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Idea Center

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I just got an idea. Pokepirates. Like There will be no humans and you play as a pirate pokemon. I'll add to it later. Now tell me do you like the Idea?
I know I said I'd add to it.

Also can you peoples tell me if it should be a free-form rpg or not
Hmmm.... I don't really have any thoughts on that. Sounds fun enough.
Anyway, make sure you have a good idea before posting (you probably already do).
I was looking at Yanmega's thread when a small discussion about pirates and ninjas arose. That gave me the idea of an RPG where there are Pokémon Ninjas. You know, maybe sort of like a Pokémon/Naruto cross-over?
It would be a free-form RPG, where (I'll just make it simple here) you can be a student or a sensei (a teacher, if you didn't already know), and there are a few villages with different characteristics to choose from. You can also be a leader of the villages. You know, it's sort of based on Naruto.
Do you think it would work?
I'm thinking about starting an RPG that's based off of Dragon Ball/Dragon ball Z/Dragon Ball GT, only it'll be Pokemon style.(:3) Would anyone be intersted?
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