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Objection! (Ace Attorney fan-club)

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How can you know love PhoenixEdgeowrth, though? ;;

One of my favourite fics (which you are ABSOLUTELY NOT ALLOWED TO READ unless you've played JFA which is
about Maya meeting up with Mimi after 2-2 and I dunno why, it's really sweet and sad. Here it is.

You know what else is awesome? Yes, that's right. Genderswapping :D

(I, uh, forget who drew that, but it sure as hell wasn't me)
I was not nearly as obsessed with PhoenixEdgeworth before I read a couple of really good fanfics with them, so it might be that you have to have some... further prompting, to see it? Or something?

Arrrrrrgh spoilers. The other games need to get here because these spoilery posts and fanfics and everything are making me extremely sad. And I want to play them.

Oh, and Kratos, I don't care how stupid the situation was for drawing those pictures, they are still awesome and hilarious and I still love them. The Genis as Gunshoe one is pretty great.
Dannichu said:
How can you not love PhoenixEdgeworth, though? ;;
I have these weird reservations about picturing characters in relationships. Attempting to picture Edgeworth being romantically attracted to or having sex with anyone makes smoke come out of my ears. @-@ I just can't see it. In my mind he's stuck as firmly asexual with no attraction to anything other than logic and evidence.

Phoenix also does not really strike me as gay. Maybe it's just my lack of interest in yaoi that makes me generally disinclined to judge males to be gay, although I do see lesbians all over the place, and somehow I have the distinct feeling I'm being just about the opposite of every single other fangirl in the world ever.

Well, really, half of all characters in anything I read/watch/play ever label themselves as asexual in my head despite that it defies all odds. (Hey, most fangirls see 90% of the population as being gay, so I'm not that much worse, am I? <_<) My brain goes "lack of incredibly obvious canonical romantic feelings => asexual" and I'm not the sort of person who finds much to be an incredibly obvious indicator of feelings. Or well, they don't have to be asexual per se, but at least I don't care for exploring their love lives at all.[/ramble]

In other news: I actually managed to draw something that looked vaguely like Godot. :o It's probably just that he has no eyes; the moment I draw eyes, they end up looking nothing like the character they're supposed to be. Although I didn't scan it, unfortunately.

As for case 4-2, which I'm playing now...

Okay, I know enough to know that the younger-Kristoph-without-glasses that I just met for the first time is Klavier Gavin, and... whut. o.O What a line to introduce himself with. "HEY THERE I THINK YOU ARE GAY FOR ME :D" I'm not sure how to interpret this. Klavier has yet to be filed by sexuality in my head, but Apollo somehow gives me this "what he looks far too young to be involved with anyone!" vibe no matter how hard I try to tell myself he's... however old he is.

Also, there are hopefully more PW Pokémon sprites coming. :o

EDIT: Dannichu, that fic is cute. :D

EDIT2: Oh, dear, Apollo is freaking out over the "white powder". XD
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Personally, I ship Phoenix with Maya. I never really thought of Edgeworth as being in a relationship, except the brief Franziska/Edgey spell I had. But Phoenix and Maya just seems right to me.

Also, Gumshoe/Maggey is Adorable.
Honestly, I can see Edgeworth as both totally gay for Phoenix but in the closet about it or entirely asexual; depends on my mood, really, but I can see it from both sides.

Any other relationships can go screw themselves, of course. Really, I don't "like" PhoenixEdgeworth either; I can just see it. I've made my opinions about shipping pretty clear to most people here by now. :/

What's the matter, Animorph? My Zelos Edgeworth picture didn't freak you out?
I dunno, Phoenix and Maya's relationship seems to me like some sort of twisted mix between sibling and parent-child. They obviously care about one another a lot, but I could never see them getting together. Of course, Maya is another one of my filed-as-asexual characters, so I can't much see her with anyone. More with a woman than a man, if I actually try to think about it.

I like to think Gumshoe is obliviously bi. :D As in that he is very unusually concerned about Edgeworth, but wouldn't even think of actually interpreting it that way.

(Oh, wow, I feel even more out-of-character now that I'm actually discussing shippings. What is happening to me?)
What's the matter, Animorph? My Zelos Edgeworth picture didn't freak you out?

....It did, actually. If it had been Edgeworth wearing Zelos's clothing, however...*Shudder*

If I did have to ship Edgeworth with another man, it probably would be Gumshoe.

However, moving on to another topic, can anyone remember funny little quotes from the game.

Spaghetti in a Soda can is the one that comes to mind first. That, and when I accused Grossberg of being Redd Whites lover.
None off the top of my head, but once I misread Phoenix saying something like "What? Cold-as-ice Edgeworth?" as "cold-ass-ice Edgeworth" and was all haha, Phoenix is thinking about Edgey's ass.
Fran/Adrian is my PW OTP, but I have to admit that Maya/Fran is adorable, if not supported by canon in the least.

And I love P/E partly for the hilarious quotes ("I have... unnesesary feelings for you" or something equally hilarious), but mostly for the interactions; Phoenix changing his career entirely so he could meet Edgey, (3-5) Edgey flying across the world because Nick might be in danger, Phoenix's reponse when there's the earthquake , (2-4) Phoenix acting like a spurned girlfriend when Edgey shows up after being "dead" - especially the fact that he knew he wasn't dead, he'd sooner believe he was than think he was abandoned.

Favourite quotes...

"Adrian Andrews, I choose you!"
"No, Maya, this is SPARDA."
"Well excuuuuuse me, princess!"
"In old clowndelphia I was born and raised..."
"ARE..." "YOU...." "High! She's really high up!"

And loads of others I've forgotten.
Oh yah...memories.

"Nick, the guy at the fire department yelled at me..."
"I like a man with a big...vocabulary."
Whoever brought up the kink meme, I'm hopelessly addicted. I had one request filled, Apollo falling off Dusky Bridge with Nick rescuing him <3

It was epic and had ApolloxKlavier and it was just excellent. Have any of you read it?
I was laughing for a... while, at the "ARE..." "YOU..." "High! That girl is really high up in this picture!" quote when I was at that part in that case. XD
Oh, April.


The fact it's spelled "wonton" just makes it funnier.

"So, this one time at lawyer camp, Nick..."

I was delighted when I saw this quote but then straight away I stopped and shuddered. 'Nick I don't think that's where your badge is meant to go' came to mind D;
"I'm not a spoony bard, I'll have you know!" :D?

And what about the whole stepladder thing throughout the series?
^Ah, the spoony bard thing had me nearly crying with laughter.

And more or less anything Sal says. He's creepy as hell, but I still think he's brilliant.
"ARE..." "YOU...." "High! She's really high up!"
My personal favourite is from the same case
"She really did fly! You can see it right here in this picture...Whoooooooooosh!"

And coming in a close second is
"The fireman yelled at me when I rang him"
Ordinarily that wouldn't be funny, but with the sad sprite and voice I imagined, it was hilarious x3


"Pay the lady"
So many for 1-4 x3
And I present...


Godot the Seedot! Or maybe Can't-Seedot. :o[/lame] (Pronunciation? What's that? :D)

Yeah, the hair isn't quite how it's supposed to be, but I suck at hair. <_<

I'm at the start of the second investigation phase of case 4-2 now. Is it just me or have the games had a steady progression towards stranger and stranger character designs for minor characters?
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