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Metronome Pokémafia [Town Win]

Re: Metronome Pokémafia [D3]

Let the record show I am also highly suspicious of Mr. Yagami; V-Create as you describe it sounds PAINFULLY suspicious.
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [D3]

Well, if he'sa fool he can't choose his target regardless, and if he is yaaaaay a fool with night powers but that might explain it.

Not lynching right now to follow my pattern of not lynching without sufficient purpose (usually).
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [D3]

Let the record show I am also highly suspicious of Mr. Yagami; V-Create as you describe it sounds PAINFULLY suspicious.

I know, it didn't make much sense to me either. I'd be suspicious of me too.

Well, if he'sa fool he can't choose his target regardless, and if he is yaaaaay a fool with night powers but that might explain it.

Not lynching right now to follow my pattern of not lynching without sufficient purpose (usually).

Were you talking about me or RK-10?

RK-10 seems pretty suspicious to me right now too. I didn't know you guys played with fools ever?
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [D3]

Were you talking about me or RK-10?


And I figured someone would have tried to refute that point with his voting habits by now, and if someone is going to try to I may add this: maybe in lieu of his not being able to choose lynch target he can't choose his night target (to make it more fair for him).

Or maybe he's in the same boat as Mawile.
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [D3]


I'm getting lynched for making a joke?

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Re: Metronome Pokémafia [D3]

generally you don't make jokes in Mafia unless you're completely serious. Especially one so... "falsely" revealing, if you are to be believed.

But, these are just guidelines, I suppose...
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [D3]

Ok, I'm here (Sorry for not being here, couldnt get on for a few days)

So, can someone put me up to date?
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [D3]

RK-10's strange claims started to get the townsfolk leery. Some of them were eager to conclude his incosistent babble meant he must have been up to something.

The accusation only made him spout even more nonsense.

Eager applier of execution laws that he was, Karkat Vantas whipped out a scythe. Yelling "FOR JUSTICE", he slashed across RK-10's chest, knocking him off his feet with a large gash slowly and painfully ending him.

Instead of calling an ambulance, the townies got in a heated debate about laws, rights, life and etcetra. A later (barely needed) investigation would sound out a result that countless times had been arrived at earlier.

RK-10 is dead. He was mafia.

48 hours for night actions.
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [N3]

The headcount the following morning yielded exceptionally good news. This time, it was not even a dubious claim of dead criminals, but rather, an event that hadn't been for quite a few days now: everyone was alive.

In spite of the relief, however, there was a feeling of dread hanging in the air. Stormclouds were gathering on the horizon -- the weather was going to be unpleasant that night.

No one has died.

48 hours for discussion.
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [D4]

...that's strange. I got dealt Flame Burst last night (target three players and they all die), and I used it for inactivity cleanup (to save us three inactivity lynches).

I wonder why they were stopped?
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [D4]

Wait, doesnt Rain dances only Weaken fire type moves, not negate them?
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [D4]

In the games, yes. In this mafia game, not necessarily.
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [D4]

It's not much of a stretch; makes perfect sense as a balancer to V-Create.
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [D4]

I got teleport last night. Apparently, if i'm attacked, I live through it.

So, now what? (Sorry, i'm still not entirely caught up.)
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [D4]

Sounds like you got temporary Commuter powers (hey, I research roles sometimes...)

As for what now, I suggest not lynching Karkat because he's confirmed innocent now (unless for some strange reason Mawile is lying about that. I don't think so, though.)
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