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Isn't this just because almost all keyboards on the market can't quite handle three keys being pressed at the same time?
QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZCVBNM -- Only one that didn't work was X

I'll venture a guess that it has something to do with the type of keyboard or computer being used. When you hold down a large number of keys you can usually get the computer to make that beeping sound. When you open the keyboard up and look inside, some of the keys most likely run on the same path as others, which I suppose might prevent input from multiple keys at the same time? =x

..best guess I can come up with ,,xD

What? Every time I press a key, two letters show up. For example, q with two shifts both pressed is ZQ. Weird...

o.o Those numbers and the two Ds appeared when I pressed V, and for some reason B, N, and M became lowercase. I'm using a regular keyboard hooked up to a notebook with its own keyboard, so I'll try it as well:


Ooops, I forgot to turn the caps lock off ^^'

à • X ○ ♦ ♣ ♠ ☺ ☻ ♥ Woah. I did that by pressing down some combination of alt and numbers. -YN8♀↨↓/:E4→;0è)Q◄∟&τI. This is really weird.
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