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Let's Complain or Show-off about Stuff

I wanna show off!

I can whistle like nobody's buiseness. I can whistle while breathing in and out, so If I wanted to, I could whistle forever.

If I hear a bird sound, I can perfectly mimic it. I was whistling with the birds one morning when I went to get the paper and a robin flew and landed on our car and cocked its head at me. Once I moved, it flew away, but I thought it was pretty cool.
Need to complain:

My driving instructor sometimes really gets on my nerves. The most irriatating thing he does is ask these pointlessly annoying rhetorical questions like "Did you see that bus?" to which I always want to say "Yes. That's why I NEARLY DROVE INTO IT." D<

And my other friends keep passing and I still suck D:
Showing off:
I am going to get Wii Fit soon.
I am also going to get a new messenger bag!
New dishes, new bedding, and eventually a new fridge and microwave.

Complaint department:
Need to complain:

My driving instructor sometimes really gets on my nerves. The most irriatating thing he does is ask these pointlessly annoying rhetorical questions like "Did you see that bus?" to which I always want to say "Yes. That's why I NEARLY DROVE INTO IT." D<

And my other friends keep passing and I still suck D:
I feel your pain, Danni, I feel your pain. Still haven't passed that damn test. (And my friend did, even though I have been driving longer than her! Grr.) And my school no longer has a Driver's Ed teacher, so now I have to haul my freaking ass over to the damn DMV and take the test there instead of with him.

Showing off: Um, I get to visit my sister who lives in another state! Yay me. And we're going to see The Dark Knight. Whoo.
I'm good at DDR.

And drawing.

I always feel like I should scream this to everybody, I don't want to sound full of myself. :\
Complaining: Darn it my friend gets to go to a farm and feed the baby cows and I don't. Lucky. D: My life is just fine. :D

Showing-off: My friend (Same one as above) proved that karma exists because someone demanded a balloon sword without saying please and it later spontaneously exploded. :D.
Showing off - I get to go bowling for the first time ever in my entire life! With my best friend!

Complaining: My best friend is also bringing other people. Her other friends. As in, strangers, people I don't know. So now the whole thing is going to be really awkward, because I'm REALLY awkward around strangers. I probably won't have fun, they'll probably make me nervous, and I probably won't talk the whole time, because I'm strange and neurotic like that.
Toon Disney won't be showing Pinky and the Brain tomorrow. Maybe I can get to the TV tonight and watch the episode showing at 10 PM.
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