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Objection! (Ace Attorney fan-club)

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I'm sorry, I just somehow managed to find that funny. I'm weird like that.

And no, (spoiler? I really don't know if it is) Godot doesn't appear in Apollo Justice.
D: I still don't really think I see what's so great about Franziska. All she seems to do is whip people and call them fools. I'd probably love her if they expanded upon her character a bit more because she has so much potential, but... Maybe I just need to read some fanfiction.
There's some really good Franziska fanfiction I've found. I read one that I liked a lot (although I spoiled myself for parts of JFA.. DX) and it made me like her character a lot more. It's called The Realization of Perfection and, um, yes, I quite liked it. Check it out if you have time/feel like it?
so guys I finally got off my ass and ordered JFA today!!! (and Twilight Princess for GC but that is irrelevant.) WHAT NOW MHALS WHAT NOW

I'll probably get T&T from the mall tomorrow, too.

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Hey, a question: Anybody know when the next two Ace Attorney games are supposed to be released (either in whatever-country-they're-released-first-in-outside-of-Japan or in Japan)? I plan to get the games the day they come out (in the U.S., anyway) because I have a habit of getting things from fandoms I like the day they come out. xD

You mean GS5 and Perfect Prosecutor? Both are still in early stages of development.
And we didn't even see him in the credits! Am I to understand they just sentenced him to death for murder and locked him up somewhere and he was never seen again? D:
Well, I didn't really want to believe that myself, but you know those two group drawings at the end that look like they're drawn on note paper? I'm pretty sure that while the bottom one had a bunch of characters who all survived looking happy, the top one had two characters we know to be dead... and Godot. :( So I guess he's gone. Still, the fact that he knew the penalty awaiting him and yet gave in when found out without really freaking out at all is awesome, too.

...ohgod stop giving me the urge to write about Godot's execution because that would be way too morbid and sad and SHOULD NOT HAPPEN BECAUSE HE IS TOO AWESOME AND HIS SMILE IS TOO SEXY TO DIE.
I'd read it. :D I mean, of course it's so heart-wrenching that he dies, but I'm morbid like that so that's exactly why I would find it so irresistible to read. D:

D: I still don't really think I see what's so great about Franziska. All she seems to do is whip people and call them fools. I'd probably love her if they expanded upon her character a bit more because she has so much potential, but... Maybe I just need to read some fanfiction.
Yeah, she doesn't let a whole lot slip, but I think that what strengthened my liking was (2-4 spoilers) the way she cracked at the end of JFA. That's the one time so far we've seen that tough façade falter and caught a glimpse of why she is how she is. Her circumstances seem almost tragic to me. Poor girl. I wonder about things like the whip-carrying thing. I think she learnt to use it and began taking it everywhere with her because it was sort of a symbol of control and dominance where, really, she knew she had very little actual control; her path was already decided for her. Little things like that.

So. I actually couldn't wait last night and began playing Apollo Justice anyway. Finished 4-1. Thoughts!

Firstly, Phoeniiiix. D: What happened to you, dude? I'd heard just a little about him not being a lawyer any more already, and I recognised him immediately, but I wasn't ready for this. He looks so much older and he's barely recognisable as the Phoenix we knew in terms of his manner. And he's a stubble-chinned poker player taking on challengers in the shady lower room of a Russian restaurant; I never saw that coming. It's part awesome, part vaguely scary. But also, this "incident" happened seven years ago and he's 33 now? That would make him about 26 when it happened; can't be too long after the events of T&T. What happennnneddd? ;;

And he has a daughter? o_o I'm... just going to wait to hear more about this one.

Kristoph is kinda cool in a sinister, dangerously-clever-and-calm sort of way. I'm guessing (and hoping) that he shows up some more.

Question of the moment: didn't Phoenix say he went up the stairs to phone the police after Olga was hit... ? Why did the recorded conversation mention that Shadi was dead if that was the case? Am I mistaken?

