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Alexi to both on- and off-line people. My one friend Sexi Alexi XD

Arylett calls me Lexiwaffles X3

And Pip. Because of my real name.
Hah, it isn't yet~

:D Oooh, exciting...I shall make a nickname for you too ^_^
None D: Although I really wish I had one. I try to get my friends to call me Ame, but they never talk to me :sad:
My schoolfriends all call me Jolty (we each have a nickname) because of my initials, JLT. We're so original, huh? XD

My real name is Juliette and you can't really make any good nicknames out of that, so a few people call me Eloise online because that's what I was GOING to be called, after the song by The Damned, and then in the hospital my mum forgot about naming me that and called me something else. XD That gets shortened to Ela, Ella or El.

Then I have some less serious nicknames that my friends have called me... Joltyjolt, Lett/Lettie/Liett, Cirry, Rus, Vanilla Milkshake... okay so that last one isn't really a nickname. XD
Who me? Umm... Lett. (Only a certain person calls me that on a consistant basis) Also Angie and Gel. (From Angela) And umm... Chocolate Milkshake, but it ain't really a nickname. And Arylett-Chan (call me that and I kill you.), HRA (my most common one, stands for Her Royal Arylettness. Nearly everyone calls me this.), Queen Arylett, Ze Lett, Ary, Arylie, Arly, and more that I probably can't remember.

I've given people a BAJILLION nicknames though. Hehehe... poor them. Cirrusomenocity.
My schoolfriends all call me Jolty
there can be only one

:B lol

most of my friends call me Becca, some call me Mays, one or 2 of my teachers call me Maysie, one friend calls me Grandma and there's this guy that annoys me who calls me Mayonnaise.
I have quite a few nicknames. Wheel, Dr. Eyebrows, Wilma, Billy, Hammy, Hammytaro, Hamster and a few years ago people called me Fred, no idea why though... There are probably others which I can't remember at the moment.
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I don't like it when people shorten my name because too many people have the name "Michael" already, and it's always "Mike", or "Mikey". I need a determining name (or whatever this means).
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