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Lucario Palace

Okay then.

If you guys are ready...


The gathered 'mon sat at the table, waiting for Lucario's command. Two Pokemon would be leaving today, and each person didn't want it to be them. Lucario began to speak, and all were silent.

"Hello. I see most of you are doing well. Now, you may be wondering... what happened to the four who I have deemed unworthy? Well, you can see for yourself." He gestured towards the table, where the corpses of Dusknoir, Gallage, Mudkip, and Medicham had suddenly appeared.

"They will be returned to where they came from. However, they may not survive... and you wouldn't want to befall such a fate, would you?" The corpses disappeared from the table in a blinding flash of light.

"Now, with that in mind, I would like to tell you about your second challenge. You will be brought to a snowy mountaintop, said to be guarded by Articuno herself. From there, you will see ten doors, labeled 1 through 10. You will select a door, and then face the challenge awaiting you. You may find a Magikarp, or a golden coin, or you may meet a Garchomp or be poisoned. Who knows?"

"Select a ticket, and be teleported to the doors of your choice. Enter 4 rooms and you may leave." Twelve tickets appeared at the front of the hall.

Lucario nodded his head.
Froslass listened to all of this with a quiet smile - she thrived in the cold. Drifting forward, she selected ticket 8, and waited to be teleported to her destination.

(Blah, colds suck. >:/)
Pikachu had fallen asleep. "wait, what are we doing? Oh right....Well I guess I'll take ticket 7." He took his ticket then stood there, waitng to be teleported to the snowy mountain. "Bah. I hate the cold." he muttered.
Hitmonlee loves cool breezy winds, although he's not too sure about the snow. He eyes Froslass' number 8 ticket enviously, and chooses 2 instead.

Hitmonlee (Dr. Frank)
You took your time, but you thought out your moves. You did a very good job, and did it fast.
425 + 50 = 475
[! It's Dr Frank, not Dr. Frank !]
[And when do we get the banners?]
Weavile smirked at the corpses on the table, secretly rather worried. Well, it appeared that the competition was more serious that it appeared.. jumping to the opportunity, and hoping she'd be lucky, the Weavile snatched the fourth ticket up, the one with the number 4 on it, and grinned. Snowy mountaintops? Please. The challenge's location sounded rather close to her own home, if she could comment on it.

The Weavile looked back at the table and smirked, waiting to be teleported.
(Frank: Why not Dr.? It's the only spelling that seems to make sense to me.

You obtain the banners when you get eliminated from the palace.)

The Pokemon were teleported to their destinations on the snowy mountains, and saw ten doors in front of them.
Gathering her fluffy ears around her, Lopunny stood and examined the doors for a moment, her thick fur keeping her warm, even in the cold. She examined the doors, and finally selected one.

"Let's see the prize behind door number Five!" The rabbit Pokemon chirped, and turned the handle.
The door locked behind Lopunny. A Corsola jumped from a small pool in front of her.

It tried to fire a Water Gun at Lopunny.
Lopunny hissed and jumped back, the water splashing over her hind paws. She shook them off a little bit before charging her fur with electricity, and launching a Thunderbolt at the Corsola.
The Weavile blinked and found herself at the mountaintop, pausing to take in the cold atmosphere. Just how she liked it.

"Number four, again," she muttered, reaching for the handle to the door and padding inside, her guard already up. "Bet something's gonna attack me," the Weavile spoke out.
Lopunny growled at the miss, and charged her fur again, this time launching a Shock Wave. She ran after the wave of electricity, careful not to let it shock her, and readied a Low Kick to punt the Corsola out of the way.
The Weavile blinked and clapped her claws over her ears, looking down and avoiding the Supersonic. She leapt up again with an Aerial Ace, a faint white trail of energy trailing behind her. Jumping back again, Weavile gathered icy energy from the air around her and jumped at the Dustox, empowered by her short visit to the mountains.

((Aerial Ace~Ice Punch.))
Mr. Mime grabbed a ticket with a '3' on it, happy to have gotten this far. The Lucario was... Scary, to say the least.

With a whoosh, the Mime Pokémon appeared in a frigid, snowy area and immediately found his door. Slowly inching the door open, Mr. Mime looked in quickly, saw nothing immediately threatening, and stepped inside.
Typhoon, which ticket did you pick?

Blastoise, not sure which door you picked.

Lopunny hit the Corsola with the Shock Wave. Corsola, stunned by the blow, did not see the Ice Punch that came next. Corsola fell backwards, floating in the pool while encased in ice.

Dustox was hit hard by both blows. It appeared to be unable to move, and then fell onto the ground. With a flash, it turned into a bronze statue.
Froslass opened the door marked with a number 8 with some trepidation, wishing she could stay outside where it was nice and chilly.
Mr. Mime walked into the room. The door closed behind him, and a Doduo jumped in and chirped. It tried to run up and Peck Mr. Mime.

Froslass walked into the room, to see a small platform with a winged crystal insignia. She stepped on it, and was teleported to a cold mountaintop.

An icy chirp was heard, and it suddenly began to hail. A humongous blue bird flew down and landed on the plateau. Articuno screeched, glimmered, and began to absorb all the arena's heat. The temperature levels decreased, aiming towards absolute zero.

(You've encountered Articuno! Completely random encounter; I use a table to determine what door summons what Pokemon.)
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