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[Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

"As I said before, my name is Hannah." Hannah said, and turned as the door opened. "Oh, hi!" She waved at the newcomer. "Are you going to get your first Pokémon today too? I have already gotten mine. Say hi to Sunny!" She picked up the Bulbasaur who was rubbing it's body to her feet. "Bulba?" It didn't seem to like to get picked up, and again, it whipped Hannah face just enough for her to let go of Sunny.

"Yow! Not again!" She sighed and rubbed cheek where the vine had hit.

"Ah, hello. You must be Dante, am I right?" Oak turned to the boy. "And you are here to get your first Pokémon, am I also right?" He handed the last Pokéball to Dante.
Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

"Ah, sorry. Tiny memory span," Nathan laughed. Then he noticed another boy had entered.

"Wait... I know you!" he said, recognising the face almost instantly. "You're... Danny? No... Darren? That's not right either..."
Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

"Ah, thank you, Professor," He said. "And judging by the fact that Hannah and Nathaniel have a Bulbasaur and Squirtle, this must be a Charmander, am I correct?" Oak nodded, and Dante smiled. "Do you know whether the Charmander is Male or Female?" He said afterwards, and Oak replied "I belive that Charmander is female." "Well, in that case, I'll call her Sara."

He turned to Hannah, the person who had introduced him. "You are correct. My name is Dante. It is nice to meet you, Hannah." He said. I notice that you are having some trouble with your Bulbasaur. You should try to bond with it before picking it up."

"Nathaniel, It's been a while. Dante, not Darren." He said to him. "You know my Father, correct?"
Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

"Aaaah. Dante. That's it." He felt quite stupid. "Yep, I know your dad. Well, my dad knows your dad, but I know most of the people he knows anyway, so..." he trailed off, starting to confuse himself.

Turto, meanwhile, was nibbling at Hannah's black trousers, using his hard, blunt teeth to rip throguh the dark material. Nathan, unfortunately, hadn't noticed...
Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

"Nice to meet you too. And I just got Sunny and- Gah!"

Hannah had noticed Turto, and screamed. "Control your Pokémon, Nathan!!" She shaked the leg the Squirtle was hanging onto, hoping that he would let go.

Meanwhile, Sunny had approached Dante and was waving with her vines after the Pokéball in his hands, probably thinking that it was a ball she could play with.
Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

Turto let go in shock and flew across the room. He quickly withdrew into his shell before hitting the wall with a strange noise that sounded like a ping-pong ball being hit, and bounced off, skidding along the floor and spinning the a halt at Nathan's feet. He picked up the shell and peered inside one of the holes, from which a light blue arm emerged, scratching at Nathan's face with hard, blunt nails.

"Ouch!" Nathan exclaimed, dropping the green shell, which bounced a couple of times as it hit the floor. "I think he's angry. or sad. Or both."
Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

Dante looked down at the Bulbasaur, Sunny, who was trying to take the Pokeballed Charmander out of his hands. He looked down at it, and said "Look, It's not a toy!" And released the orange lizard pokemon from the ball. The Pokemon looked up at him with it's bright blue eyes. "Charmander, Char!" It said, and jumped up into his arms.
Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

"Looks like all the Pokémon are gone," Nathan said. "Well, I guess I'll get going now..."

Suddenly it hit him how lonely he'd be, travelling the region with no other human companions. He thought for a moment, then picked up Turto's shell, trying to coax the Squirtle out with an Oran berry he found in a pocket. This time, an arm shot out, snatched the blue berry and took it inside the shell, from which Nathan heard quick chewing sounds and a gulp.

"Well, that didn't work..."
Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

Jason entered the large Pokemon laboratory, with his little Eevee on his shoulder, and saw a secretary at the front desk. She seemed to recognize him right away, as she smiled and greeted him.
"Hello Jason. What can I do for you?"
"Hi... I'd like to see my father, please?"
"He's right down the hall, third door on the left."
She pointed down a hallway, but before Jason walked away, she added. "Actually, a few other kids just arrived a few minutes ago to receive Pokemon companions, if you wanted to meet them. They're down in the main lab at the end of the hall."
Jason looked curious, and smirked. "Really? I'll have to see for myself."

Jason first stopped in front of his father's lab and knocked on the closed door, which momentarily opened. A short, balding man with graying brown hair and glasses stood in the doorway, smiling when he saw his son.
"Jason! So today's finally the day, huh?" The man then started to pet the Eevee, who purred contently.
"Yeah, I just wanted to see you one more time before I headed off."
"Well, you're looking good, and so is Arle. I'm sure your mother already gave you the speech, so I'll just say, take care. We'll miss you, you know."
"I know, dad, thanks."