Slightly more trivial question of the moment: Aren't these games set a few years into the future? So why are most of the crime scene photos still black and white? o_o
Firstly, Phoeniiiix. D: What happened to you, dude? I'd heard just a little about him not being a lawyer any more already, and I recognised him immediately, but I wasn't ready for this. He looks so much older and he's barely recognisable as the Phoenix we knew in terms of his manner. And he's a stubble-chinned poker player taking on challengers in the shady lower room of a Russian restaurant; I never saw that coming. It's part awesome, part vaguely scary. But also, this "incident" happened seven years ago and he's 33 now? That would make him about 26 when it happened; can't be too long after the events of T&T. What happennnneddd? ;;

I nearly cried when I saw that had happened. ;~; It's just not faaaaaaair...

And he has a daughter? o_o I'm... just going to wait to hear more about this one.

I accidentally spoiled myself for this, and (spoiler for either 4-2 or 4-3, I forget which) it turns out that Trucy's actually adopted.

Kristoph is kinda cool in a sinister, dangerously-clever-and-calm sort of way. I'm guessing (and hoping) that he shows up some more.

(spoiler 4-4) You're right.

Question of the moment: didn't Phoenix say he went up the stairs to phone the police after Olga was hit... ? Why did the recorded conversation mention that Shadi was dead if that was the case? Am I mistaken?

I... dunno. I didn't even think of that. *doesn't quite remember what happened though*

Slightly more trivial question of the moment: Aren't these games set a few years into the future? So why are most of the crime scene photos still black and white? o_o

(probably isn't a spoiler but Cryssie put hers in spoiler tags xD) Yeha, they're set in the future. I did some calculating a while back, and figured out that the first game is set in 2016 and the fourth in 2025.
Cryssie said:
I'd read it. :D I mean, of course it's so heart-wrenching that he dies, but I'm morbid like that so that's exactly why I would find it so irresistible to read. D:
Stop encouraging me, damn it. ;_;


...argh, you know, most of the time while playing this game I try to pretend capital punishment doesn't exist but now I'm finding it difficult to like prosecutors at the same time as I know that they're getting people sentenced to death. <_<

...Godot deserves better than freaking hanging of all things.
so guys I finally got off my ass and ordered JFA today!!! (and Twilight Princess for GC but that is irrelevant). WHAT NOW MHALS WHAT NOW

I'll probably get T&T from the mall tomorrow, too.

WELL UH. Yeah I still need to order it, I don't really know what's so hard about ordering a game off the internet but I swear I'm going to do it today!

Because man I want that game/the other Ace Attorney games so much and I don't know why it's taking me so long to order themmm~
I... still don't like Godot. I can kinda understand why people like him, but he appears near the end of my list of favourite PW main characters.

3-5 END! Spoilers

Firstly, he's... kinda crap, really. They set him up to be an amazing demon prosecutor and he doesn't win a single case. Ever. I mean, we always beat the others, but at least we know they were excellent and experienced and had many victories before Phoenix (except Winston, but you love him because he's so crap).
Secondly, and this is just be being a rabid feminist, but he seriously pissed me off with his whole "I wasn't there to protect Mia and YOU weren't there to protect Mia and wraaaargh" spiel. Mia was a strong, independent woman who didn't need anyone protecting and looking after her. Despite her obvious fanservice, I adored Mia because she was a good, respected professional and mentor, and having Godot going all chauvinist about it just pissed me off.
The way he treated Fran annoyed me. Again, I'm probably overreacting, but his "wild mare" thing was intended to be condescending, but he'd never said anything that derogatory towards other male characters like Edgey or even Gumshoe. Fran's reaction to it annoyed me, too. Grr, character weakening.

I seem to remember other things irritating me, too, but I can't remember them because it's been a while since I've played the case. I should go do that later.

