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No more Brock!

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This is one blog. Please don't jump the gun; we really don't know. Remember when we all thought that Shinji was replacing Takeshi?
According to BMG, the blog this supposedly came from has disappeared by now, so there may still be hope for our favorite girl crazy Gym Leader turned breeder
Oh god the minute I saw the title I thought TCoD was revolting against me...

But NO! This had better be fake. I love brock because without him I am no one but a name and an avatar.
Hmm... well, I would say that Brock needs a break. The running gag in which he gets rejected by girls has gotten so stale that they've started putting spins on it just to keep things fresh. (i.e. Brock was hit on by a bunch of Nurse Joys and Officer Jennies.)

Of course, it was just a hallucination. The girls were a trap, too.
Of course, it was just a hallucination. The girls were a trap, too.

Only time when "It is delicious trap, You must hit it" Has been applicable.

But still, I do think brock needs a bit of a break. For like half a season maybe?

R.I.P Brock

EP005 - EP 150 something, EP 200 something to DP168.

Forgot his little break in Orange Islands. Great. Now I need a new avatar and name. Maybe a TF2 character now.
Oh well. If he is degraded away from main character status, we'll still see him every so often in brief comeback episodes form, right? Remember when misty was booted off? she came back in hoenn for about three episodes. And May came back briefly, etc. The point is, he probably won't be erased completely from the show.
The mention of Orange Islands gave me a theory; since we have a female professor, it's possible that he'll work for her (remember Ivy?).

If that's the case, then we'll definitely see more of him.
True, he might work for Professor Araragi (is that her name?) but then again, he could become Pewter City Gym Leader or a Breeder.

For you Brock fans, I'm sorry to say that I'm personally happy for him to go after the amount of love-eyes I have seen just from him alone. I'm not surprised that he soon will either get fed up of Croagunk or it will evolve.
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