Arle jumped off Jason's shoulder as his father gave him a little hug. The man then left to return to his work. Jason turned and knelt down to his Eevee. "Well, do you want to see the other kids and their new Pokemon?" Arle mewed happily, and trotted in front of Jason, sniffing the ground as the two then walked toward the large lab room at the end of the hall. Jason stopped just inside the door and paused a moment to look around. There were three kids and three Pokemon there, along with Prof. Oak. They seemed to be having a little trouble getting along, which made him chuckle a bit. "Hello... I see you're all new trainers too." Arle jumped back up onto Jason's shoulder and watched the others with amusement.
Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

"Hi. And, uh, yeah. How did you know we're new trainers?" Hannah said as she turned to face the boy that entered the room.

"Jason! Good that you're here!" Oak said. "Now -if I'm not mistaken- we only need one more to join us in here..." He walked to the back of the room and started to do something, but it wasn't easy to see what he did since he had his back turned to them.

Then he turned again, and in his hands he held four small, red things. "These are Pokédexes. They are units you can use to look up any Pokémon you have met or caught and see the information about them." He put three of them on the table where the Pokéballs were and held the last one in his right hand. He then opened it. "I want you all to have one of these." He started walking around and hand one to each new trainer.

Hannah anxiously opened hers and looked up on it. "Oh look! I can see Bulbasaur in here! And guess what? It's number one!" She started to scroll down the list of Pokémon. "But... I can't see the information about Squirtle, Charmander and Eevee! How is that so?" She said confused.

"You can only see the full information about the Pokémon you have caught." Oak said.

Hannah scrolled up to Bulbasaur again, then pressed a blue button on the right side of the screen. "BULBASAUR - BULBASAUR is a dual-type Grass/Poison Pokémon. Along with CHARMANDER and SQUIRTLE, it is one of three Starter Pokémon a trainer can choose from in Kanto." A metallic voice came from the dex. "What the...?" Hannah said, startled by the sudden voice.

"That blue button makes you hear the information of the Pokémon." Oak said, smiling. "Oh, and I forgot to say. I didn't just give you a Pokémon and a Pokédex just for fun! It was my dream to see all the Pokémon in the world, but now I am to old to complete that task, therefore, I want you to fulfill it!" He pointed to each trainer in the room, then looked up at the ceiling. "Now I just hope the last trainer can come so that you can get going." He sighed.
Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

Accepted, and yes, you can make your introduction post now :]
Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

Nathan picked up the Pokédex Oak handed him. He flipped it open and scrolled down to Squirtle. he read the information, and noticed a small button below the large blue one. It had a picture of a musical note on it. He pressed it once, and, to his surprise, heard a cry just like Turto's come from the Pokédex. He grinned and pressed it a few more times, and slowly the real Squirtle poked his head out of his shell, looking around expectantly.

He realised that it was only a recording, and scowled, but didn't Withdraw himself again.
Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

Jackson opened his eyes. He turned to face his alarm clock. It was 9:32. Jackson lurched up in his bed. He thought he'd set his alarm for 9:00. Somehow it hadn't gone off. Jackson got out of his bed, got dressed, and ran downstairs.

"Honey, would you like some breakfast?" Jackson's mother asked. Jackson was halfway out the door when she asked, and didn't answer her.

Jackson ran for the lab, all the way across town. He ran into a few people along the way, and got to the lab 15 minutes after he had woken up. He ran inside the main entrance, ran past the aides and bookshelves, a few kids with other starters, and almost hit Professor Oak. Jackson stopped abruptly.

"Well aren't you a bundle of energy," Oak muttered.

"Am I too late to get a Pokemon?" Jackson asked.

"Well, for the traditional starters, yes," Oak replied. "However," he added, seeing the disappointment on Jackson's face, "we do have another Pokemon that doesn't need to be in the lab, that you could take."

"What is it?" Jackson asked eagerly.

"A Bellsprout," Oak said proudly. Jackson sighed. Bellsprout wasn't the ideal Pokemon. He was hoping to get something more...powerful. However, Bellsprout was strong against the first 2 gyms, so it wouldn't be that bad. Plus it would into something somewhat useful.

"I'll take it," Jackson said. Oak smiled and walked into a back room. He came back a few minutes later with a Poke Ball in hand. "Thank you," Jackson quickly added. He walked over to the group of kids who seemed to be bonding with their Pokemon. "Hello."

