a challenge to Lumina; he would hold an egg in his hand, and she wouldn't be able to take it from him no matter how hard she tried. Now, normally the light goddess would never fall for such obvious bait, but the folly of Hayn's suggestion was so outrageous that she couldn't resist proving him wrong. She accepted, but only under the condition that he would come to the world of light for his trial. Exactly as he had expected her to do.

The day came when light and dark converged in an empty and surprisingly sunny field. The contrast between the two deities was inconceivably great; Lumina strode forth with pride, the golden glow of her aura filling the space around her, to meet with the hunched, cloaked form of Hayn, in a space the landscape's color seemed to just drain away into shades of gray. As he had said, the serpent extended a scaly hand which held out one of the strangest eggs anyone would ever see, an ovular sphere stained pitch black with swirls of sky blue. Not even a second later, the egg was gone and reappeared in Lumina's clenched fist as a victorious smirk adorned her face. Unfortunately, she didn't quite expect the egg to suddenly crack open, and a mass of hideous dark figures to spill out.

The shadows spread out across the plain consuming everything in their path, which included a very surprised Lumina. As the light drained away, so too did the power of its ruler, and it all flowed into Hayn's open arms. While he laughed, the dark matter continued to grow into a great pillar that stretched up until it stained across the sky. In the other world, the structure descended from the heavens and impacted against the ground. The realms were stitched together, and two halves finally joined into one, the world of spirits.

Wielding the power of both radiance and shadow, Hayn became Aeos the absolute, with complete dominion over all aspects of the new land. Although the presence of two elements in balance made this world far more prosperous, Aeos' pride quickly drowned in his own power, and he pushed the full extent of his might upon anyone who dared to defy him. No one had the strength to defeat Aeos, let alone fight against him, and the despair of innocents filled the air. That is, until the roars of pain reached outside the borders of this world and extended into the subspace where Kekoru had slept for centuries. Having awoken, the god was enraged to see that Aeos had not only laid waste to his world, but had eliminated the distinction between its two halves, corrupting each beyond recognition. Kekoru knew, however, that a battle between the two of them would destroy everything, and instead banished the false lord to the underworld, a void from which all souls come and, ultimately, return to, for the rest of eternity.

A millennium later, Aeos, having absorbed the spirit energy that constantly drains into the underworld, began to stir once more. Kekoru had been sensing the shift of power being drained away for a long while, but he wasn't able to take counter-measures as the underworld was outside his domain of control, and by the time Aeos managed to escape he would be far too strong. Since there was no one in the spirit world with the kind of power needed, Kekoru instead looked to other worlds for assistance. Particularly one rather average-sized planet, covered with bountiful greens and blues; a place he had once called home...

= = = = =

What the hell's going on here, anyway? This is the latest attempt I've made to create a successful RP (what's it been, a year?). The basic plot here is that the god Kekoru has come to Earth to find people strong enough to defeat his nemesis Aeos. Well, there's actually a little more to it than that, but the rest will be revealed later. As you can see, the plot is already far into development, but there are still a few minor technicalities that have to be ironed out before I can start (send me a message if you have some ideas).

So...what do you guys think?
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...O_o Ignore what I just said. ^^;

WAIT! I haz a plot on Gaia, let me get that. It's completely ordinary, though. And no usage of canons.

Ah, here it is:

"Luso Clemens...one of the leaders of Clan Gully. After his journal wrote the final sentence of his journey, he was transported back to his home. Afterwards, Clan Gully was placed under the ownership of the Clan's strongest warriors.

In addition, for an unknown reason, the auction system is now only used for getting weapons and armor. The actual way of "winning" areas is by the Clan Wars. New Clans are rising up and taking advantage of Luso's departure by attempting to take the areas that once belonged to Clan Gully. Will a new Clan take all? Or will Clan Gully still prevail?"

O_o It looked smaller on Gaia.

We would need at least two Clans, three max.

Anybody like that (pitiful) idea?

I can't think of anything better. If you think people will join, do go ahead.

Still hoping for ideas for a Fire Emblem RP.
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@Leviathan: It was so long I didn't bother reading it at all. You could shorten it but keep some detail. Then it would be nice ;D
Pokémon living happily in a crate on a giant volcano blah blah blah having everything they want n' stuff.

But then strange things begin to happen, pokémon are dying, disappearing and getting diseases and daily earthquakes takes place.

You are a team blah blah blah trying to find the reason n' stuff.

Can you stop these happenings? Lulz...

That is the short version of my plot on my upcoming RPG. Likey? And I tell you, the original version is a lot longer, better and interesting...
I have a slight idea for a new RP, in which Team Rocket is doing all sorts of illegal things. Not only stealing from people, but enslaving, and possibly even murdering people. The list goes on. Those Trainers (with six fully-evolved, non-legendary Pokemon) who were victimized by Team Rocket have been called to Mewtwo's lair by Mewtwo itself. Arceus gave the chosen Trainers weapons (it could be anything that is a real weapon, fro ma sword to a gun, etc, but don't make it overly powerful), and orders on how to get even with Team Rocket. Giovanni WILL die before the RP ends.

I'll be my character Eric Damon, and his girlfriend Peggy Crier (a Pokemon Ranger who'll start RPing as along with Eric when she comes into the plot)
I started my RPG "Mt. Vesever: A Dangerous Path - Will you save the Crate?" It's a pokémon RP, btw. And also, the crate is just the name of the place where the Pokémon live. It's still open so hurry up and join!

And it's started now, too.
It's on like page 3-5 now, and it hadn't even started, because we needed some more people...

Does anyone have ideas for a Bleach rp? I think we need one of those...
How many people did it have? >< I thought it would have been interesting. Pity.

No real ideas, but I'd join a Bleach RP at the first chance! =D (no surprise, eh?)
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