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Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

Ren came into the room, holding a tray with breakfast foods on his back.

Lady, here is your breakfast." he said.

How he hated his job.

(Maybe the food is poisoned...)
"Thank you, Svart. Have a cookie!" she said, gesturing to the plate of gourmet cookies on the table near her. She started brushing herself. When she was all nice and brushed, Ren came in with a tray of breakfast foods. ((And a bad servant puts a virus in it so she gets sick!)) "Thank you, Ren. Have a cookie, too."
(Ren does it. Because he's awesome. Wait, I didn't mean that...but he still did it.)

Ren grabbed a dark chocolate frosted cookie from the plate.

"Thank you, my lady." he said.
"Hmm, where to start..." she muttered to herself. The pancakes! She dribbled them in syrup, and then ate them. Little did she know there was a virus in her breakfast that made her sick. ((She discovers this during her walk.)) She then ate the rest of it, and started her walk. Chillier than I thought... she thought to herself as she went back in and grabbed a jacket.
"Thank you, Lady Shadowflare." Svart bowed and went to the table to get his cookie. He picked one with chocolate chips on. He took a bite. The cookie was crunchy and tasty, and the chocolate was delicious.

"Is there soemthing wrong, Lady Shadowflare?" He said when Shadowflare came back in, "That walk was a little short to be normal."
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Can I still join? I've only just managed to com up with a good (as in good idea) character:

Name: Lex
Pokemon: Gallade
Level: 59
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Appearance: Normal
Side: Good (but it's easy to change him to evil)
Personality(may be PO): PO
History(doesn't have to be long): As a male Ralts, the prospect of evolving into something that looked rather girly wasn't exactly appealing, hence when Shadowflare's mother offered him a Dawn Stone as part of his job he took both, becoming the head of Shadowflare's security. He is absolutly loyal and would do just about anything for Shadowflare, and she is the only one who he will not lie to, but it may not always appear that way.
Other: Yeah he's head of security. Also, whats's Bakugan?
Cannon stepped out from an adjacent room, watching the dark Ninetales. He did nothing, but used effort to keep himself hidden in the shadows.
"Well, Svart, it was kind of chilly out there, so I came back in for a jacket!" she replied, going back outside.

((And accepted! Now Shadowflare doesn't have to fight!))
Svart followed Shadowflare outside. "But, you are part fire, you shouldn't be cold!" He pondered a little bit, "And if you were cold, you could use your amazingly powerful Flamethrower to warm yourself up!"

"And I'm not cold..." Svart continued, not feeling cold at all, even though he was outside and not a fire type.
Noelle wandered into the room and stood perfectly still as she watched Shadowflare go. As the nature of a Growlithe, she wouldn't move until her master gave her an order. She held her head high proudly, waiting for the Ninetales's return.
"Hmmm...Svart, you may have a point. I am not usually cold. It's actually in the middle of summer!" she said, going back in. She went and found a thermometer. ((Let's just say normal temperature for a Pokemon is the sae as a humans - 98.6!)) Shadowflare gasped. "I - I have a fever!" she yelped. "Uh-oh..." she muttered as she raced to the bathroom, craned her head over the toilet and, well, let's just say she lost her lunch - er, breakfast!
"No way!" Svart was shocked by this. Who would ever even think of hurting Shadowflare, the rich and powerful Ninetales? As far as Svart knew, Shadowflare didn't have any enemies, right...?

He ran after Shadowlfare to the bathroom. What can I do to help her? What can I do to help? He thought desperatly.

"You shouldn't go out for a while, lady Shadowflare, who knows, maybe you have enemies."
Noelle stood next to Shadowflare when she reemerged from... whatever she was doing... "Is there anything I can do to help, Mistress Shadowflare?"
Cannon sneered, still hidden from view. Mostly.

Mistress Shadowflare was sick. It was the perfect time to attack.

But he couldn't draw suspicion. If he was just standing there, then others would get suspicious. The Rhyperior lumbered up to Shadowflare.

"I'm sorry this happened," he said. "Would you like me to fetch you some water?"
Verity came by the bathrooom, "Ms. Shadowflare, are you okay?" she asked.

Vile came along also, "Are you?" he asked also with a glare. I hate this job.
From the security office, Lex watched Shadowflare emerge in a coat, which seemed odd, before she ran back inside again.

Sensing something was wrong he probed around searching for a mind. Unable to reach Shadowflare or Svart, his mind found Noelle instead.

"What is happening? I saw the mistress leave in a coat - in summer - and then run back in again in a hurry. Is anything wrong?"
"Are you okay, mistress?" Ren asked kidnly.

Inside his mind, however, he was laughing like a maniac.
From the servant's room, Khran emerged to see Lady Shadowflare run for the bathroom. She was in a coat, and looked in rather a hurry.

"Mistress?" Khran nearly choked on the word. He hated the house. He hated those mindless servants. But most of all, he hated that sickeningly rich Ninetales. Speaking of sickening, he thought, Shadowflare does indeed look sick. She always looks ill to me, perhaps ill-minded, but today it looks real.

Khran crept into the bathroom to see a rather icky sight. Shadowflare was sick. In fact, she was... hurling. "Lady Shadowflare? Are you alright?"
Ren let out an inaudible snicker.

"I'll go fetch you one." he muttered, rushing away.

He got out a bowl and laced it with bleach. He ran back to the sick Ninetales.
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