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Metronome Pokémafia [Town Win]

Re: Metronome Pokémafia [D6]

Ok! now what? Awesome LS99 is revived! now we must find a mafia.
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [D6]

Either the miracle of ressurection spoke higher, or the town just lost interest in chasing criminals.

No one was lynched.

48 hours for night actions.
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [N6]

Once more the miracles happened, but this time, it took a turn for the worse. Previously declared a criminal, RK-10 was back, and the town was only about to find out what he was up to.

Perhaps the biggest miracle was the lack of deathes, however.

RK-10 has been revived!
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [D7]

That wasn't poised to last very long.

RK-10 is dead. He was mafia.

48 hours for night actions.
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [N7]

An overwhelming wave of lethargy seems to have spread.

No one died.

48 hours for discussion.
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [N7]

Someone used Perish Song (poison) last night.
Cause I used Judgement.
And I used Spider Web, for the next two nights, the one I targeted will have their killer revealed after death.
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [D8]

Oh hey guys I just realised I never explained what was going on with my death and stuff.

I'm Ambipom, and I am a Metronome user. I'm dealt two moves each night, and I can use one or both of the moves at the cost of the targets being randomised.
On N0, I recieved Swagger and Destiny Bond.
You can guess what Destiny Bond does, but Swagger is a move that must be used whenever rolled, and causes the user to come up as Mafia on inspection and death for two nights.
Luckily, I chose to use Destiny Bond, so when I was killed, my attacker was brought down with me.
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [D8]

Oh, hey, I forgot to advance this game.

No one was lynched.

48 hours for night actions.
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [N8]

Once more, there was no surprise when the citizens awoke to a disturbing scene.

A large spiderweb stuck the badly burnt bodies of Light Yagami, Mawile and DarkAura together. A later analysis would reveal the former of them had been killed previously by an unexplained acid overdoes, whereas the other two were done in by a fatal voltage, one that also seemed to have hit Light Yagami's corpse.

A background check would later allow Granbull and the Metronome Police to link DarkAura to one abandoned apartment, which wielded plentiful evidence naming DarkAura, Superbird and RK-10 as the real "mafia". The conclusion was final and, for once, not hasty -- the criminal threat had been stamped out.

Light Yagami is dead. He was innocent.

Mawile is dead. He was innocent.

DarkAura is dead. She was mafia.


Soon, I'll post a record of all the night actions, as well as a list of Metronome moves.
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [Town Win]

...Can we have a list of roles and night actions? I'm interested to see how I died.
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [Town Win]

> Riz lands Perish song, effectively suiciding him

Well, crap
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