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Nervous Habits


The Religion section is now a joke
What are yours?

I'm a nervous eater, which probably contributes to my weight. If I'm at school or have no access to food or gum, I'll grind my teeth, which gives me issues there too.

And I pluck out my eyebrows and eye lashes for some reason. Not all at once, but I'll pull out each strand one at a time. I've gotten a slight infection in my eyelid as a result of this, but I can't stop. D:
I'm generally very shaky and fidgety, I sway back and forth, I take off bracelets and watches that I happen to be wearing and play with them, I rub and scratch my arms and legs. I do all of this stuff more when I'm by myself, so I tend to come across as a weird twitchy nutcase in the corner to a lot of people. D:
Bite my fingernails and start talking more.

Around my fingers? It's easier than you think!
I adjust my watch strap and I, I'm not sure how to describe it, but I kind of clamp my bottom lip between two of my fingers - not sure how to show that one through text. x_x
Nothing, I think...

I just have a tendency to go to the bathroom a lot...even though there's nothing to <ahem> out.

Oh yeah, and I also sit up straight >.>
Not really a nervous habit, but I absolutely have to be doing something with my fingers most of the time (this drives my family insane when we are watching films and I am playing with the remote or clicking my nails or whatever). This may explain why I like Rubik's cubes so much.
I can get shaky if i'm really nervous, but that's about it.

I bite my fingernails for no apparent reason, and because 90% of the time there's no fingernail for my teeth to grip, I just bite the skin off of the end of my fingers. But that's more from boredom rather than anything.. =x
Put my hand near my mouth. If I'm new, meeting someone new, or going to a new place, I'll do that immediately. Nearly all of the time I'll be chewing on my right hand's ring finger, that exact one.

Probably because I'm so self-conscious of my general mouth area...
I don't bite my fingernails, but I chew the skin on my fingers

Wait I do that when I'm not nervous too

I guess my behavior doesn't really change too much when I'm nervous (I don't get nervous often either)
I chew things. Mostly my fingers or pens/pencils, but pretty much anything plasticy (you should see what I do to Pringles lids and the ring of plastic that seals milkshakes). It's probably not good for my teeth, but I can't help it.
I chew things. Mostly my fingers or pens/pencils, but pretty much anything plasticy (you should see what I do to Pringles lids and the ring of plastic that seals milkshakes). It's probably not good for my teeth, but I can't help it.

Haha I do that too, those little round seal thingers below the caps. I gnaw at the top of softdrink bottles until I pry them off, then chew them into mutilated diamond shapes. xD
half the time they actually break and I end up cleaning between my teeth with them.

And these guys... omg I feel bad for them. If I eat a popsicle that's in plastic or cardboard, after i'm done I start chewing the heck out of the wrapper, and end up with half a wrapper (with the other half shredded up and spat back inside.)

I chew the inside of my mouth quite a lot as well.. =\
I pick at things.
I clean my nails with my teeth.
I chew everything.
I need to be doing something with my hands. I carried clay in middle school and eventually my hands were all iron-y
I'd pick at my upper arms if I wasn't wearing a thick, dense coat so often.
oh. also, I'm usually uncomfortable unless my feet are at a specific angle while sitting.
When I'm talking face to face with somebody, often I put my hand on my cheek like Arthur Balfour.
That's kind of great nervous habit actually.

I say 'well' a lot, in real life and online, but other than that I don't think I have that many habits. Unless sitting in very strange and back-destroying positions counts as a nervous habit.
Not really a nervous habit, but I absolutely have to be doing something with my fingers most of the time (this drives my family insane when we are watching films and I am playing with the remote or clicking my nails or whatever). This may explain why I like Rubik's cubes so much.

I chew things. Mostly my fingers or pens/pencils, but pretty much anything plasticy (you should see what I do to Pringles lids and the ring of plastic that seals milkshakes). It's probably not good for my teeth, but I can't help it.
And also this.

And as well as those, I also have a dreadful habit of playing with my hair without noticing it. I also scratch the back of my neck when I'm nervous.
I also chew things. Nails, those plastic rings on soda bottles, pens, pretty much anything of that nature.

I also have got a bad habit of pulling out individual hairs off my head. I haven't gone bald yet, though.
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