2-4 Spoilers

D: I still don't really think I see what's so great about Franziska. All she seems to do is whip people and call them fools. I'd probably love her if they expanded upon her character a bit more because she has so much potential, but... Maybe I just need to read some fanfiction.

Fran, on the other hand, I adore. Yes, she's angry and whips people and during most of JFA, she's not much more than that, but if you consider that she's been raised form birth by a terror like Manfred and is even further along the path of perfection and self-destruction than Edgey was when we first met him.

She's there, not get revenge on Phoenix because he’s responsible for her father’s death, but as a matter of personal pride - to prove herself against Phoenix; she hopes that she can prove herself to Phoenix, her "fallen little brother" and the memory of her father and after facing defeat at Phoenix's hands, and especially during the Engarde trial, she realizes that the guilty verdict might not be as important as simply winning - which is obvious, but it's what she's been taught since birth.

While Fran isn't what I'd have liked or expected her to be in T&T, the finale of JFA is probably my favourite scene in any game just because of the changes that happen in her; it's not easy for her, but she's realizing that what she's been doing her whole life isn't right, and she needs to rely on her little brother for his help and guidance and deal with the shame that this knowledge was given to her by a mere defence attorney.

And that is why I think she's brilliant. No, she doesn't bleed from the eyes, but I think her story, relationships with the other characters and revelations make her much more likable than Godot.

For those who don't want spoilers or found it tl;dr - I love Fran and like Godot a little less :D
Starting 4-2 now.

So Trucy's 15 according to the court record (well, I didn't think that she looked or acted like a 7-year-old). If she really was Phoenix's daughter, she would have to have been born when he was 18 or so. o.o I think there's more to it than "she's my daughter." Is she gonna be my sidekick? :O

Also, I forgot to say this earlier... Apollo is no Phoenix, but he is quite endearing, isn't he? :)

*Goes to carry on with 4-2.*


Hahah, okay, so Klavier just turned up in court, hit the music and gave us all an air guitar solo. :O Stylish guy.

... Yeah, I put the DS down immediately and came here just to comment on that. Although while I'm here...

Panties. I believe the word is "whut." o_o Sounds to me like something that creepy clinic bloke would do (speaking of him, looks like his *squidgey-squidgey* animation is back and disturbing as ever).

Also, Ema! :D It's good to see a familiar face, especially one that hasn't gone and changed so much. Although why are all the familiar faces being so uncooperative? D:

Anyhow, case is weird. I mean, a noodle stand? I kinda got the vague impression from the intro that it was the guy pulling the stand who shot the guy who wasn't, but I may be mistaken. My attention wanders. If it was, though, I guess the killer placed the body in there. But this noodle stand business is still quite mystifying right now. o.o

You know, if you'd told me the kind of mad revelations this game would feature beforehand, I would probably have had a little difficulty believing you. o.o

... Oooh, sudden thought.

I wonder if Edgey and/or Franziska put in an appearance? :D I hope they do. Especially Edgey. (Don't tell me, I want it to be a nice surprise on the offchance that they do.) I wonder what Edgey is up to these days, anyway. Probably quit prosecuting, taken up gospel singing, and developed a ballet dancing alter ego if the weirdness of the game so far is anything to go by.

Actually... that mental image just then... I don't know whether to laugh or cry. o_o;
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Dannichu said:
Firstly, he's... kinda crap, really. They set him up to be an amazing demon prosecutor and he doesn't win a single case. Ever. I mean, we always beat the others, but at least we know they were excellent and experienced and had many victories before Phoenix (except Winston, but you love him because he's so crap).
I can't help thinking that's... a bit unfair. o_O I mean, obviously he has never won a case as a prosecutor because he's a defense attorney who only prosecutes these three cases in order to try to beat the by-definition-unbeatable Phoenix Wright. We know he has plenty of prior courtroom experience from the side of the defense (Mia refers to him at the beginning of 3-4 as "the finest" attorney from Grossberg Law Offices), and it's not as if he's a pushover when playing against him, so that seems like a really... odd reason to dislike him. o.O

