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Objection! (Ace Attorney fan-club)

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...True. Apollo has been, and always will be, a dork. To the bitter end.

...However, I had been wondering why he was wearing that all the time, anyways.
well even if that's true I still think he's awesome (the only reason I thought he was a dork in the first place was (4-1) because of the whole bracelet thing but there's an explanation for it so uh.)

Ooh, hey, storytime. Okay so I was playing 4-4 and then I got that picture of Thalassa near the end and my first thought was "whut she looks like Lamiroir" so I showed my dad (who had previously helped me with 4-3, he was actually the one who figured out that that brooch [right?] was missing in the video xD) and he was like "vaguely" and I was like "the hair! the haaaaair!" and then later they were all like "hay look Lamiroir is Thalassa" and I was like "WHUT. I WAS RIGHT."

... run-on sentences are fun :D as is constantly repeating 'like' :D
Ooh, hey, storytime. Okay so I was playing 4-4 and then I got that picture of Thalassa near the end and my first thought was "whut she looks like Lamiroir" so I showed my dad (who had previously helped me with 4-3, he was actually the one who figured out that that brooch [right?] was missing in the video xD) and he was like "vaguely" and I was like "the hair! the haaaaair!" and then later they were all like "hay look Lamiroir is Thalassa" and I was like "WHUT. I WAS RIGHT."

I AGREE COMPLETELY. Spoilers for 4-4 and 4-3
I saw the picture and I was all "GAHHHHHHH NO WAI THIS IS NOT TRUE * headdesks*" because I don't really like Lamiroir because of all her stupid window thing. And I completely did NOT notice the bracelet. I BLAME THE BLURRY-EY PHOTO.

Speaking of the window/air vent thing, I swear, nobody saw that coming. I blame the mental image of the court for that one.

*was too busy playing AJ to post*
And I completely did NOT notice the bracelet. I BLAME THE BLURRY-EY PHOTO.

SAME HERE. o.O During the last part when Lamiroir/Thalassa/you had to pick the (not) guilty thing, and the sleeve fell to reveal the bracelet I was all "whut whut why does she have the bracelet" and at first I didn't quite make the connection that Lamiroir = Thalassa, I don't think. It's always like that with me, I'll miss something obvious only because the hints at it seem to be unconnected. I do that with Warriors, too. It's only when there's something that ties it all together (usually that's when someone reveals the thing) that I'm able to pick up on it. The only exception is case 3-5, when I figured out a couple things in advance, but not too far in advance.
XP I only figure out things a few seconds before Phoenix/Apollo figures it out in the crazy conversations. In 4-4, I thought the envelope was poisoned, not the stamp, and it was only when I started presenting all those random evidences in hopes of getting something right XP

Speaking of 4-4 (I'm ALMOST done with it... My DS ran out of power on me)
I was so happy when I was playing Phoenix again... I was all humming to the old musics and annoying my brother with my fangirl mode (if there's no Edgeworth, Phoenix and Gumshoe'll have to do.) Even the saving music is the same! I'm so happy~

Oh, and I completely did not get the whole MASON thing. What in the world is that anyways?! I was completely creeped out by it. The Psyche-Locks are fun though...
I squee'd when I got to play as Phoenix again. There was that snapshot of him being all lawyery, I think at the end of Apollo's first 4-4 trial, and it took me a second to realize that it was lawyer!Phoenix. xD ... It also took me a little bit to realize that the testimony music in the Phoenix trial is the same as that in AA as opposed to JFA/T&T.
Same here! I totally squealed. Like a pig. And when Gumshoe showed up. And when I had to use the fake evidence, my conscience was killing me like I was in the Engarde case... I knew that the sheet of paper was fake, but I couldn't do anything about it.... D: Also, is it just me, or is Trucy the supplier of fake evidences? I mean, she gave Apollo his blood-stained card and Phoenix his sheet of paper O.o Oh, and baby Trucy is cute. She kinda looks like Pear for some reason...

XD The Amazing Mr. Hat totally had Meekins fooled. I realized what happened when the Psyche-Locks appeared though. I actually really want Mr. Hat to show up more. He/it is awesome, and, yes, amazing.

