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Inheritance Cycle

I read the first book a few years ago, and by the time I got Eldest I honestly couldn't be bothered to reread Eragon just to see wtf was going on in Eldest. D: It's been years since I read them, but if I recall there wasn't all that much background information in Eldest, hence why I felt the need to reread Eragon.

Not that I care. What I do hate is seeing people insist the Eragon/Twilight series are epic win! and I must read them under their command. Come on. I did not like Twilight, now stop getting all over me (for that matter, please stop obsessing over Twilight to begin with). ;~;

The thing that I find scary about the publishing of the Eragon and Twilight series is that I'm planning on being a writer myself. Now, I know obviously not everybody's going to like my books, but if I'm somehow ignorant about how much they suck, send them off to a publisher and actually get them published (read: Eragon and Twilight got published despite being constantly criticized and being horrible to begin with)... I don't think that'd be very fun. Dx Which is why I'm going to send the books to just about everyone I know (my parents, Wands and Worlds, you guys, my friends, etc) to see if they suck or not before I publish them and realize what a mistake that was.

As far as I know, the plot (at least later in the series) is fairly original - the first few books have a bunch of dragons (because I want to; don't automatically assume it's just like Eragon) going to find some hidden idol thing, one for each of the elemental dragon tribe things. Yeah, I know that's a bit overused, but it gets more interesting when they return to place the keys in the temple and the main character gets killed and the others jailed for eternity (no escape plan here, folks) when the dictator person (who has an ulterior motive for doing such, as is explained in the books) attacks them. It's my planned NaNo, so you can review it then, I guess. *shrug* But you can always look at the plot now and give suggestions for making it less overused if you have any...
Eragon was self-published, you know. It's just that somebody noticed that they could market it well.
I don't recall. He has, however, stated his opinions of his characterization.
Among other things, he has said multiple times that he is proud of how much of a strong character Arya is. And how Eragon and Saphira are ~equals~. And some other things that show a lack of alignment with reality.

... yeah.
... despite the whole "can't rescue herself out of a paper bag" thing.
... or that she's a jerk.
You know, it is quite difficult to have a realistic opinion of your own writing.
Among other things, he has said multiple times that he is proud of how much of a strong character Arya is. And how Eragon and Saphira are ~equals~. And some other things that show a lack of alignment with reality.

Wait a second. Arya... Strong? Is that a typo, or is Paolini more fail than I previously thought he was? And I already had a really really bad opinion of him...

Not that I care. What I do hate is seeing people insist the Eragon/Twilight series are epic win! and I must read them under their command. Come on. I did not like Twilight, now stop getting all over me (for that matter, please stop obsessing over Twilight to begin with). ;~;

I agree... There were so many people at my high school going around with the newest Inheritance book (Brigsinger or whatever it's called) and saying how awesome it is. And when I said that I don't like the series, they start going on and on about how awesome it is and how I should go read it. They also try to convince me that Eragon is not fail. More proof that America sucks.
More proof that America sucks.
Forgive me, but I don't see how not realizing that Eragon is not a well-written and original book is a sign of idiocy. Maybe a sign of being uninformed, but surely anyone can make the mistake that it is a decent book.

Also, America doesn't suck. America is a fine country.
I love how you judge an entire country by a few people's taste in books.
Anti-americanism really bothers me. As I said before, there isn't a larger percentage of idiots in the States than anywhere else; they just happen to be an extremely vocal group. The % of idiots is no higher here than in Russia than in Benin.

My friend likes the Inheritance Cycle but can't understand why Eragon would be a Gary-Stu. She gets like, offended when I start to talk about some of the less favorable aspects of the book (hairless elves). Also, the whole 'We're really poor but waste some money on useless trinkets anyway' thing in the first book that really turned me off.

I don't have a very high opinion of this book or Twilight. Twilight seems like the ramblings of a high schooler and it doesn't interest me. However, the Twilight hate that goes on is so immature, I'd be ashamed to be part of that group. There are icons, shirts, and a whole lot of other shit because someone dislikes a group and the majority happens to like it.
Hey, look, it's another thread entirely about bashing something I happen to like -_-
The directive in the first post was discuss the Cycle, not talk about how we all just love it. If you're only interested in reading positive opinions about it, go start a fanclub or something. It can't be a discussion if everyone agrees with you.

Also see Retsu's post above.
Ugh! This is why I hate this site!

I mean, I love this site, but somehow, whenever I'm in the middle of a book I like, this site completely changes my oppinion of everything...

Like when I first read the Saga of Darren Shan... I was in the middle of the last book, then read something on here about what not to do in a fic, and my mind just clicked, and I had to force my way through to the end...

Now, I admit that because I downloaded Brisingr off of Scribd, I figured it might have been a fic or a fake, and it did read like a fan-fic, untill I verified it with my mates...

But still, I happen to like this book, so you don't insult the readers because the book is poorly written, just like you don't insult the book because the author's an ass.

But yeah, maybe I just shouldn't read any book discussions, because what you've been saying has put me off the book...

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