Dannichu said:
Secondly, and this is just be being a rabid feminist, but he seriously pissed me off with his whole "I wasn't there to protect Mia and YOU weren't there to protect Mia and wraaaargh" spiel. Mia was a strong, independent woman who didn't need anyone protecting and looking after her. Despite her obvious fanservice, I adored Mia because she was a good, respected professional and mentor, and having Godot going all chauvinist about it just pissed me off.
I can't really see the whole "You failed to protect her" as being "She can't take care of herself and needs somebody to protect her", per se. To think about a living person "She needs somebody to protect her" is condescending - to think about a dead loved one "Her death might have been prevented if this or that person had been there to help" is just trying to find someone to blame, which is what I got the impression Godot was doing. When Godot awoke from his coma and found out about the two cases (3-1 and 1-2) he basically decided, "Mia wouldn't be dead if Phoenix had been there at the time, and I wouldn't be blind and white-haired if Phoenix hadn't hidden the necklace for Dahlia; thus, it's all Phoenix's fault." Which, naturally, is a gravely faulty deduction, but seeing as Dahlia had already been taken care of, he just needed somebody else to take all his griefs out on. That and a lot of coffee.

But yes, he does have some mildly chauvinistic tendencies, and at some points he really needs a good slap. I just can't buy it reaching quite the degree of ridiculousness to honestly believe that Mia, in life, couldn't take care of herself (and if it did, I highly doubt Mia would have wanted anything to do with him).

I also agree that at the time of the conversation with Franziska, he seems especially hateful, condescending and unreasonable (even coming to the insane conclusion that Phoenix was also somehow responsible for Maya's supposed death, which makes no sense whatsoever no matter how you look at it and is obviously just Godot transferring his own feelings of guilt about it onto Phoenix and taking it out on him). Of course, at that time he has been hiding in a cold temple with no or limited coffee while bleeding out of his eye for thirty-six hours or so during which he also murdered an innocent woman he had been cooperating with, and now he has just found himself having seemingly failed to protect Maya anyway, which would make all of this be for nothing. It's a wonder the guy didn't have a nervous breakdown by that point. (Why, yes, I love thinking about just how much he's suffering. :D)

Well, in general, my liking for fictional characters tends to have very little to do with how much I'd like that character as a person in real life (hence why my favorite characters ever to write are Shadowdart the batshit insane hypocritical moral preacher, Dave the general jerk who constantly blames others for his own mistakes and Mia the irredeemable sociopath half-Scyther). I'd probably also find Godot very irritating if he existed, but since he doesn't I will just ignore it and fangirl over all that delightful suffering and pain and stress and anger and flawedness. :D

Yeah, I'll stop rambling to justify my Godot-love now.

So. I'm close to the end of the first case of Apollo Justice.

Somehow it weirds me out that Hobo!Phoenix's voice is as high-pitched as normal!Phoenix's, so his Objection sounds strange to me every time I hear it. Phoenix sure has changed a lot, hasn't he? Although while he was completely unrecognizable at first, I began to know him when he started getting all lawyery again and basically took over the trial. :D

A lot of Apollo's poses bug me at the moment, but somehow I really like the staring-at-paper one (maybe it's just because I thought Phoenix's looked weird).

It annoyed me a bit how stupid Apollo seems to be (quite a lot stupider than Phoenix was in The First Turnabout as far as I can remember, in any case).


...aaaand trial over. :D Not bad. But I mostly just want to find out more about how Phoenix lost his attorney's badge, which knowing the series will probably come out in the last case in some extremely epic way. There are four cases in Apollo Justice, right?

EDIT: ...Phoenix forging evidence? Whut? And Apollo punched him, ahaha. :D Awesome.

Wow, that was a long post.

