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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy...


Can I come back later?
1. Twilight Sparkle
2. Pinkie Pie
3. Rainbow Dash
4. Rarity
5. Applejack
6. Fluttershy

I can't talk about this in poetry.

...I mean, seriously. Pardon breaking from couplets for a line or two.
I think that's the single most amazing use of Moonbase Alpha I've ever heard, that second link, using it as the audio for a compilation of MLP shots. I'm as amazed by the video as the comments, though, a few of which seem to be genuinely good.
The first link is disappointingly low quality, but it still seems like it would make a good YTMND- better a YTMND than a Youtube video, at least.
She has braces and has a magenta/fuschia coloring. Kinda like Pinkie Pie's mane color. And a couple bracelets (one black with two hearts on her left front hoof, the other blue with a purple heart on her right hoof). But that's it.

All right, thank you~
Oh noes....first Saber Scorpion's Lair and now here....WAAAAAAAA

In all seriousness, suprised at how good the graphics is. And I only watched the first fifteen seconds of the pilot!
Okay, Feeling Pinkie Keen is my new LEAST favorite episode, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was so for some of you as well. :(
^ Here's why.

You have to be blind to not notice the pro-religion, anti-atheism overtones running throughout the episode. I'm not just saying this because I'm an atheist, as I still would think this way if I wasn't - I'm saying this because it seems to be rather harsh on atheism and obviously promoting religion. Also, for the core audience of this show, I don't think it's fair to them to bring in such blatant indoctrination.
Well, I guess I'm blind. I didn't notice anything that really stood out to me, but then again, I don't care much about religion debates. I wonder if Lauren Faust is religious then or something.
Twilight Sparkle (the character) said:
Magic is something you study. And practice. It only happens when you decide to do it, and it's meant to make something specific that you choose to make happen happen. With you [Pinkie Pie]... it makes no sense at all!

This stance became...

The FiM Wiki said:
Twilight learned that just because some things cannot be explained does not mean they are not true

Doesn't get more obvious than that.
It is pretty pro-religion I suppose, but (especially to kids) it's not necessarily what the episode means. After all, they were referencing Pinkie Pie and not God or anything.
Shows can be called out for having un-Christian values so I think it's understandable they'd put an episode like that in! It keeps the audience pleased and helps the show's publicity. And it is a pretty straightforward moral (and I appreciate it from the trust-your-friends point of view).
Not a great episode though, they can't really insist on only believing what is proven, because they'd get... uhm... angry letters? Kids might start wising up about their own indoctrination! (also santa easter bunny tooth fairy etc. etc.)
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