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Idea Center

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I have an idea for an RP, but I feel like it's not good enough to post yet... :/ (Pssst, this is a Black Cat/Pokemon cross over. ;D ) It's not accually a plot, it's just an idea...

Say, some people were messin' around with some equipment at Team Galactic HQ and they accedentally opened a prtol into the world of Black Cat, and now they try to take over that world using Pokémon and stuff. Train and Creed are forced to team up and save the world, ect...

That's just the idea I have, I'm not sure how to put it into plot form (because I suck) and I don't know if anyone would join... :/
How about.. a regular Trainer RP, but in the past? Like, medieval-earlier times. With knights trying to kill Salamences HAHA good luck with that and stuff.

Well, since I have no RPs to run it's fun to own one :< I'm thinking of bringing this to life. Anybody, would you join? I have a plot form thing, I'll get it up in a bit.

Anyone? =D
'Kay. I'm just going to finish with the plot, and make a picture or two, then I get it up.

And everybody is happy, YAY
I have an idea for an RP, but I feel like it's not good enough to post yet... :/ (Pssst, this is a Black Cat/Pokemon cross over. ;D ) It's not accually a plot, it's just an idea...

Say, some people were messin' around with some equipment at Team Galactic HQ and they accedentally opened a prtol into the world of Black Cat, and now they try to take over that world using Pokémon and stuff. Train and Creed are forced to team up and save the world, ect...

That's just the idea I have, I'm not sure how to put it into plot form (because I suck) and I don't know if anyone would join... :/

Don't know what Black Cat is, but I'd probably be part of Team Galactic if you made it! :D Being evil is fun, though I'm not very good at it.
It is the year 2098. You're sitting home, bored. All you're friends have ditched you, and you have nothing to do.I wish I could talk to animals,you think. You're outside when a cat(or dog) comes up and it... talks? How is that? You're destiny is your choice. Yes or no.Yes or no to what? you wonder. "Y-yes," you stammer, and you feel... different. You are a decendent of both the Doolittles and the Animorphs. You can talk to and turn into animals. Stroke my head, and concentrate on me. You do so, and it feels like, like this new wonderful sensation. Now, concentrate on me. You do so, and you suddenly feel like you're... falling. Suddenly, colors are gone. You look behind you... a tail? Below you, paws.You must use these powers to fight the Yeerks. They have come back for a return invasion.

I came up with this in my sleep XD so... would anyone join? If at least five people say they would, I'll start it.
OMFGC Animorphs

But.. that's rather crack. >_O And wasn't Visser Two/Three whatever the hell he is shot'd?

The above post means I'd join.
I haven't gotten my grubby paws on the final books in the series yet. So I don't know what happend at the end. BECAUSE THE LIBRARY DOESN'T HAVE THE FINAL BOOKS PFFFFFFFFT
I like the Animorphs part, but I don't know about the other things. I'd like a pure Animorphs RP, though! even though I stopped reading it years ago
Yay Animorphs! I love that series...

One problem with the story, though, that holds an EXTREME spoiler for the end of the series: All the original Animorphs except Cassie died within a few years of the end of the war, and the Andalites offered to share morphing technology with humans in exchange for a Cinnabon chain on their homeworld, so being able to morph is no longer very special. But eh, one could work around that with enough thought. :D
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...I don't remember that.. but it could be 'cause I speed-read though the last book like usual. *gets book* never mind ;_;

At least it provides comedic relief. But you could say something like morphing became a taboo, and stuff?

Why'd I put that in spoilers? Ah well. And I agree with Darksong, a full Animorphs RP would be awesome. I'd make it if I wasn't making the other RP and could think of a plot. >_O
Hmmm... I'll try to edit my plot to somehow take out Doolittle and still have the characters realize they can morph.
Would anyone here be interested in a FF Crystal Chronicles RP? I just started playing that again. It rocks.
Would anyone here be interested in a FF Crystal Chronicles RP? I just started playing that again. It rocks.

Okay, I'm just going to be real generic here and say HELLS YEAH!!

Levi would be more than willing to offer assistance if you need help working on the plot...
Woot. Though I don't want to make it myself (I hate making threads and being responsible for stuff. x3) I might if nobody else will. As for a plot.. uh..
-Trying to find a way to stop the miasma
-Normal crystal caravan..ing whatevers
-Invading gerbil people
I have no good ideas..
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