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Jacqui's Porno Nights

Re: Gay Hornet's Nest

yessss comments my lifeblood

The Christopher and Michael picture is also pretty amazing; I epsecially love the wings, expressions, hands and how you drew blondie's hair. Are you gonna colour this one?
I quite like Christopher's hair myself, since I thought about what kind of hairstyle he'd have till I finally went 'eh, whatever' and gave him a eneric angel haircut. It looks decent though.
And if I find the original, I'll probably colour it in :v Otherwise I can always print it and colour it.

I also think I've seen that before in the form of a bad fanfic O.o
I think everything has been done in Housefanfic. I remember Wilson!mpreg for Christ's sake.
Wilson mpreg. Why
But yeah the eyebrows are sex. They always will be <3

Aww @ Alain and Ivan. Ivan especially~ Colour?
Probably will, I'm trying to colour in all of my pictures (except the comic pages) in this sketchbook. And it would look cuter, wouldn't it?

No, wait. Actually, it should.
Moar sexy Hitler, pls.
You wish is my command. Sexy Nazis are my game.


This is like a page of the worst colouring book ever.
So erm Alois & Alwin in my serious style just sort of sitting around in a field blowing soap bubbles I guess.
That's a motorcycle + side-car in the distance, with Alois' coat draped over the seat.

This took ages but looks like shit hoipoloi. Will most definitely colour.

You wouldn't believe how hard it is to explain things to some people:
'Are they gay?'
'Well, yeah, but they're not gay together, they're just best friends. But they are gay individually, yes.'


Hello new friend, my name is Fred!

Freaky Fred from Courage the Cowardy Dog. That episode used to creep me out like Hell a couple of years ago.


Oh, there you are, Milesy, what are you up tJESUS FUCK
Re: Gay Hornet's Nest

i have pix

Ivan and a Foreign Legion friend :v
Linked for really badly-drawn kisses. But if I don't practice my kissing, I'll never improve ):

Mon Legionnaire is also a great song, originally sung by, er, Edith Piaf, I think. But my favourite version is Serge Gainsbourg's, check it out: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=wFbAT4eBI3s&feature=related
This was the least crappy recording I could find. And one without the creepy paedo music video :v


Bluer skiieees
Whenever you're aaaaround~

Coloured this mother. I think it looks quite good, though in the original you can actually see the detail in the clouds and things. I must do something about this scanner.
Cute Nazi officers blowing soap bubbles with their best friends should be a more common sight 'v'


ABBA is McCain's favourite band.
That's all, really.


Я тебя люблю <3

I think it's cute, shut upppp
Re: Gay Hornet's Nest

XD OMG that was hilarious!!

Donald: "Yer just jealous o' out Greek love" I died. XD Brilliant~
Re: Gay Hornet's Nest

That's absolutely brilliant XD I love everything with Donald in especially, but I think every panel had me giggling

...I wish I could do memes ;;

And the other ones are fantastic, too; the McCain and Abba one is brilliant beyond words and the coloured version of Alois and Alwin in the field is really pretty (and thanks to your comment I realize now it's a bike and side cart... when I saw it on DA I kinda assumed it was a machine of some kind (quad bike maybe?) and a person waving madly at them. My brain interprets things strangely O.o). But everything's lovely <3
Re: Gay Hornet's Nest

I almost died laughing at the sex addict and car crash is that a bad thing
Re: Gay Hornet's Nest

Aw, thanks to everyone who said they liked it! I usually hate drawing directly with the tablet because everything looks terrible and disproportionate but I guess it's okay for memes :v

(and thanks to your comment I realize now it's a bike and side cart... when I saw it on DA I kinda assumed it was a machine of some kind (quad bike maybe?) and a person waving madly at them. My brain interprets things strangely O.o)
When I first read this and saw what you meant I couldn't stop laughing.

I almost died laughing at the sex addict and car crash is that a bad thing
No, no it isn't.
It is a very good thing!


I have ... there are no words.

I love you!!
Oh Lawdy! <3

Anyway are you guys in for a surprise! I managed to scan in my shitty pencil doodles woohooo:

This page brought to you by Avenue Q.
And yeah that's Alain and Donald as Rod and Nicky because Alain and Rod are exactly the same mentally and pretty similar physically.
Yeah, those fucking bears were my favourite characters. They're all my favourite characters, but the bears hold a special place in my heart. 'Touch her boobs!'


No seriously this is what I draw in my spare time. Bad Nazi slash.
Half-way through the drawing I realized Hitler's hair was combed over to the wrong side hurr


that includes me and you.
Oh, Goebbels.

Also this Goebbels is totally stolen from another guy on dA and I really have to draw him in my own style grumblemumble but he looks so cute like this ;-;


Plan not throught through ):


I don't know what inspired this but it's Neil Tennant from the Pet Shop Boys breakdancing.

Bye everyone <3
Re: Gay Hornet's Nest

SO MUCH LOVE for the Avenue Q pictures <3333 I love how you drew Gary; he's my favourite X3 The Bad Idea Bears look wonderful and Donald as Nicky is fantastic XD
What was your favourite song?

