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NaNoWriMo 2008

Are you taking part this year?

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Spiders are ugly, duh.

give me an ultra-hip or extremely hippie-ish/odd/beating-worthy boys' name. :D
ugh i like Byron/Bryson and Will as guy names.
Jamie also works.

edit: Michael (with the 'ae') is pretty nifty, too
but alas i'm using that for my MC :(
As the disease begins to destroy not only living things, but inanimate objects as well, these four humanimals attempt to find out what is happening to their kind.
Uh, inanimate objects cannot contract diseases. There could be some sort of force destroying them or something, I suppose, but it wouldn't be a disease.

I am not going to be here for the midnight start ;____; WRITE FOR ME IN SPIRIT, GUYS! -pose-
Hey guys. Have some icons I won't use because I can't do it this year (it's not my fault - seven essays say so):


And I particularly like this one:


Good luck guys! :D
In general, this is a great community for digging up fun NaNo Icons (as the name of it might imply). I'm particularly fond of migratory's works.

Going to start writing at midnight tonight while watching horror movies and having Halloween candy with some friends. Things are likely to come out more trippy than usual.
Haha, there's some pretty cool avatars on there. *found a cute plotbunny one*

I'm really excited to start writing my story, which is probably very good. =3 I should focus this energy into writing more of the plotline~
I will likely not be on for a while until my novel is finished or near-finished. My November has like... I dunno, seven or eight days? covered by other things in which I'll have little time to write.

Like, for example, the band competition tomorrow at which call time is 12:15 PM and we don't get back at the school until 11:40 PM. Dx

I did some calculations and, if I write at the speed and regularity that I wrote one fanfic back in January, it should take me approximately 21 days (give or take a few) to write NaNo. There are two significant factors which change this, however: 1. I'm probably going to be writing with twice the regularity of the January fanfic, and 2. I was going off the number of pages as opposed to words, and the paragraphs that I wrote sometimes had one word before a new paragraph began - and I was double-spacing the paragraph breaks. :/

So, um. This has basically turned into a weird rant of sorts... but anyway, happy NaNoing! :D
Midnight start... hmm.

Crazy ideas I am thinking of now. I was planning to sleep on it so I could come up with an idea for a beginning that isn't, you know, really stupid, but... midnight start could be just what I need. :O

edit: I'm not allowed because I have boring parents
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That's the coolest sounding character in my opinion, but why the ugly name?

He wakes up with no memory of what happened, but he finds a tag attached to his leg that says "0569J" so he refers to himself by that name.

Uh, inanimate objects cannot contract diseases. There could be some sort of force destroying them or something, I suppose, but it wouldn't be a disease.

Perhaps "disease" wasn't the right word. Well, the animals refer to it as a disease at first, before discovering that it's affecting everything, so force would work well.
I'm starting at midnight, too, eating the candy none of the trick-or-treaters will come to our house to get and probably watching and rewatching the making of Thriller because I love that song. I also love living on a street with no kids when Halloween comes around. :D Free NaNo candy with minimal effort!

I just have to make sure I know where all my previous notes were and try a few more things, and then I suppose I'm as ready as I'll ever be.
I'm starting at midnight, too, eating the candy none of the trick-or-treaters will come to our house to get and probably watching and rewatching the making of Thriller because I love that song.

My marching band is playing Thriller at the football game tonight :o

(... which means I can't go trick-or-treating DDDx)
one and a half hours until NaNoWriMo and I just came up with my plot.

let's hope it works.
ARRRGGGHHH it's November help help help help help. ;; *faint* But I have ordered some Jolt cola, have a very portable Eee to write on, and a desire to include a geeky engineer-ish elf with a little metal-eating monster for a pet (it keeps the workshop free of scraps and it makes chittering noises :D).

Also! See my sig for daily motivational guest speakers! I have only six drawn so far (and not necessarily the first six), I worry that they make my sig too tall and invoke the scrollbar of wrath, and the level of funny between individual speakers varies greatly, but I felt compelled to do it for my sig this year, so, um... yeah.

Good luck, guys!
Hey guys. I'm a first time NaNoWriter or whatever you call yourselves. why I didn't post in this thread earlier I don't know BUT ANYWAYS. My story... well it's about a group of vikings. who get sent on a quest when the gods get drunk. because y'know they're bound to be drinking up there. the main character is called Oddbj [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]örg, and he's... rather fond of Xanatos Gambits and thinks of horses as the spawn of Loki. he also posesses a liver so strong he's only a little bit tipsy when he's consumed the amount of alcohol that would kill a normal man. this gives him an edge when it comes to barroom brawls and all that.

how am I going to make this all work

also here's my profile
one and a half hours until NaNoWriMo and I just came up with my plot.

let's hope it works.

But that's what make nano fun. The err... utter surprise of "how the frick did I get to this point?" ten days after you start, half-dazed.

So yeah, NaNo started without a hitch, got a nice start of 5,000 words before I went to bed. Now I'm up again and itching to start writing again. I'm writing a vampire fic, and for some reason this group of people are hunting them, I think for religious reasons because, really, they aren't doing all that harm. I'll eventually also introduce a few other "paranormals" - i.e. druids or merfolk or werewolves or something - most likely as my interest in my plot approaches 0.
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