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Members MIA


Bouncing Off Clouds
Anybody hear from any of these people?

Chris (mod on Invisionfree forums)
Lupin (also a mod on Invisionfree forums)
Fluffy Gryphon
Light Mightyena
Nate (as in Nate Skywolf)
Shadow (as in ShadowedCarousel)

Of course, it's entirely possible that some of these people post here under a different name. Sorry if you're on this list and you still post here!

Feel free to ask about any other members, too, of course.
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hey! what a good idea. then again I was never really friends with any of these people...
Crystylla is at uni and seemingly has little time for the internet, Iago and Ricky have both moved on, Gigamelon came back for a bit then left because people were irritated with him, Larissa is AWOL but also at uni, Shadow is still around on IM (ask Ruby), Nate is periodically still around, sandmouse has draconian parents and apparently did something to get banned from the internet forever, Mewtwofan got fed up with everything, Light and Furii both have accounts here but haven't posted in ages (I think Furii is still on MSN sometimes?), Fluffy periodically returns for a week and leaves again, aaaand I think that's everyone I know about.
If it's possible to get any of those members to stop by here and check in, that would be wonderful. I totally understand if they/you don't want to, though.
Ricky is at university but left the forums before that. I can ask him whether he minds you getting his Facebook address. (He won't mind.) Shadow is on YIM and has an active Livejournal and Facebook. Iago is alive and well, but left the forums during Invsionfree and does not want to be disturbed. Mewtwofan I think has finished university. She has a dA which she seems to check very occasionally, and you could leave a message there. Chris and Lupin left years ago, although Chris apparently logged into Invsionfree just last year. I imagine he surveyed the new forums and chose not to join. ChronaMew has some kind of active IM account, unless I'm confusing her with somebody. Light had an account here but quietly left.
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Shadow's on LJ a lot but I think she's a lot more preoccupied with her offline life

but woah wave of nostalgia
I miss conforums :(

also damnit AK why the terrible banner in your sig lmao

edit: OH Tigerpichu got bored with the internet and everyone on it... turned out she lied about her age all the time too (she was about 3 years younger than we all thought)
I'm talking to Furiianda on MSN right now o:

also if Chris is the Chris I'm thinking of, he is now a she and... has an amputee fetish? Or maybe that was another mod or influential member I'm getting mixed up with. Whoever I'm thinking of was on the forums at some point though? er

I kind of forgot about sandmouse, and feel terrible for it considering we were an item for a week or two. Fortunately I lost interest around the same time he started liking a girl at his school so it was all good. I think his banning from the internet either had to do with this forum or with porn. Perhaps even both considering the forums used to be much more rowdy.

edit: OH Tigerpichu got bored with the internet and everyone on it... turned out she lied about her age all the time too (she was about 3 years younger than we all thought)

So would that have made her, like... 9? I thought she was 12 or something.
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also if Chris is the Chris I'm thinking of, he is now a she and... has an amputee fetish? Or maybe that was another mod or influential member I'm getting mixed up with. Whoever I'm thinking of was on the forums at some point though? er

You are most definitely thinking of the wrong person!!
You are most definitely thinking of the wrong person!!

Sorry, I guess I got confused because her name on my contact list has been "Chrissie" for the past forever, and I forgot what their old alias was. Unless I'm thinking of the wrong person again.

Maybe it was vaguely ninetales related... does Crazytales ring a bell to anybody? I'm trying really hard to remember who this was and that's the only other thing that comes to mind.
Sorry, I guess I got confused because her name on my contact list has been "Chrissie" for the past forever, and I forgot what their old alias was. Unless I'm thinking of the wrong person again.

Maybe it was vaguely ninetales related... does Crazytales ring a bell to anybody? I'm trying really hard to remember who this was and that's the only other thing that comes to mind.

I think I remember that name... and I -think- I may have had him on AIM a while ago, though I don't remember why. Unless now I'm thinking of the wrong person.
Sorry, I guess I got confused because her name on my contact list has been "Chrissie" for the past forever, and I forgot what their old alias was. Unless I'm thinking of the wrong person again.

Maybe it was vaguely ninetales related... does Crazytales ring a bell to anybody? I'm trying really hard to remember who this was and that's the only other thing that comes to mind.
I remember Crazytales, who was also a Chris. :( Most of it unflattering. But they exist.
I still exist. My lack of being here is mostly from not recognizing anyone anymore, busy schedule, and lack of interest. I'm a different person nowadays.
I remember Crazytales, who was also a Chris. :( Most of it unflattering. But they exist.

Yessss I'm not stupid

Am I the only one who remembers Soriti AKA the Silly Tea?

Soriti? Not Soliti? um... I remember Silly Tea. The name is like the only thing I remember about that person though.

I still exist. My lack of being here is mostly from not recognizing anyone anymore, busy schedule, and lack of interest. I'm a different person nowadays.

Your existence reminds me of better days when most of the time I spent this forum was reading gripping and hilarious drama instead of intentional pursuits like sprite contests and ASB. ):
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