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My name's Melanie, so people mainly call me 'Mel'.

Online, I'm usually nicknamed as 'Salah', although other variations on Salamander have occurred (in one particularly painful instance, someone asked to call me 'Sally'. Dx)
Calcium. It's a long story, really, and an extended in-joke.
^ Nice.

Since my name is Rachel, I get Rach, Rachie, or the occassional "Ding-dong."
Mitch to 90% of my schoolmates, Mikey-moo to my older sister, and Mouse to my uncle.

Get caught calling me any of these and you die horribly.
My name's Melanie, so people mainly call me 'Mel'.

Online, I'm usually nicknamed as 'Salah', although other variations on Salamander have occurred (in one particularly painful instance, someone asked to call me 'Sally'. Dx)

That painful instance was me, right?
Anywho, I'm really nicknamed Philly, and I am sometimes called Lápiz, meaning Pencil in Spanish. I am called this because I keep a pencil behind my ear almost all the time.
Danni (to a bunch of people), Dannichu (online and among some friends) and Dee (to close friends and family).

My granddad used to call me Half-Pint because I'm so short X)
Grim to online friends and a select few.

Pickles to Jon, my other friend to differentiate each other. Also to a select few.

Mr. T to fellow Air Cadets.
Mil and Milla are my preferred nicknames. People started calling me Cam in high school and a girl at college does it to annoy me sometimes xD''

My brother once called me Millarymoos, he still does it when he wants to tease me...NOBODY EVER CALL ME THAT! O_o
My name's Julian, so people say Jewel or something. Then people say my last name, which I find extremely annoying.

Another nickname is Pablo (completely random). XD
o.o My friend's last name is Alessandro.

That's my sister's endearing term for "you idiot."

Oh, I am sorry about that.

In my family we do´not have such things, but we have more nicknames.

The ones for my brother are Lexi, Seb, Sebby, Alex, and Pinky (it is a long story ha ha!)

They call me Sandro or Sandy mot of the time,
but I am not complaining because it is not nearly that bad.
I manage to get quite a few nicknames. One of my favorites is Not Fish <3~ Sexy Waffle, Foons, and sporkeh are high on my list, too.
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