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Names for Gold and Silver Remakes


Kelp is good! Yum yum!
If Nintendo makes Gold and Silver remakes, what do you think their names should be?

My picks: GlitteringGold and ShiningSilver
I think their names should be Gold 2 and Silver 2.

Just to see the fandom's collective reaction.
I've heard some rumours about Glimmering Gold and Shimmering Silver, but that's just rumours...
I thought GoldenDawn and SilverDusk were already registered trademarks...
Bulbapedia said:
Although it has been stated that Nintendo trademarked the names DuskGold and DawnSilver, there is no evidence showing they have. It is unknown if games with these names would be produced. DuskGold and DawnSilver seem appropriate, however, as they have similar meanings to the Ecruteak Towers. The Tin Tower is where Pokémon come to pass on (as dusk is the end of the day) and the Brass Tower is where Pokémon were born (as dawn is the beginning of the day). The Dusk and Dawn prefixes are, however, backed up by the introduction of the Dusk Stone and Dawn Stone Stones in Generation IV, and the fact that the Dusk Stone evolves two Generation II Pokémon. There are also two other similarly unused trademarks that Nintendo and Game Freak own, Pocket Monsters WhiteGold and Pocket Monsters MoonStone, however this was trademarked alongside Pocket Monsters Topaz, Amethyst, and Tourmaline. Because Nintendo seems to own http://www.pokemonwhitegold.com, this may be a viable name. As for MoonStone, no such domain exists.

Original page

... Oh, wait. Last time I checked it claimed the names were actually copyrighted. >.<

Whatever. I still hold firm to my belief that they're making Gold and Silver remakes, whether they be DuskGold and DawnSilver, DawnGold and DuskSilver or something else entirely.
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I don't really care, either way. As long as I get to play them~

I guess DuskGold and DawnSilver works for me. They're all pretty nice though.
Shinygold and Sparklysilver :P

I've actually thought about this, and you read my mind. Except I was thinking SparklingGold and ShiningSilver.
But seriously, Duskgold and Dawnsilver have been trademarked/copyrighted by Nintendo (because they're in production or just in case, I don't know).
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