I want Edgey baaaaaaack.....
Same here! I totally squealed. Like a pig. And when Gumshoe showed up. And when I had to use the fake evidence, my conscience was killing me like I was in the Engarde case... I knew that the sheet of paper was fake, but I couldn't do anything about it.... D: Also, is it just me, or is Trucy the supplier of fake evidences? I mean, she gave Apollo his blood-stained card and Phoenix his sheet of paper O.o Oh, and baby Trucy is cute. She kinda looks like Pear for some reason...

I want Edgey baaaaaaack.....

Stop being my twin already. xD

Gah, I did NOT want to present that paper, but I knew I had to, and I ended up having my mind screaming at the game "NO YOU IDIOTS, PHOENIX WOULDN'T FORGE EVIDENCE!"

It's all Trucy's fault that Phoenix lost the trial. ;~; Baby Trucy is adorable though.

Oh, by the way, whatever happened to Maya? I understand that AJ isn't supposed to contain many of the old characters, but what about Phoenix's last trial? Seriously, Maya should have been there...
AJ spoilers (ish)
Well, when Phoenix is in the hospital, you can examine all the mountaind of Steel Samurai DVDs and Phoenix says something to the effect of "An old friend lent these to me" and I don't know if he's talking about Maya or Edgey, but either way it's hilarious.

I loved seeing Meekins again. That man makes me laugh.

And aww baby Trucy was cute. As was baby Vera. X3
Baby Trucy =D
I love her Mr. Hat animation, because she jumps into the air so Mr. Hat can get her...hat...

And when I realized I was playing Phoenix again, I put the DS down while I regained my composure.
My only regret was that it wasn't the TT/JFA music. AA had my least favourite soundtrack D:
And I was an idiot and didn't realize that the page was a fake :(

And I love a paticular testimony line, but I can't remember the words :(
The one which ended in
Phoenix: You fail to grasp the concept of shooting people is bad, detective
There are so many hilarious quotes from that case x3


And Kristoph's Objection is awesome.
Yes, it's so awesome it needed a spoiler tag of it's own
I liked the music in AA. I think JFA's was the best, but the objection theme in T&T wasn't as... intense. It was good, but not as pacy as the other games, I thought.

Hehe, I've been having fun on the PW section of TV Tropes. I like this one:
The Chessmaster: Phoenix Wright, of all people, in the fourth game. The increase in his competence and intelligence when free from the control of the player is staggering.

Edit: Hehe, and this:

Ho Yay: Phoenix Wright and The Rival Miles Edgeworth seem to have some rather... intense... feelings about each other. On the flip side, there's Mia and Lana's "intellectual attraction" and the various weirdness surrounding Adrian Andrews.
Also, in the fourth game, some... okay, a lot between Apollo and Klavier. For example, upon meeting Apollo, Klavier says, "I must say I'm used to being inspected by the ladies... But this is the first time I've felt this way with a man."
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The first and second games have my favorite music - although I can't for the life of me remember the individual tracks very well, I felt a lot more of an instant liking to many of the themes in the first game than I did in the later ones, and a couple of themes from Justice for All I love out of my life. (The testimony/cross-examination music in T&T I especially really didn't like at all. Although I did love Godot's theme music, if only for how ridiculously out of place it sounded - it made me want to laugh every time it started.)

Most of the music in the fourth game so far is pretty forgettable, although the testimony/cross-examination theme is at least much better than the one in T&T.

Darn you, Dannichu. You made me read that entire article and half of the ones it linked to. <_<

Incidentally, I was doing math training today and managed to fall briefly asleep a few times while trying to solve a problem. Somehow I managed to spend those few seconds at a time dreaming that I was somehow trying to prove the answer in court as Phoenix Wright.

No, really. There was literally something like this:

Me/Phoenix: OBJECTION! Your Honor! What did you say n was?
The Judge: n = 1, isn't it?
Me/Phoenix: But there only appears to be one possible pair of x and y for n = 1, which contradicts the problem!

...and then, while I was half-asleep I would not be entirely sure whether I was solving the problem on paper or if I was in a courtroom, so I somehow managed to get confused about whether I could just dig up the right evidence in the Court Record or if something more was needed. I get weird when I'm half-asleep.
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Although I did love Godot's theme music, if only for how ridiculously out of place it sounded - it made me want to laugh every time it started.)