((Gosh, the end of that post sounds so cheesy))
Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

((Cheesy posts are allowed :D))

"Hi." Hannah said, and waved at the new boy. "It seems like I am the only girl in here. Strange..."

Sunny stopped waving after the Pokéball in Dante's hand, and walked over to Hannah. "Bul-ba?" She said.

"Oh, sorry Sunny. I'm not the only girl in here after all." Hannah said as the Bulbasaur approached her. "Since Sunny is a girl, I'm not the only one!" She smiled at the Bulbasaur and bent down.

"Okay." Oak said to get the trainers attention. Hannah stood up and looked at the professor. "Since we are all he- wait. I forgot to give you this Pokédex." Oak handed a red Pokédex to Jackson. "All the other trainers have one. Eh, I'm sure the others will explain you how to use it." He smiled, and Hannah shrugged for no apparent reason. "Now. It was my dream to see all the Pokémon in the world, but now I am to old to complete that task, therefore, I want you to fulfill it. That's why I gave you that Pokémon, and that Pokédex. Have fun!" Oak pushed the new trainers out of the front door of the lab. "And I want you to travel together so that you can help eachother out in problems and such!" He then closed the door.

"That was... strange." Hannah said. She had withdrawn her Bulbasaur in her Pokéball just before professor Oak had driven them out of the lab. "Well, I guess we should travel together, as the prof said. Next stop?" She said.
Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

"...Together?" Nathan asked quietly. And he'd been expecting to travel alone!

"Alright then! Let's head up to Pewter City for the first gym!" He stretched out the last word in a dramatic way that would probably embarrass any normal person nearby.
Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

Jason heard Prof. Oak speak up to him about coming, and felt a bit nervous. When the elder man's back was turned, retrieving the Pokédexes, Jason tried to explain to Hannah, "Well honestly, it was a chance happening... My father works here under Prof. Oak, and I was just coming here to say hi. Then I heard that there were other kids coming here, and I wanted to see for myself. Of course..." Jason tickled his Eevee's chin, who purred while perched on his shoulder. "... Your Pokémon don't seem to have been around you very long, just looking at them, which also kind of tipped me off." He couldn't help but smile.

Just then, Oak placed little red device in Jason's hand. The boy really hadn't been listening to the explanation, so he looked at it curiously. He noticed how Hannah opened hers though, and pressed the little button on his. "Huh... Oh, cool."

Soon afterward, another boy ran in, and Jason had to step out of the way to avoid getting run into. The boy seemed to want another starter, but Oak was all out, except for a "Bellsprout." It sure didn't sound like a strong creature, but hey, it wasn't his business. Based upon his rushing and panicked-sounding voice, he must have been late.

Prof. Oak soon made it clear that the little meeting Jason had stumbled onto was over, 'guiding' them outside. Jason sighed... he wanted to show his father the Pokédex, but he supposed that he probably would know soon enough from Oak himself. He had heard Hannah mention about being the only girl, and spoke to her, smirking, "Well, actually my Eevee here is also female. Her name's Arle." He started to pet her on the head.

"My plan was to head north to Viridian city first, since that's the first city ahead of us. I don't know though... are we really ready to try to take on gyms? I did hear the Pewter City gym is supposed to be one of the easier ones, but the Gym Leaders are still supposed to be the strongest trainers in their cities, and we're just starting out."
Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

Dante had taken the small, red device from Oak. He opened it up and looked at Charmander's data, who was still in his arms. It was the same as what his father had told him about it.
[From the time it is born, a flame burns at the tip of it's tail. It's life would end if the flame were to go out.]

Everyone else was talking about what Gym they were going to visit first. Dante joined them and said "Well, I personally think we should head for the gym that's closest to us. It would be more convienient that way."
Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

"Yeah. Like I said," Nathan muttered."So, erm, are we going or are we going to stand around in the middle of Pallet Town all day?"

He flicked open his Pokégear again and checked the time. Then he pressed the Radio button and inserted a small earphone into one of his ears so he could listen to whatever music was currently on.
Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

"I suppose we should leave..." Hannah said in reply to Nathan. She still held Sunny's Pokéball in her hands, she pressed the button and out of it came a Bulbasaur.

"Bulba-saur!" Sunny said, and smiled. As Hannah started to walk, Sunny followed.

"Lets go!" Hannah turned to the boys, walking backwards. "First to Viridian City!"
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