Oh man I have to make you watch Rent/draw Rent pictures~

Eee, Gobbels is cute. I found the artist that inspired the pic through your DA a few weeks ago and s/he's damn good :D

Alain's expression in the second-to-last panel is absolutely priceless XD

And the last one there is awesome. There's breakdancing... and there's breakdancing dressed like that with a boombox like that on a folded-out bit of cardboard.
Re: Gay Hornet's Nest

What was your favourite song?
I like all of them, but my favourites are Everyone's a Little Bit Racist, You Can Be As Loud As The Hell You Want (When You're Makin' Love), Schadenfreude and There Is Life Outside Your Apartment. It Sucks To Be Me is pretty good too.
I liked West End Gary's voice more than Broadway Gary's voice D: The soundtrack's still awesome though :v

Oh man I have to make you watch Rent/draw Rent pictures~
I do intend to watch it someday.

Eee, Gobbels is cute. I found the artist that inspired the pic through your DA a few weeks ago and s/he's damn good :D
Oh, Phobs is ever so good. He's got a style I envy completely and I one day hope to develop one that is as fluid as his.
For some reason I steal his Goebbels but no other Nazis :v I do try to give him hollow cheeks all the time and a longer face but I fail still.
Re: Gay Hornet's Nest

do Rocky Horror-inspired stuff

then I will love you

so much more than I already do

Tim Curry, man. fuckin' win.

oh and silly alain, girls aren't for marrying :(
Re: Gay Hornet's Nest

I like all of them, but my favourites are Everyone's a Little Bit Racist, You Can Be As Loud As The Hell You Want (When You're Makin' Love), Schadenfreude and There Is Life Outside Your Apartment. It Sucks To Be Me is pretty good too.
I liked West End Gary's voice more than Broadway Gary's voice D: The soundtrack's still awesome though :v

Schadenfreude's my absolute favourite, I think. I think both Garys are great, but the fact the Broadway one's a woman just makes it all even funnier.

You Can Be As Loud As The Hell You Want always seems to come on when I have my playlist on random and someone I really don't want hearing it is in the room. Same with Contact from Rent, except the sex noises aren't immediate, so there's a chance to skip it.

Oh, Phobs is ever so good. He's got a style I envy completely and I one day hope to develop one that is as fluid as his.

Me too ):

Seconded on the Rocky Horror Show thing, although the Group Timewarp will be a very, very hard act to beat.

Harle said:
girls aren't for marrying :(

Not in California, they aren't.
Re: Gay Hornet's Nest

well girls can marry other girls (don't know why they'd want to though, girls are icky) but why should any self-respecting man marry one?

:( penises are so much prettier than vaginas.

anyway I reckon you should draw Hitler getting chilled, thrilled and fulfilled by Dr Frank.
Re: Gay Hornet's Nest

You Can Be As Loud As The Hell You Want always seems to come on when I have my playlist on random and someone I really don't want hearing it is in the room. Same with Contact from Rent, except the sex noises aren't immediate, so there's a chance to skip it.
This happens to me all the time too. Be it You Can Be As Loud As The Hell You Want, Je T'Aime Moi Non Plus or We All Feel Better In The Dark, something with loud sex noises starts playing when I have guests-that-aren't-really-my-friends over ):

:( penises are so much prettier than vaginas.
agreein' with this

anyway I reckon you should draw Hitler getting chilled, thrilled and fulfilled by Dr Frank.
Can do, I've been in a Nazi mood all day. Doodled a bunch of Goebbelses, a Hitler and a Rudi during our Career Choice Advice thing :v And if I can cross Rocky Horror with anything, I'm game.
Re: Gay Hornet's Nest

My friend, you are a total genius.;D
Thank youuu

so,are cross-shippings out of the question?=DD
Oh, you know me, I'm easy.

Anyway, a bunch of things today!

Some lil' Goebbelses I drew during my Career Orientation thing, trying to nail him in my own style more. Still looks kawaii as fuck.
Also this is clearly a sign that I will be drawing nazis in my future career. I approve.

And I went digging through my older art folders so some oldies but goodies:
All my old political things:



Bunch of Boris Jonhsons.




Ken Livingstone




Clement Attlee/Winston Churchill




Howse 'v'


(supposed to be Sarko, Bush and Blair lalala)

No I don't now why most of them are British politicians ): you can probably blame it on Ruby

And sorry about the lack of new drawings guys but I kind of need to pass this grade :sad:

Edit: repostin' this beacuse god damn do i hate it when i just finished clicking reply and some dick posts in the sprite forum
Re: Gay Hornet's Nest

Hehe, these are awesome. I remember most of them from the old thread before the forum rash, but eee~ I still adore that pic of House and ~floaty~ Wilson.
The Livingstone/Johnson pictures are fantastic and I've sent a link to a friend of mine who reads (possibly writes?) some combination of David Cameron/Ken Livingstone/Boris Johnson.
And muuuuh your 5-minute sketches are so damn goood~
Re: Gay Hornet's Nest

The Livingstone/Johnson pictures are fantastic and I've sent a link to a friend of mine who reads (possibly writes?) some combination of David Cameron/Ken Livingstone/Boris Johnson.
Hmm, Cameron/Livingstone/Johnson? Iiiinteresting. Now that I'm aware of the existance of such fanfics, I shall go and look for them.
And I hope your friend like the picture, it's not very good really :v I could try to draw something in the same vein with my updated drawing powerz.


Auschwitz and Henry. He visited it at some point since he's a History teacher and some of his relatives died there so it was pretty important.
I'm ashamed to say this picture is terrible, though.
Re: Gay Hornet's Nest

I swear to the big donut guy, every time I hear that titanic song, that image will stay frozen in my brain.
Thanks for that!=D
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