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NaNoWriMo 2008

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I'm only at 183 and hitting road blocks. It's a little difficult but I want to get to at least 2000 before I have to leave for church
You know, I knew this was going to happen but Skye, referencing six TVTropes in under three paragraphs is Not A Good Thing.

Ruined your life, amirite?

I've got 530 words from yesterday. My story is written in such a boring style that it's really hard to continue. At least I've got an idea about what I want to write.
I'm going to try. I'm not going to be very seriously about it though, I'm just going to have fun, and do my best. :3

My bar keeps saying "error grabbing data". Any help?
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3340 words in and I've been writing the prologue and the climax simultaneously. The first murder victim is still alive and the vicious extremist psychopath responsible for his death has finally been impaled, all in six pages with one petty and pretty much unrelated argument in between.

My main character is currently having fun conversations with himself.

I think he may be getting a split personality. :S This does not bode well for the next couple of scenes.
The NaNoWriMo website is being really slow, and half the time doesn't work. :(

You know, I never really wrote with a plot, or made a story, and wrote down my ideas... I go on impulses. I think of something quickly, and I put it right into the story. I always write while I'm thinking.
Ugh, starting slow. I hope to catch up at some point. But today I did write some, mostly Morphic, which has just had a scene added where I really didn't think there would be one. Which is nice, because I'd been worrying this chapter would be overly short.

Current statistics:
Morphic: 25,005 words
TQftL: 208,913 words
Total: 233,918 words
Goal: 283,141 words
Remaining: 49,223 words
If I don't get 3334 words by today, I think I'll just give up and switch to the young version instead. I have no idea what I'd have as the wordcount goal, though.
I lovemy NaNoWriMo so far. I mean, for the first bit I didn't really like it, but then I got a really good scene and wrote it out (1K about) and loved it. Of course, it ended with them ahving sex, but that's besides the point. Anyways, now I like it, and will end the night with 10K. A bit behind where I wanted to be - I have a busy few weeks coming up, but it'll have to do.

All of you that are struggling, hang on and push through.

I too absolutely loathe the NaNoWriMo website in November. It's... horribly slow.
Nothing much exciting happened today. Blah blah exposition dialogue dialogue hey turning a table into a puddle of water in the midst of a temper tantrum.

I'll be shooting for 2,000 words/day for each weekday so I can finish 50,000 the Saturday after next and spend the rest of that week writing my thesis proposal, then have a nice, relaxing Thanksgiving break.
I am failing. I have still only found the time to write two or three hundred words and I hate every last one of them. I think I may have to avoid looking at Negrek's sig for some time; it's making me envious and generally guilty to see not only a soaring wordcount, but also evidence that it is interesting fiction to boot. ;;

I really, really needed a plan... I can't work without a plan... *Whimper.*
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