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Misreadings and stuff

I will eat your ideas as I'll eat your Raichu.

I was scrolling down the page fast and Spunky the raichu was the last person who posted in that thread...
For some reason I read "hasn't even posted" as "hadn't even viewed". In a mafia game... it almost got me lynched! /kindofsorta.
"Camping Trip!" as "Camping Tripl". Thought it was a typo.
Friend of mine was at a restaurant with his family and they all ordered hot chocolate, but he wanted a Coke. So of course he says

"I'll have a hot cock please"

To the apparently very pretty waitress. This is a man who has never uttered a curse word in his life, and one who certainly wouldn't even think about such vulgar things in front of his parents.

It pretty much made my day to hear about it
I remember when I first joined I thought The Omiskivar was "The Omistar".

And I almost always think that Jester is Pester.

I remember a few years back I thought krispy was "kiss me". That freaked me out for a while.
CLUB as GLUB. Awwww, more Homestuck stuff. But my pyjamas might be a bit too bluish for this association.
Was at a cafe today, and the sign said "Free Wifi".

Somhow I read it as "Wild Fergie".

I honestly have no earthly idea where THAT came from.
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