Cryssie said:
Question of the moment: didn't Phoenix say he went up the stairs to phone the police after Olga was hit... ? Why did the recorded conversation mention that Shadi was dead if that was the case? Am I mistaken?
He called the police after Olga was hit. Then he returned to the crime scene and found Shadi dead; that's when he went upstairs again to phone Gavin.
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A long post that poor saps like me can't read D:

No one talks about the first game anymore D:

Gant is a scary, scary man. I don't like him. Okay, he's a cool character, though.

That said, I love everyone in 1-5; Lana, Ema, Angel (and her mood-swinging hair! :D), Marshall and everyone was just so great. I'd love so much for Angel or Marshall to come back.

Yup, AJ's only 4 cases long, but they're all loooong.
I like Apollo's "I look at paper" pose. It looks really... birdlike to me. For some reason.
...How have I not joined this club? *Joineth*

To basically make this an introduction post, I own all the games, and my favorite character is Maya, although Trucy and Ema tie for second place....wow, that was short.
I like Gant's theme music. Somehow it was one of my favorite things about 1-5. I also liked Ema and Lana, although Angel and Jake Marshall somehow both got on my nerves.

...speaking of Jake Marshall, I don't believe I've told you yet that I dreamt the other day that I was Phoenix Wright and had to prove Jake Marshall's innocence by proving that he was in fact a prosecutor. Which I did by showing that he lived on a little island made of Pokémon tiles and played the electric guitar. No, I have no idea either.

And YES, Apollo's looking-at-paper pose is birdlike. I think it's his stare, somehow. It makes him look like a pigeon.

EDIT: What the hell, I think I'm getting addicted to the kink meme. o_O I feel very out-of-character.
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...That dream sounds almost as insane as some of my own. Including the time the Entire cast replaced the main characters of Tales of Symphonia. Lloyd was Phoenix, Colette-Maya, Genis-Trucy(o_o) Raine-Mia, Sheena-Franziska, Kratos-Godot, Zelos-Edgeworth(O_O) Presea-Pearl-and Regal-Gumshoe...I never played those games again at the same time.

Also, the first game was awesome. I remember all the laughs...the tears...the accusations against Grossbergs sexuality...ah, memories.


I looove Jake. He's just so... so wonderfully out of place. Which I guess makes him not particularly out of place at all, given that this is Phoenix Wright.

He also named his cactus and Billy and Charley should totally hook up. :D
Oh, the kink meme. I was addicted a little while back but then I stopped. I should go look at it again. 8D

I think I had a Phoenix Wright-related dream a few days ago, but I can't remember anything about it besides that Edgeworth was in it and he was very not-himself.
...I wonder if that was the same day I drew the Edgeworth as Angel picture.

But anyway there is something more exciting, I ordered JFA and AJ today, although I still can't seem to get the first game because Ebay is the only place that I can find it, and Ebay hates me and will not work for me. But still, getting those other two will be good and I'm quite excited about it. :D

Also I wrote a little snippet of a PW fic, about Dahlia. It's not amazing but it's here, if you're interested. Extreme spoiliers for T&T, so don't read it if you haven't played that one.

EDIT: KRATOS I LOVE YOU. Edgeworth as Zelos? That is way too amazing and brilliant for words oh I love it so much.
...you really don't want to know why I drew that picture. Or the Colette-Judge picture (siiiiin!). Or this one. I guarantee it was far more retarded and out-of-character and generally convoluted for all parties involved than anything any of you could've come up with D:

Wasn't able to get to the Gamestop before it closed, but I'm going to go again tomorrow. T&T (and hopefully AJ!), you will be mine! I will not be tormented by all of your silly spoiler-filled posts any longer!
I spent about two hours yesterday browsing through the kink meme and picking out anything involving Diego or Godot (of which there was woefully little because everybody is obsessed with Phoenix/Edgeworth and some random Apollo Justice pairings). I found three answers to a prompt about Dahlia singing Diego a lullaby while the poisoned coffee slowly shuts his body down. I am a very happy Butterfree. :D
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