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Which is your favorite?

  • I love normal M&M's.

    Votes: 20 42.6%
  • Gotta be peanut M&M's.

    Votes: 11 23.4%
  • Definitely Mini-M&M's.

    Votes: 16 34.0%

  • Total voters
Mocha Premiums are the most godly food ever made.
Then the triple chocolate premiums.
Dark Chocolate.
Peanut butter.

That is my order of fave M&M's and of course the three poll options are bottom three. I've never tried Pretzel.
All 3...but I prefer peanut M&M's....but when I do get Mini M&M's, I basically end up drinking them too.....
Actually, I went to NY a couple years ago, and M&M World had these cherry flavored M&Ms. They taste a lot like what I assume a dookie would taste like were it dipped in cherry.

....But I do like Mini M&M's too. Shame I can never find them anymore(I used to get them during Halloween but I no trick or treat anymore and people stopped giving them out). Mini's seem to taste better than the normal size ones because you can just poor a whole bunch into your mouth.

Also, try the pretzel ones. They're cool.

Whatever happened to the crispy M&M's, anyways? They just disappeared one day(like the minis). D:
How could you not include peanut butter?! They are easily the best >:|

But the peanut ones are a close second for me. And green is the best color :)
aren't all m&m's crispy? :v

i like to eat around the peanut in the peanut ones, then eat it by itself.
I just tried out Pretzel M&M's. They were.....okay. You could barely taste the pretzel....but I like the saltiness in the sweet...
Odd... when I tried the pretzel M&Ms, I was surprised by how not-salty they were.

I was expecting them to be as salty as a regular pretzel, but with chocolate and an M&M shell on the outside. In other words, pretty nasty. Like those really awful candy bars that came out a couple years ago, with two or three whole, heavily-salted pretzels inside them. Blech! I can't remember what they were called, but I don't think I've seen them in stores for a while... so they must not have sold all that well (not much of a surprise!)
I was expecting them to be as salty as a regular pretzel, but with chocolate and an M&M shell on the outside. In other words, pretty nasty. Like those really awful candy bars that came out a couple years ago, with two or three whole, heavily-salted pretzels inside them. Blech! I can't remember what they were called, but I don't think I've seen them in stores for a while... so they must not have sold all that well (not much of a surprise!)
If you were referring to Take Fives, they were fucking delicious.
Take Fives are still around....at least at my school snack bar. I love them!~

I should try to find these Peanut Butter M&M's people talk about....
I only like normal m and ms. Never tried any others, but I hate peanut and I can't find many others around in the uk.
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