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Metronome Pokémafia [Town Win]

Re: Metronome Pokémafia [D2]

Posting to save myself from any inactive lynches. I'm Unknown. Cool, eh? Basically a Vanilla.
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [D2]

Vanilla townies get a piece of info with their role. Or at least I did. I'm a vanilla magikarp, so I would know.

Is quoting from our role PM allowed, MF?
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [D2]

Okay then. Here's my piece of info:

"Magikarp are peaceful splashers who rarely, if ever, hurt somebody. Thus, it comes across as shocking for you that some are brutal enough that they would engulf not one, not two, but THREE in crimson flames. You truly cannot comprehend these brutes."

I'm thinking there's a mafia who can kill two people at once- the third is probably themself, or else it'd be a little broken.
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [D2]

Dunno how much help this will be at this point, but:

"Vanillite are terrified of heat. When something so common can be such a threat, heroes are made easily. Across your lifetime, you've become mostly jaded to stories of the stout and never-surrendering who, if dying, would at least manage to kill off whatever had been killing them."
Most likely Destiny Bond, I think.
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [D2]

When the townsfolk perceived no seriousness whatsoever from the investigators, they apparently decided to follow that example and casually chat about tangentially related subjects in spite of a murder having taken place.

No one was lynched.

48 hours for night actions.
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [N2]

The unserious banter of the morning previous brought the townsfolk closer to one another and got them to talk about themselves.

The events of the night following horrified those who witnessed the scenes.

Karkat Vantas had been casually striding along the main street when he suddenly picked up on a distintictive smell that made him a little nauseous. He later found out that that was blood. And not grub sauce, as one ill-fated taste check would later prove.

That was Squirrel's blood, that had been leaking as fountain water from her brutally sliced neck since before sunrise.

When the citizens reunited, before investigating, they decided to do a headcount, using a list that one of them had managed to put together the day before. Obviously, Squirrel never answered the roll call. But, much to the town's further surprise, Mai was also missing.

A few set off to watch the deceased body and make sure none tampered with the evidence, while the others set off to search. Eventually, Zapi found Mai... Lying dead by the piers, bleeding from the mouth. The coroner later found small amounts of deadly poison in their veins.

The two were honest people that the citizens knew very well. If either of them were claimed to be a criminal, none would be eager to believe the claim. That was not a concern for the investigators, however, as their background checks turned up nothing but what everybody already knew.

Mai is dead. They were innocent.
Squirrel is dead. She was innocent.

48 hours for discussion.
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [D3]

Guys you're never going to believe what happened last night.

So I was using metronome, and I got a move called V-Create. Apparently, this move would cause me and my alignment to automatically win. Unfortunately, being a Spinda, I have a 50/50 chance of my decision being disregarded and randomized. I should also mention, all my moves do the opposite of what the normal effect is supposed to be. We all almost had an instant loss.
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [D3]

I rolled Guillotine last night; it was aimed at Squirrel.

Re: Metronome Pokémafia [D3]

I rolled Judgement, it was aimed at me.

Re: Metronome Pokémafia [D3]

Arceus declared it illegal and banned me from talking for a day.

Re: Metronome Pokémafia [D3]

Wait so you guys don't get to pick your targets? I can also decide whether or not I want to use my move.
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [D3]

I actually rolled Milk Drink and it was used on Light Yagami.

I am a Machoke.

Apparently they can learn metronome.
Re: Metronome Pokémafia [D3]

Seconding RK-10. I'm a tad confused as to whether he's saying he can't choose his target or he can. If he's innocent, he should be able to choose, but he seems to be contradicting that.
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