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Requests Open Mewtwo's Sprite Shop that is too freakishly long to be posted in so GO TO THE NEW ONE DANGIT

Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Cryptica, thy Entei Chao is finished.

Does it meet standards?
The Request List of Doom
alonsyalonso - Chao Gible(not taken)
pokedreamer - Inferno Blazekin, (Taken by Mewtwo) Dussmask chao (not taken)
Terry - Water-Type Groudon (not taken) and Ground-Type Kyogre (not taken) + Arceus, Shaymin, Giratina Orgin Forme, and Darkrai pokeballs(Pokeballs taken by Mewtwo) + Arceus, Shaymin Sky forme, Shaymin, and Regigigas chaos (not taken)
Renteura - Lineless Sceptile(Taken by Zulo)
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

I'll take the water type Groundon
EDIT:whew...its finally done.
now ill take the Kyogre.
excpect it by tomorrow

alonsyalonso - Chao Gible(not taken)
pokedreamer - Inferno Blazekin, (Taken by Mewtwo) Dussmask chao (not taken)
Terry - Ground-Type Kyogre (taken by Silver) and Arceus, Shaymin, Giratina Orgin Forme, and Darkrai pokeballs(Pokeballs taken by Mewtwo) and Arceus, Shaymin Sky forme, Shaymin, and Regigigas chaos (not taken)
Renteura - Lineless Sceptile(Taken by Zulo)
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Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

I shall try the remainder of the chaos(except for the Dussmask chao).
The Request List of Insanity
alonsyalonso - Chao Gible(Taken by Reventhas)
pokedreamer - Inferno Blazekin, (Taken by Mewtwo) Dussmask chao (not taken)
Terry - Ground-Type Kyogre (taken by Silver) and Arceus, Shaymin, Giratina Orgin Forme, and Darkrai pokeballs(Pokeballs taken by Mewtwo) and Arceus, Shaymin, and Regigigas chaos (Taken by Reventhas) Shaymin Sky forme chao(taken by Mewtwo)
Renteura - Lineless Sceptile(Taken by Zulo)
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Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Awwws,I wanted to do the Shaymin Sky forme chao :'( Can I do that one at least?
And I saw the close requests post a little too late,I think.Once we are abundant with them again,I'll close it untill they're done.
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Fine... it's your shop anyway. Besides, you'd probably get it done faster, since I usually leave sprites lying around for awhile unless I'm in a spriting mood.
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Yeah... anyway, I made the Gible chao(funny as it looks):

It looks funny... but that's the best I could do.
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

The Request List of Insanity
pokedreamer - Inferno Blazekin, (Taken by Mewtwo) Dussmask chao (not taken)
Terry - Ground-Type Kyogre (taken by Silver) and Arceus, Shaymin, Giratina Orgin Forme, and Darkrai pokeballs(Pokeballs taken by Mewtwo) and Arceus, Shaymin, and Regigigas chaos (Taken by Reventhas) Shaymin Sky forme chao(taken by Mewtwo)
Renteura - Lineless Sceptile(Taken by Zulo)
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

can we request splices with four pokemon? (has in mind 3 splices of kanto, jhoto, hoenn, and sinnoh main legendaries... meh... heh... meheheheh...)
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

really? articuno/suicune/kyogre/dialga, moltress/entei/groudon/dialga, and zapdos/raikou/rayquaza/giratina... some, one, or none. cause it's alot for just one.
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Holy COW!!!!
I'll try one of them though.

The Request List of Insanity
pokedreamer - Inferno Blazekin, (Taken by Mewtwo) Dussmask chao (not taken)
Terry - Ground-Type Kyogre (taken by Silver) and Arceus, Shaymin, Giratina Orgin Forme, and Darkrai pokeballs(Pokeballs taken by Mewtwo) and Arceus, Shaymin, and Regigigas chaos (Taken by Reventhas) Shaymin Sky forme chao(taken by Mewtwo)
Renteura - Lineless Sceptile(Taken by Zulo)
wolftamer9 - articuno/suicune/kyogre/dialga (taken by Pikachu), moltres/entei/groudon/dialga, and zapdos/raikou/rayquaza/giratina
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Here you go!

I'll take the next splice.
EDIT: On second thought, nevermind.

The Request List of Insanity
pokedreamer - Inferno Blazekin, (Taken by Mewtwo) Dussmask chao (not taken)
Terry - Ground-Type Kyogre (taken by Silver) and Arceus, Shaymin, Giratina Orgin Forme, and Darkrai pokeballs(Pokeballs taken by Mewtwo) and Arceus, Shaymin, and Regigigas chaos (Taken by Reventhas) Shaymin Sky forme chao(taken by Mewtwo)
Renteura - Lineless Sceptile(Taken by Zulo)
wolftamer9 - moltres/entei/groudon/dialga and zapdos/raikou/rayquaza/giratina
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Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!


The Request List
pokedreamer - Inferno Blazekin, (Taken by Mewtwo) Dussmask chao (not taken)
Terry - Ground-Type Kyogre (taken by Silver) and Arceus, Shaymin, Giratina Orgin Forme, and Darkrai pokeballs(Pokeballs taken by Mewtwo) and Arceus, Shaymin, and Regigigas chaos (Taken by Reventhas) Shaymin Sky forme chao(taken by Mewtwo)
wolftamer9 -zapdos/raikou/rayquaza/giratina(not taken)

I'll do the fusion then.


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Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Hmm, I'm looking for a GOOD challenge, like 2 Pokémon. I still do scenes, avvies etc. so PLEASE REQUEST!
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

I'll do the last splice.

The Request List
pokedreamer - Inferno Blazekin, (Taken by Mewtwo) Dussmask chao (not taken)
Terry - Ground-Type Kyogre (taken by Silver) and Arceus, Shaymin, Giratina Orgin Forme, and Darkrai pokeballs(Pokeballs taken by Mewtwo) and Arceus, Shaymin, and Regigigas chaos (Taken by Reventhas) Shaymin Sky forme chao(taken by Mewtwo)
wolftamer9 -zapdos/raikou/rayquaza/giratina(taken by ChaosTres)
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

So that means no more requests, right? And here's a Mulicolor sprite (for Pokémon with loads of colours:
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

I'll try the dussmask later...

EDIT- Or now



Ok, I'm better now...

pokedreamer - Inferno Blazekin, (Taken by Mewtwo)
Terry - Ground-Type Kyogre (taken by Silver) and Arceus, Shaymin, Giratina Orgin Forme, and Darkrai pokeballs(Pokeballs taken by Mewtwo) and Arceus, Shaymin, and Regigigas chaos (Taken by Reventhas) Shaymin Sky forme chao(taken by Mewtwo)
wolftamer9 -zapdos/raikou/rayquaza/giratina(taken by ChaosTres)

Mewtwo, you've reserved a lot. Want me to do something?
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