Oh, I know. It's amazing, especially on the Jazz Soundrack, but it plays at the most mood-killing times, especially at the end of 3-4 X3

Darn you, Dannichu. You made me read that entire article and half of the ones it linked to. <_<

Same here; I've been reading random stuff on that side all afternoon. God, you can jump from page to page so much. I somehow got from Phoenix Wright to 24 to Wicked (Haha, Glinda and Elphaba are mentioned on the Ho Yay page XD). Great fun.
I just finished 4-2! :o Now to go read all those spoiler tags about it.

I can't help not having liked the case very much. I do like Trucy, because she takes up Maya's role of making weird comments when you examine stuff while also actually being very useful and inventive when she needs to be (Mr. Hat's abduction, for instance). And I can't help being very amused when Klavier starts air-guitarring. I also notice that he, like Godot, is a lot more of a 'moral prosecutor' than the von Karmas and thus less of a villain. So far, at least. Of course, with that brother of his...

But yeah, most of the case was kind of irritating to me. I hope the next one is better.

EDIT: Oh, yeah, forgot to mention that this really amused me. Remember this?

Me a couple of pages back said:
...speaking of Jake Marshall, I don't believe I've told you yet that I dreamt the other day that I was Phoenix Wright and had to prove Jake Marshall's innocence by proving that he was in fact a prosecutor. Which I did by showing that he lived on a little island made of Pokémon tiles and played the electric guitar. No, I have no idea either.
Proving that he was a prosecutor by proving that he lived on an island and played the electric guitar. Note that at this time I had no clue that Klavier was a rock star, so I had no reason to connect prosecuting to playing the electric guitar, but somehow I did anyway. Mysterious! :o
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...well, I got Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, and I love it. I'm upto the last trial in the last case.

Can I join pweez?
Mysterious! :o

The Feys'll make a medium out of you yet :D

I wanted to dislike Alita, but she reminded me of Yotsuba for some reason (I think it's the four-leaf clover). Wesley can go die, though.

Am I the only one who is appallingly bad at the whole "percieving" thing?
Dannichu said:
Am I the only one who is appallingly bad at the whole "percieving" thing?
Oh, no. Well, I haven't had much opportunity to determine just how bad I am at it yet, since Trucy kindly pointed Wesley's habit out to me and you only need to perceive Alita twice, but I spent ages during the first testimony of hers I was supposed to perceive trying to spot her habit on the big sprite and being very confused when I couldn't see anything. (The whole "Look, he fiddles with the pages of his book!" which was very visible on the big sprite led me to believe that I was supposed to be able to spot it there.) Then I find it very difficult to move the vision around the way I want it to and in the extreme close-ups I can't really tell what's going on a lot of the time. I don't like this feature. D: Psyche-Locks were nice because they added some spice to the investigation phase. Are they making a return? Or is there Perception in the investigation phase now?
Nope, only in court, but some of them get very difficult. I spent ages on one of the ones in 4-3; I had no idea which part of which statement the contradiction was supposed to be on, and even after I'd looked it up, I could find it. D:
^ Same here! I usually just look at the pose -- if one's different than the others, then it's probably it. I completely missed the swallowing one from Lamoirir (sp?) and the armpit sweating one from Bushel. I was actually one the right statement, but I still spent ten minutes or so trying to look for something that seems weird before finally giving up and went looking for the right answer... *fail*

Oh! I just finished Apollo Justice, and I need to blab about it. Here I go...
WHY DIDN'T EDGEY SHOW UP WHY???!!! Ema makes me crave for Snackoos. Every time I see her munching on a few, my mouth starts to water... I wonder if there is actually a brand of snack called Snackoos, because I really want some. Now. Speaking of Ema, she nearly gave me a heart attack when she used her Kristoph voice. When Kristoph-who-is-actually-Ema appeared on the stand, I nearly dropped my DS. And her Snackoo speech amuses me, especially her conversation with Apollo in court. The Snackoo-throw sound effect's awesome, too. It makes me laugh everytime. *ka-tonk!*

I think I'll save more rants for later. Meanwhile, yes, Butterfree, Psyche-Locks are making a return. They are hard though... But Meekin's make me laugh. I can't believe he got fooled by Mr. Hat.
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