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Postcount opinion?

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It's just Tailsy and me who change names a lot.
You two having each other's names didn't help, but then there's how I recently have been mixing up between:
Viki and Vixie
Alvyren and Alraune

And so logically, I should get mixed up between Viki and Alraune, too.

I had to check so many user profiles in the making of this post, to make sure I was talking about the right people.
I dislike the idea of turning off post count in forum games: if the posts aren't important enough to add to the little number in your postbit, then they're not important enough to be posted in general.
I agree with Viki. Even as Everglider FyreSkai said in the rank-up thread that she had to do a load of Forum Games to become a Butterfree.
Eh, I think you haven't been around for long enough to be considered a regular. I think you're firmly in the newbie category. The line is really blurry and probably doesn't even exist, but I feel like you're really on tip of the newbie end of the spectrum here.
Hmm...maybe. I joined in late August, but I have got to know quite a few people here, even if I would be classified as a newbie.
Well in that case it doesn't really contribute to your being a regular no matter how many people you know. The main reason I shifted to a regular quickly was probably due to my frequent hanging out on IRC, as uv stated. Remember, a lot of people here have been faithfully coming here ever since conforums or Invisionfree. :P
Were you Twilight from the beginning of time but was called other things? :O
I consider myself average, again. I fact, it surprises me how many users I'm 'older' than, because many of them joined while I was away. I still remember Mawile's intro, and his absoultely adorable Toon Link avatar, followed by that also very adorable quilava one. And I think I was around for LS99's intro too.
Pretty much on the boat; in this topic I keep seeing join dates and thinking "whoa wait, I've been here for longer than this guy?"

According to my joindate, I've been here for two years or so. Definitely doesn't feel like it, though.
Holy crap I remember the names GoldYoshi and g-mew! I REMEMBER YOU PEOPLE!

Yeah the whole Tailsy being surskitty and surskitty being Tailsy thing confused me for SOOO long.

I joined during IF in '05, signed up for VB when we switched, then fell off the face of the planet... then VB crashed and I wasn't there.... so my account DIED... that and I completely forgot my login info, so I had to make a new one.

Yeah I was the person that put a charizard sprite at the bottom of every post cause I didn't know what a sig was. /shot
I don't know why you're protesting. I've definitely never had a username other than Twilight Sparkle.
Holy crap I remember the names GoldYoshi and g-mew! I REMEMBER YOU PEOPLE!

I am honestly surprised anyone remembers me. ._. My posts were incredibly awful back then, characteristic of the whole <random is FUNNY> type deal that was popular. Kind of painful to read them now.

The name g-mew is starting to bring back some memories too. :o

Yeah the whole Tailsy being surskitty and surskitty being Tailsy thing confused me for SOOO long.

It really confused me, too. I thouqht that Viki was a new mod and I wondered <Where is surskitty?> (because deep in my heart you will always be surskitty).
I do not know if I ever used the name LynxRunner on these forums, but that is one of my aliases on various corners of the internet.
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