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Postcount opinion?

  • Total voters
I'm just going to say: pretty much everyone here feels new, but that's also because I don't hang out in many of the forums. I bet most users are just like "who's this guy?" at me, so w/e.

Think most of the older people are well aware of who you are...
I am in no way a senior, but I still regularly go on TCoD. I also like my Butterfree icon.

Eh, I think you haven't been around for long enough to be considered a regular. I think you're firmly in the newbie category. The line is really blurry and probably doesn't even exist, but I feel like you're really on tip of the newbie end of the spectrum here.
Since people are using this thread a place to talk about how well-known they think they are, I may as well get in on it.

I've probably stuck with this avatar long enough that even if I'm not known, I'm recognised as some guy who has posted before. I probably don't post frequently or interestingly enough to be 'known'.
If anyone does recognise me beyond some guy who they've seen post before, my pessimistic self thinks they don't like me, because I used to be a part of the group who frequented forum games. And they're hated on for no reason other than because if you post there, it's clearly because you're doing it for the postcount!

I guess I don't post anything interesting compared to a lot of other people, and I don't go on #tcod nor do I do any RP, ASB or Mafiaing, so I'll probably continue to be just some guy for a while.
I first joined at the old forums(the ones that crashed). Don't know if I posted something in invisionfree too, but I doubt it.

Though I don't really know that many people here that well, I've been here for some years... I think I'm sort of "known", though, like people recognizing my name and such.
Pfff. I doubt anyone but a select few actually... y'know. Know who I am on here. I mean I've been around long enough for them to know I exist, haven't gone through but one name change back in 2007 (albeit that happened before it would ever be significant). But I think that's the extent of it. I exist to most everyone, maybe they have a vague sense of recognition, but that's about it.
Rasrap: Yeah, that's how I recognize you.

And now I will use this thread similarly, hurrah...

I might not have been around for a while, but I think I'm somewhat well known. I recall Zhorken having an art thread, and drawing a Mew and Victini. The caption was "A Mewtini, although not necessarily the Mewtini." I saw it and was like "no one will recognize that." over #tcod to him. He replied that, yeah, I am recognized! to my shock.

Zhorken, I apologize if I used the wrong pronoun, don't feel like checking. That sounds really awful but :/

I've gotten quite a few VMs over time saying "you seem like a cool person! hi!" That's how I met a few friends.

I don't mean to boast or... anything.
I consider myself average, again. I fact, it surprises me how many users I'm 'older' than, because many of them joined while I was away. I still remember Mawile's intro, and his absoultely adorable Toon Link avatar, followed by that also very adorable quilava one. And I think I was around for LS99's intro too.

But there are quite a few people on here who are new. I still call DarkAura new, as well as Luxcario and Spunky. Those three really stick out as 'new' in my mind, though some other members become otherwise IMO by having something happen. Mewtini was the first ten-year-old I had ever seen on the forums, and she was a lot more mature than the average ten-year-old (though I didn't really know that until I saw Spunky/Lux). Despite being not that old, Cloudsong attracted a lot of attention by being an amazingly fun and nice person, and then that whole 'I'll be gone for six months' scenario.

That said, I recognize everyone who posted in this thread.
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Mawile goes by he, Superbird. :|

Heh, thanks. Spunky's age has been stated before?

I pay very little attention to postcount, though when I do happen to glance at my own, it does sorta amuse me how people who joined in 2011 have way more posts than me despite the fact that I've been in this particular forum incarnation since 2008. I rarely post outside of ASB, although I've been branching out into other topics recently.

I first joined in the conforums era, so that was.... whatever date Tailsy mentioned. 2003? I was very active back then, and it was a pretty close knit community, so I felt comfy there. When we moved to Invisionfree, I was active at the start, then began to drift away from the place. When I came back again, there was tons of new members and I felt sorta... lost in the crowd I guess? And I wasn't really as close to people as I was before. I don't think I would have started posting again at all, but then I joined ASB and got hooked ever since. So that encouraged me to start posting elsewhere a little. I don't think I'm that well known outside of ASB.

I've posted a lot of embarrassing shit over my years here, and not just in my Twisted Reality days unfortunately, although I like to think that I've got my head in gear now. I hope.

[/boring forum history bullshit that nobody cares about]
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All I care about is the fact that I joined before Alvyren and I do not intend to let her forget it!

grumble grumble 'baby' my ass i'm seventeen
Some people probably remember who I am, if only because two years ago I was in the same gang that Spunky et al. fill now. Those people probably remember me as the ridiculously immature RPer who really didn't know how to internet :V I'd like to think I'm slightly less annoying now, though! I mostly posted in RPs and a bit of ASB then, and everywhere else I just made generally stupid comments on stuff hahahaha.

Hmm, I'm definitely not a senior. I'd be the awkward early thirty-something year old hanging around the outskirts of town or something idk?

But postcount is just a measure of activity, yeah.
Rasrap: Yeah, that's how I recognize you.

And now I will use this thread similarly, hurrah...

I might not have been around for a while, but I think I'm somewhat well known. I recall Zhorken having an art thread, and drawing a Mew and Victini. The caption was "A Mewtini, although not necessarily the Mewtini." I saw it and was like "no one will recognize that." over #tcod to him. He replied that, yeah, I am recognized! to my shock.

I think you're one of the few people who have gone from newbie to regular really quickly. I dunno, for ages everyone was kind of surprised that you were reasonably mature for a nine-year-old, and I guess hanging out in #tcod has helped with that.
I don't post here anywhere near as much as I used to - I don't know if there are fewer new topics, or just few that I have anything resembling an opinion about, but the 'three posts a day' average my profile boasts sounds a bit optimistic.

And I haven't been keeping track of the new kids, but the name 'Spunky' makes me giggle childishly every time I see it.
I definitely consider myself new, since I only joined in July. Not everyone posts in Forum Games for post count. I try to post diversely but find I really have nothing to say in many instances. I feel like I know a lot of people but am not generally known outside of the people I usually talk to, or people I and in RPs with.
I consider myself like Mewtini's statement; I know many people on here, yet i joined earlier this year.

Compared to most others, I'm new. I don't post in forum games often, and I mostly post in mafia games, (Dammit, i make too much of those. But they're for everyone's amusement, right? I'm adding to there amusement? Oh god, please say yes.) RPs, Coughing cupboard, Pokemon, Art, and the writing section. Needless to say, I post in diverse areas of the forms.

I consider myself well known by active members, yet I'm fairly new, much like Mewtini.
You haven't been around as long as I have, there's a difference of... three months.

I joined the day before the end of February, you joined in mid May.

I don't mean to be condescending, I really don't, but I don't consider you all that well known; it's pretty much you, Everglider, and Spunky that are all kind of weird in that aspect.
By known, i mean that if people saw my username, they'd say "Oh yeah, she's like a random girl who comes here everyday, and if i dont know her necessarily, I still know she's active." That kind of known.

And three months isnt too much of a difference. if it were like nine months, then yeah, but three months, while you are still much more known than me, isn't that much.
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