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Nick Mafia [DAY 3]

Re: Nick Mafia [DAY 1]

Sorry, I wasn't online, I was playing Minecraft and got distracted.
Re: Nick Mafia [DAY 1]

Well, I'm here...sorry I didn't post guys. Not used to required lynching games....so...

I RNGed (With TFM on the list, just in case).....I got Silver Panic.
Re: Nick Mafia [DAY 1]

Tommy is a semi-safe claim, but also has a risk.

but whatever.

Silver pamic
Re: Nick Mafia [DAY 1]

Hmm, not sure if I trust the claim as Tommy 100% but I will change my vote to Silver Panic.

Hopefully the next night gives us better clues.
Re: Nick Mafia [DAY 1]

Sorry, this is taking to long, so I asked Squirrel. Silver Panic was the choice. FLAVOR TEXT GOGOGO

The characters decided on Silver Panic, and approached her. Quickly, Jorgen zapped her and she was dead.

Silver Panic is dead. She was mafia (Vlad Plasmius). 48 hours for night actions.
Re: Nick Mafia [DAY 2]

... Wait are you trying to imply you really are Tommy? o_o;
In which case, I never knew that you could inspect an alien. I still don't trust your claim as Tommy however.

Anyways, who are we going to lynch guys? I have no suspicions currently, so I'll wait until someone has an idea.
Actually, reading through The Friendly Mushroom's posts, s/he is being way too cryptic and is trying too hard to throw off suspicion. I vote to lynch The Friendly Mushroom.
Re: Nick Mafia [DAY 2]

He simply refuses to answer my recurring question straight-on. Suspicious? I think so. I'll vote for him now, but there's a possibility i'll change that vote.

The Friendly Mushroom
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