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Members MIA

I'm talking to Furiianda on MSN right now o:

Man, I can never seem to catch her online. Though part of the issue might be that I'm only ever on YIM on my phone, and never on MSN. Either way, I really miss talking to her and Crystylla the most, though. And know, I haven't talked to Ricky very recently. I think he might be at uni, though? I miss the guy, anyway. But I talked to Gigamelon just yesterday over YIM, and I talked to Ricky like a year ago.

But I really shouldn't be missing the old days already. I'm only 18; I'm too young for missing the glory days! Dangit.
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I got bored of the forums and never felt like coming back after I was banned and then a new one popped up. Only found this topic after searching my old user name one night to see what I used to be like on the internet over 5 years ago and cringe and what I used to post. Now I doubt I'll do much anything else here.

Still play Pokemon, but not really that much.
I kind of forgot about sandmouse, and feel terrible for it considering we were an item for a week or two. Fortunately I lost interest around the same time he started liking a girl at his school so it was all good. I think his banning from the internet either had to do with this forum or with porn. Perhaps even both considering the forums used to be much more rowdy

I remembered my old username and password on the old forums so I could do some snooping and apparently this is what happened to sandmouse and I had made an entire thread about it for some reason.
Anybody hear from any of these people?

[people here]


Sorry man, too tempting, too tempting.

Anyway, on the possibility of derailing the thread, sup. You can just yell at me and tell me it's not right and I should post in introductions again if you want );
more to the point, I can't really offer anything that anyone else hasn't already said. Other than myself of course!

(I'd like to thank Megan and surskitty who uh.. made it possible for (reminded) me to be here today. (and I know that's only two people but you other guys know I love you 8D))
Man, I am loving the sparkles 0_O hypnotic...
life is good... yes ~ How has tCoD been? You guys looked like you were having lots of fun (I read through the announcements) around here (:
Anyone know why Meowth/Mike the Foxhog hasn't been online in a couple of months?

Not that I miss him spamming my visitor messages for no reason but it does seem a little quiet without him.
*looks at Mike's age* Probably in uni or something. But it's sort of wierd someone not leaving without any mention about where they went...
Right? For like two or three months we couldn't get her to shut up in the mafia threads, and then- Poof! She's gone entirely!

It kind of makes me sad.

And whatever happened to Starshine, and [o]?
Anyone know why Meowth/Mike the Foxhog hasn't been online in a couple of months?

Not that I miss him spamming my visitor messages for no reason but it does seem a little quiet without him.

I know Meowth apparently had my username for a while. Also, I think I might be on your ignore list. I might also think you should be enjoying this time away from the guy who spams your visitor messages, rather than worrying about whether he's going to pop up at any moment like a wak-a-mole.
I'd like to know where Meowth/Mike went, too. I wasn't particularly close to him, but he was a nice guy and pretty dedicated to ASB, so I miss seeing him around. :/
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