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Moves that are the wrong type

The reason why it is bug is because it was Heracross' signature move. And what use is a signature move that is not your type?

Nidoking, Seaking and Rapidash can all learn Megahorn, so it's not Heracross' signature move.
And if I remember correctly, Pikachu can learn Mega Kick.
That's like saying Rock Smash isn't Rock.

I find it hilarious that Geodude can learn Rock Smash.

'Geodude used Rock Smash!'


'Geodude fainted!'

But with Morning Sun, Wish and Recover, it doesn't really matter. They're not damaging moves anyway, so really there isn't any point in changing them.
It'd screw Heracross and Nidoking if it wasn't bug, and Seaking would have no use in ubers anymore either.
Actually, none of the tortoise-based Pokémon are water-based. Tortoise=/=Turtle.
Hyper Beam should be a Dragon type move or something, because I don't see how just a regular old normal Pokemon could learn something that powerful.
I don't know for sure, but why is Hidden Power normal-type? Can't it be ??? like Curse is?
While that would make sense, it doesn't matter too much since it automatically switches type.

Hyper Beam should be a Dragon type move or something, because I don't see how just a regular old normal Pokemon could learn something that powerful.

I thought that too when I was younger.
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