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NaNoWriMo 2008

Are you taking part this year?

  • Total voters
I didn't go to Art Club today in favor of working on my novel. :P That's okay; art club is boring anyway, whereas my novel is just starting to get interesting. I'll write the party scene today... ooh, I'm so excited. x3

...On the other hand, my word count is still about 2000 behind because my friend still hasn't sent me what I did on her computer. :/ She said she did, but she must have gotten my Email wrong or something... I'm really at around 4000 and still in the black. Shooting for over 6000 total today.
I'm taking a page from Stephanie Meyer's book (not literally) and I'm writing all the best scenes now and if I still have time, I'll write all of the connecting scenes to finish it off. This is going to be a long month. But, thankfully, tomorrow I have off because of voting, and I will be able to write all day long.
Nyeeeeh, I'm like a day behind for various reasons. On Saturday I had to start packing for our trip to the beach the instant I woke up, and there was a massive traffic jam on the way there (a people getting out of their cars to walk their dogs kind of traffic jam), so I couldn't start writing until we finally arrived at four. Then yesterday my computer decided to fry itself again, and my dad didn't have the right tool to fix it immediately, so I just had to hope it would fix itself. Thankfully, it did...several hours later.

So anyway, I have around 4300 words right now, but I'm hoping to get that up to at least the mid-5000's before day's end.

Well, this is to be expected: she's a neatfreak about her computer, and she deleted it. I never got the E-mail, and she deleted the file. Cleaned out the recycle bin too.

...I'll be recovering my lost 2k now... all wordcount that you see from now on is for real.

EDIT: if it updates, that is. At 4000 right now and counting, and I'm still trying to cover the lost ground. I may go back and flesh it out later.
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My Progress Bar in my sig isn't updating. Any suggestions?

EDIT: Never mid, I fixated it. :D

EDIT 2: Hmm, now it isn't.
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Wow, Twitch, that sucks. :/ Hope you remember it all well enough to get it back.

Got a late start today (thankfully not as late as it might have been since my doctor canceled my appointment), but I think I'll be okay. I'm kind of staring enviously at Negrek's wordcount, and I'd really like to have a fifth of the novel done by now, but I suppose I should just be grateful that I'm even meeting the average daily quotas.

...part of the problem might be that I keep taking time off to do stupid things like make an avatar with my favorite quote from my story. Ergh.
It IS working, it's just slow. D: We've said this a million times.
Must reach count before sleeping...
It doesn't load for me most of the time, too; refresh diligently! =D Haha, I used a vocab word...

Right now I'm at 4526. My goal for today was 5000, although that's more of a required goal if I intend to finish. Homework is getting in the way, so I'm trying to do most of my stuff for tomorrow tonight, and tomorrow can be my writing catch-up day. Though, it's not too late to get to 5000...
Writing was a bit of a chore at first, but I'm really starting to enjoy this now. The plot is coming along nicely and I'm really happy with my characters.

I was aiming for 5000 tonight, but I'm tired as hell, so I'll catch up tomorrow. School sucks.
I voted Nope on the first of November, but was inspired by Darksong and am officially two days late for the starting point.

I'm doing rather well on Sonic Dancers. It's my first sci-fi story I've ever written. I started at about four this afternoon, and I'm making good progress.
5,133 words. w00t.

My story is kinda plot-less at the moment. I'm just setting up the characters and mood and stuff. :P
Gah I'm /so far behind/ but oh well seeing as I'm like black belt in procrastination that's to be expected

so far the main character has partaken in a battle between a band of vikings and a horde of saxon peasants and got knocked out due to Odin inciting a saxon to steal his colleague's shield and whack the mc round the head with it, got sent on a quest by Odin while knocked out, noticing that Odin was drunk, and get jeered at by everyone in the band because he was the only casualty in the battle.

also somewhere in the novel he shall be traversing the Mountains of Showaddywaddy.

What have I brought myself into?
Finally at 10,000, but coursework is going to smack me in the back of the head very soon unless I try to get even further in front. So far, I have overused every word I know and made some of the ugliest sentences imaginable, but I've at least managed to squeeze in the occasional 'good paragraph' so I guess it will suffice until December.

I'm currently at the stage where I introduce the second of the main characters, but I'm kind of at a writer's block until I can come up with a good name. xD
I've given up writing my story in chronological order at this point. Yesterday I wrote a couple of the big twists in my plot, ones that I've had in my head since I thought of doing NaNo in the first place. Today I wrote the chapter that came before that. On the first and second, I just wrote the prologue and chapter 1. My word count is at 5,800 something, and my NaNoBar doesn't work.

So, yeah, my first NaNo so far in a nutshell.
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