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Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

"Lady Shadowflare, I think you need a lie down. I'll prepare the bed for you..." said Khran.

Khran hurried into the bedroom. After making the bed, he set a small box of tissues on the night stand. Then, he headed for the kitchen and made a small bowl of cream. Easy on the stomach... he thought. Khran gave poisoning the cream a thought, but because it was likely that someone else had already poisoned her food, Khran left that thought alone. He didn't want to be under suspicion just yet. And deep down, he was very reluctant to kill the young Ninetales.
Toxic happened to notice the commotion. Shadowflare throwing up, sneezing, everything. A coat in the middle of summer? Seems to be sick. Isn't this lovely? Now I have to take care of her. Man, do I hate this crappy job. Toxic scowled, but snickered, but no one noticed. She loved that her mistress was sick, but having to take care of her was out of the question. She just walked up to Shadowflare, asking if she was okay and pretending to be caring and sad.
"You're right. I think I need to *coughcough* lie down..." she said as she climbed into bed.
"Lady Shadowflare" Svart approached the sick Ninetales and bowed, "I will go and get a warm clout for you to have on your forehead." Svart walked away, thinking.

How did Shadowflare turn sick so fast? She could impossibly become sick by just walking outside, when it was summer. I bet someone in this house wants her no good. But, who was it who were close to her this day? Svart though, walking towards the kitchen, I was first, giving her the brush, then Ren, who had given her breakfast and then Noelle. I didn't do anything, Noelle is a Growlithe, one of the most loyal kinds of Pokémon, it can't be her, then maybe Ren... Maybe Ren had poisoned the food? But I have no proof... I must gather proof...

He got a clout from a drawer in the kitchen, and then poured some boiling water on it. "Ai, ai, ai! Hot hot hot hot!" Somehow, Svart was only Dark/fighting type, and he was not immune to fire, as the "fire" on his tail was dark.

"I bet Ren did it, Ren poisoned Lady Shadowflare's food..." He muttered to himself as he ran out of the kitched towards Lady Shadowflare's room, the boiling, wet clout in his hands.
Ren took another cookie. This time, a strawberry frosted.

What else should I do to ensure her death? he asked himself.
Shadowflare decided to see if she could eat anything at all. "Could someone please get me some toast?" she asked. She was being more polite and kind now that she was sick. "I want to see if I am able to eat and...well...hold it down."
Ren grabbed some bread and toasted it. He laced it with bleach and Koffing poison. He covered his handwork with a spread of orange marmalade. He ran back to the room.
"Thanks. Have yet another cookie!" she said, sounding a lot better but then sneezing. "Hmmm... this smells odd... But it's got marmalade on it!" she said, chowing down on the bread and then... well... needing the bowl she got.
Ren refused the cookie this time. He just stood there.

"I have to....use the facilities." he muttered, running to the bathroom.

When he got into, he laughed and cackled, and THEN did his business.
Noelle dashed over to Lady Shadowflare. "Don't eat anything for a while." She used her nose to push the sheets of the bed over her mistress a little higher. "Is there anything else I can get for you? Turn off the light? Close the curtains?"
Noelle hesitantly took a cookie from the plate. It was nothing complicated, just one with cinnamon. It was her favorite flavor, and she devoured it quickly. She continued to sit by her mistress's bedside, just in case she needed anything more.
"Call me if you need anything," said Cannon. "Remember: bananas, rice, apples and toast; not to mention potatoes."

He took one look at the mistress and stood by the door.
Having had no responce, Lex was now very concerened, and teleported over to Shadowflare, appearing just outside the room.

He wnt over and knocked sharply on the door.

"Are you alright ma'am?" he asked.
Lex wasn't convinced. He heard what sounded like someone vomiting right where Shadowflare stopped talking.

"Are you sure ma'am? You sound rather unwell. Is there anything I can do to help?"
"Oh my gosh! Mistress Shadowflare! Are you all right?!" Kiki blazed into the room where her mistress layed in bed, sick. "Anything I can do for you? At all? Oh, sorry I'm a bit late." The red and yellow Jolteon was nervous about Shadowflare's health, almost bouncing off the wall.
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