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Postcount opinion?

  • Total voters
Oh, okay, yeah. That much is true.

Three months is huge! It's a little over...

30 x 3 = 90 - 1 = 89

30 times 3 is obvious, minus one is from the day after I joined from February. Actually it's only how long three months with February is.
Join date is not an indication of seniority either. If you look at my join date, you'll see that it precedes a fair number of that of people who'd I'd consider "regulars" if not "seniors", and yet I wouldn't consider myself anywhere near either of the two labels. I'm more like "the guy who sometimes randomly pops into discussions and messes everything up" or "an ASB participant".
I actually don't base it off of join date either, it's just that three months is like forever to me. D:
By known, i mean that if people saw my username, they'd say "Oh yeah, she's like a random girl who comes here everyday, and if i dont know her necessarily, I still know she's active." That kind of known.

If that's your definition of known, then yup, you're known.

idk I technically haven't been around for that long -- I'm pretty sure I'm quite a bit newer than Zora, Windyragon, Spoon, etc. I guess I'm that annoying teenager who thinks he's boss because he has just gotten his license or something.
I'm actually pretty sure that Crazy Linoone's a she. Referring to the analogy s/he drew, it's mostly boys who go act all boss after they've just gotten their license, after all.

EDIT: ninja'd
I still remember Mawile's intro, and his absoultely adorable Toon Link avatar, followed by that also very adorable quilava one.
Aww, thanks! I got 'em off LJ.

I wouldn't consider myself new, but I'm certainly not old either. I guess I'm in the middle? And I recognize everybody in this thread, so...

My first active account was made on the sixth of July in the year 2005. I had a fair amount of time on the Invisionfree forums. I made the move to the old vBulletin and obviously to the new vBulletin. I am familiar with the "senior" members here (although the mods keep changing their name so freaking often I basically just group them under one giant person now) and the regulars. I used to be called "GoldYoshi," but ever since a certain period of time in old vBulletin I became "..." (mostly because Furret called himself "..." for a while and I thought it was cool).

I really don't know if I'm well-known or anything. I go on every day, but I don't usually post (unless it's in the coughing cupboard to whine about my love life 8D). At most I'm one of those members you'll see every now and then and you may recognize my avatar.
In my personal opinion, postcount is nothing. Had we not have it, it would seem as if everyone was on the same level of "maturity".
I don't believe that the postcount measures how mature you are, either. You could get a thousand posts by just being straight-up annoying and irrational.
...Though becoming a Butterfree can seem like a great achievement.
In all honesty, I would consider myself new. I joined at the beginning at October, so.
oldfags recognize me as the more mature incarnation of g-mew/zigzag/crystalline pikachu, that really annoying girl with an ego the size of Jupiter who thought her "3-Difications" of Pokémon sprites were the BEST THINGS EVARZ and wrote dumb stories and godmoded in rps (specially with mewkaza haha)

newfags recognize me as that person with the unspellable name

~i am a mysterious entity oooo~
oldfags recognize me as the more mature incarnation of g-mew/zigzag/crystalline pikachu, that really annoying girl with an ego the size of Jupiter who thought her "3-Difications" of Pokémon sprites were the BEST THINGS EVARZ and wrote dumb stories and godmoded in rps (specially with mewkaza haha)

Oh gosh, I remember those. Somehow my eleven year old self didn't find you annoying, probably because I was happy there was someone who would bother reffing an ASB match for me.
Oh gosh, I remember those. Somehow my eleven year old self didn't find you annoying, probably because I was happy there was someone who would bother reffing an ASB match for me.

speaking of asb, it also took me like four tries to become an asb ref and i was most certainly not the best ref around haha my descriptions sucked and I had issues with damage/energy calculations sometimes hehe

yeah i was an all-around wtf kid. like terry t except i wasn't banned (how, i do not know)

Polymetric Sesquialtera is not unspellable!

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